Friday, February 1, 2019

"Eat the Rich!!"

"I have said this dozens of times, so it must be said again. What we are seeing here is the fruits of our labor in our education system. Indoctrination instead of education."

Has anyone else noticed the shrill talk coming from many of the Leftist Presidential wannabes, as well as some of the newer nut balls we have put into Congress? What kind of shrill talk you might ask? Income inequality on steroids. The "evil rich". How we need to level the playing field, and fast. Even Howard Schultz, who is more of a traditional Democrat (can you believe it?), is almost getting laughed off the stage when he declares this new mantra as nutty.

But - Elizabeth Warren has already fired back as Schultz from Starbucks fame. "Billionaires are freeloaders" she proclaimed on the very neutral MSNBC. Now we have known for years, that many sucking off the system are known as "free riders", but rich people being "free loaders"? They are the ones who are paying almost 40% of ALL the taxes in America - whereas the "free riders" pay zero. But what do you expect from a woman who is only 1/1024th sane.

Years ago, the fringe Left had a saying about rich folk. "Eat the Rich!", whatever that meant. In any event, I am seeing a resurgence of that thinking (or lack thereof) in our country right now. AOC, the nut ball with a big mouth and google eyes, who is ALWAYS in the news these days, thinks we should tax the rich at 70%. Not to be outdone, our own nut ball from the 5th, thinks the rate should be as high as 90%.

Where do we go from here? First, BREAKING NEWS: Spartacus has just announced he is also running! One more nut ball in the jar! In any event, the Leftie cupboard is now well stocked with thieves. Thieves who want to rob from the rich and give to the special interests. 

At one time, Robin Hood would steal from the greedy rich and give to the poor. Today, the nut balls want to steal from the job creators and give to the free riders, lobbyists and special interests. Meanwhile, guess what is going to happen when we tax job creators anywhere from 70 to 90%? See ya - wouldn't want to be ya! They will leave (along with their money), the country.

Because Omar is not too bright, she does not understand that the only thing which is not turning this country into a "s*** hole", is our American system of government and economics. If she and others like her, want this country to be Third World (and that might be the plan), let's tax 100% of the people 100% of what they earn. Worked well for Karl Marx, so I am sure it will work just as well here.

Hang on tight to your wallets folks. Soon the talk of "wealth tax" will resurface. Once the commies on the Left get all of your income, they will be coming after your assets. Why? They are not yours. You must of stole them from the poor. Level the playing field.

I have said this dozens of times, so it must be said again. What we are seeing here is the fruits of our labor in our education system. Indoctrination instead of education. If these people had been educated the right way, they would see this fool's errand only leads into a box canyon. But their minds have been corrupted. And now some are in Congress. Lord help us all...  


  1. Among today's talk-radio commentary I heard the claim that the Donkeycratic Party is destroying itself. Let's gve 'em a chance; that might be the best outcome!

  2. H.L. Mencken is credited with the famous quote “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” And Democrats prove it all. the. time.

  3. Finally found the statistic I was looking for. If you simply confiscated the income of anyone making over $1 million, you would just about cover this year's federal deficit spending. And be guaranteed of getting ZERO the year following.
