Friday, August 27, 2021

Donkeys running the show

"Once the dust settles, our dead are buried, and our wounds have been licked, it will be time for impeachments, trials, and court martials. As weak and as bad as our country looked under Jimmy Carter, is NOTHING like it is today." 

Yesterday, my wife and I went to the state fair. Since retirement, we try to go on opening day. We knew it was going to rain, so we left early to come home early. No time to write my article before we left - plenty of time to do that when we got home, when it would be raining. But mid-morning yesterday, the attack in Kabul happened. The article I was going to write, seemed very insignificant. In fact, like most of us, I was just numb. I could not write anything. I knew in the following days, there would be much to say on this horrific event.

When ISIS raised its ugly head during the Obama Administration, Barry dismissed ISIS as the "JV Team". A foolish and uninformed thing to do. ISIS proved they were like having a poisonous snake in your garden. Small, yet deadly. If I could sum up this current administration, Biden, Harris, the DOD hierarchy, and the State Department - calling them the "JV Team" would be a compliment. They are so bad, so inept, they are not even on the playing field. They are in so far over their heads, it would almost be comical, if not so tragic.

Did you know, Christian missionaries have worked in Afghanistan for years, bringing people to Christ? They are HATED by the Muslims. In fact, Muslims who have left their religion to experience a true relationship with Christ, have been marked for death. Many by being burned alive. How would that work in this country? Where someone who once was a Christian (like Keith), gave that up to become a Muslim? It also goes without saying, that any Christian, converted or otherwise, is on the "list" the Taliban carry around in Afghanistan.

Why bring up the Christians? There has been zero help from our government in getting them out of Afghanistan and into a safe country (America does not want them). If not for people like Kenneth Copeland and Glenn Beck, the Christians in Afghanistan would be SOOL (S*** out of luck). But with ZERO help from the zeroes in the State Department, Beck and Copeland have managed to get 5,000 Christians out of Afghanistan.

Yesterday was a black day for our country. It did not have to be a black day. It was, because Biden and company have put us into a box canyon. Somehow, Biden has managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of a peaceful exit from Afghanistan. We are leaving this war torn country, beaten and bloodied. We are stranding an unknown number of Americans, SIV Afghans, their families, some Christians, and other friendlies. 

Fox had live programing all night. One of the former generals who was interviewed said we don't have once ounce of Commander-in-Chief expertise in this administration. All we have are preppy boys and girls, who worry more about being "woke" than right. Worry more about being "woke" than winning. 

Once the dust settles, our dead are buried, and our wounds have been licked, it will be time for impeachments, trials, and court martials. As weak and as bad as our country looked under Jimmy Carter, is NOTHING like it is today. 

I grieve for the families of the brave Marines and Navy Corpsman who died yesterday. I grieve for the brave men and women who fought in Afghanistan. I grief for those fighting men and women who came home with physical or emotional scars. And I grieve for our country, who in the past few months, has gone from a "shining city on the hill", to a toothless tiger - a toothless tiger who is dazed and confused.  


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