Monday, October 1, 2018

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!

"The Republicans now have free range (thanks to the Democrats) on how to vet the other side. You may think we were asleep at the switch, but we were wide awake and taking notes."

Oh, oh. Listen up you flower children. Hippies from the 60's. The children of the summer of love. You are now in deep, deep do-do. Yes, I am talking to you, you balding liberal with the skinny pony tail! All that pot you smoked, all those trysts with good old "what's her name", are about to come back and bite you on the hind end. Why? Democrats - plain and simple. They have just shortened the field - considerably. If they can go after a "goody-goody" like Judge Brett Kavanaugh and make him look like a male slut, imagine what the Republicans are going to do to the next Democrat who needs vetting.

Yes, yes, yes. Because there are so many old farts running around the halls of Congress, we are bound to find more than one Democrat who had a love affair with a bong in the 60's. And how about "Slick Willie"? Mr. "I tried pot once, but didn't inhale." I think you are confused Mr. President. You probably smoked a whole lot of that Arkansas Green and did not exhale. We are not stupid, you know. Duh!

There are more than one of us right now who are licking our chops. Our time will come. And when it does, Webster will have to redefine "vetting". In fact, the new definition of "vetting" a Democrat, will look more like an anal exam. And it is going to hurt. It is going to leave a mark. Are we capable of destroying a Democrat in the same fashion Democrats have destroyed Brett Kavanaugh and his family? Hell yes, we are! In spades!

In the good old days, before this civil war heated up, a good, decent, and qualified man like Brett Kavanaugh would have sailed through this process. But not today. Yesterday's hippies (in the Democrat Party) have become today's lovers of eugenics. Any Republican candidate who has one micron of a chance of going soft on Roe v. Wade, is declared by Democrats to be an enemy of the people.

Many Democrats have been very vocal as of late. Why? How displeased they are with Harry Reid. Why Harry? He pulled the nuclear option first. He started the fire. Now the Democrats have to live with it, and they hate it. That is, until they are in power again, then they will love it.

However (and this is a big one) - once they are in power again, they can keep their stupid nuclear option. The Republicans now have free range (thanks to the Democrats) on how to vet the other side. You may think we were asleep at the switch, but we were wide awake and taking notes.

One more thing. Remember the President while on the campaign trail saying we should "lock her up". Then after he won, in the spirit of moving on, he kind of let that drop. Look for that ball to be picked up again. Hillary and her cronies are a cornucopia of misdeeds and illegal pranks. When we start vetting her the Democrat way, batten down the hatches!

Sorry if this was a bit of a rant, or a vent, but I could not take it any longer. What is coming down the road when we get our chance is not revenge, Not vengeance. Call it justice. The Judge Roy Bean way. 


  1. Take some of that angry energy and go out and door knock for JJ.
    It will make you feel better to accomplish something and not sound like an angry Supreme Court Justice nominee berating female Senators.

  2. What we saw in Judas Kavanaugh’s performance on Capitol Hill was the dangers of worldwide masculine entitlement.
    It was a display of frat boy syndrome: the right of rich, privately educated males who club together in fraternity houses on US campuses to bully anyone who gets in the way of their collective, self-righteous, self-admiring pursuit of wealth or power.
    They are left, center and right on the political spectrum, but true to their beliefs that they are entitled, and we're not.

  3. My biggest fear has been realized......
    The progressive strategy of using sexual assault victims to bolster midterm turnout just backfired.
    Before the Kavanaugh fiasco, polls showed Republicans as less likely to vote in November than Democrats.
    The conservative base just wasn’t motivated to show up as compared to progressives.
    That is no longer the case.
    Republicans are now aflame with outrage. Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Braveheart-like performance at the Kavanaugh hearing was the most moving, to be sure, but anecdotal reading of conservative media, intellectuals and Twitter feeds confirm that the Democratic assault has awakened a Republican giant.
    Indeed, the strategy of Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein has utterly backfired.
    A Republican surge is underway.
    And if Democrats thus fall short this November, they will suffer the rightful consequences of using the victims of sexual assault to advance a political agenda.
