Wednesday, May 29, 2019

About those flying "Tic Tacs"...

"The government is prepping us for full disclosure of what they know. Otherwise, all these Navy sightings would be classified TS or higher. Do they present danger to us? Unknown - but they have not harmed any of our Navy assets to date." 

Move over Rod Serling. Move over X-Files. Move over Stranger Things. We have a real life "stranger thing" happening right now which is slowing being revealed to John Q. Public. For just about a week now, the United States Navy has been "coming clean" about what the what has been going on off our coast lines. For reasons unknown to most, these "things" have been sighted since 2004, and are now just being revealed. What are they? Some are calling them "flying Tic Tacs". Others just call them UFOs.

The Navy has seen them off our east coast and west coast. At first uncommon, now the sightings have been very common. Like every day common. And every pilot who sees them, all report the same way. These are not aircraft like they are familiar with. How so? Hyper-sonic speeds in an instant. No wings, no vapor trail. They can zip between the upper atmosphere, to just off the surface of the ocean, to under the ocean in a heartbeat. They also can turn on a dime - a maneuver which would crush a Navy pilot. 

What is the Navy the most fearful off right now? That these things are being flown by E.T.'s cousins? Nope. That they are a new technology which has been developed by a hostile country. If that be the case, we would have zero defense against them. They make our fastest F-18 fighter jets look like they are standing still. 

However, the chance that any nation on Earth could have come up with a device which is centuries ahead of current technology, without being noticed, is about nil. Then what are they? Does our government know more than they are letting on? Duh! My belief (and please, no butterfly nets), is our government has known about these things since Roswell. Since Cape Girardeau. Since the Washington D.C. incursion of 1952. Since the never explained "Phoenix lights" event of 1997.

Let's face facts. There are just things out there which we do not understand. Heck, we still don't know what caused the now infamous "Foo Fighters" from World War II. What could these "flying Tic Tacs" be? Take your pick on theories. They are all over the internet. If not some super secret Russian flying machine, they could be extraterrestrial. Or come from Nazi bases buried deep under Antarctica. Or "us" from years in the future, after we learned the art of time travel. Or another race of beings who live deep in our unexplored oceans.

But we do know one thing. As the old west expression goes - "They ain't nothing!" Numerous pilots have seen them on numerous days. They have been "painted" on our radar screens. So they are something - and not "swamp gas" like the government told us years ago when there was another mass UFO sighting. 

The government is prepping us for full disclosure of what they know. Otherwise, all these Navy sightings would be classified TS or higher. Do they present danger to us? Unknown - but they have not harmed any of our Navy assets to date. In any event, stay tuned to this one. Whenever we find out the truth about these "Tic Tacs", it might be stranger than anything you watch on the SciFy Channel.



  1. Or maybe someone programmed them into the Matrix...

  2. My growing feeling is that they are related to a civilization that predates commonly accepted human history. The amount of evidence of such a thing is amazing, and the collective will to ignore it is intellectually inexcusable.

  3. I'm thinking one of two things, or perhaps both: "floaties" in the eye, or a bug on the windshield.

  4. Bugs on video, certainly. It would account for the astonishing speeds and maneuverability, certainly, if the bug were on the glass in front of the camera but believed to be at distance. And for the apparent blurriness (out of focus).
