Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Don't even play him for a fool

"If I were a betting man, I would almost bet the house this much needed wall will be built. It is wanted and needed by the normal people who live in this country." 

The road is littered with those who have played Donald Trump to be a fool. In the real estate business in NYC, many know not to mess with Donald Trump. They respect and fear him. Play nice with him, he will play nice back. Negotiate a fair deal with him, he will live up to it. Screw him over, and he will spend boatloads of money to screw you back. Turning the other cheek, does not exist in his business paradigm. 

Because he is a patriot, in 2016 he decided to jump into the total dysfunction of Washington DC. In his mind as a CEO, he could not understand how this town could be this broken. Thus, he wanted to be President to try and fix it. He soon found out how unfixable it is. It's the cabal. The cabal which has existed now for decades.

The once legit Forth Estate (media) has turned into being anything but legit. So, the cabal are the socialists from the Democrat Party, now teamed up with their lap dog media. Together, the cabal was going to make quick work of this pretender to the throne. In other words, they played him to be the fool.

The rest is history. The man with the most unconventional style in the history of American Presidents, is getting great things done for this country, despite the best efforts of the cabal. In fact, the best chapter in this saga is about to play out. Now that Congress has set this trap for the President by only authorizing pennies on the dollar for border security, Donald Trump is about ready to outflank them once again. 

How so? He let out an "inkle" just the other day. When asked about how he was going to proceed with the wall after only getting such parsimonious funding, he looked up and said, "We have lots of money in this country. The wall is going to be built." Even though once he starts taking legit money from other sources and re-positions them for wall use, causing the Democrats start judge shopping to have him stopped, Donald Trump will be four or five moves ahead on the chess board. 

If I were a betting man, I would almost bet the house this much needed wall will be built. It is wanted and needed by the normal people who live in this country. The American Haters, who always root for the bad guys, are in for some major disappointment. Sorry about that. Sometimes the good guys in the white hats do win. As far as border security is concerned, this is one of them. 

1 comment:

  1. what would be hilarious is if Trump used his executive authority to get some money from Mexico (and I can think of a couple ways) to fund the wall.
