Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Help is on the way - (maybe)

"President Biden, I know you have never worked nor never served. If you had served, you would know that no man, no woman, ever gets left behind. No friend ever gets left behind." 

One of our favorite Christian songs these days, is one by Tobymac - Help is on the way (Maybe Midnight). For those who have not heard it, it is a song of hope for those who feel lost and abandoned. The song reminds us that God has not forgotten us. Stay faithful, stay hopeful, and help will be on the way. The song also has a very catchy beat. How catchy? When my grandson hears it on the radio, he starts singing along with it.

Why do I bring this up? Is this a Tobymac article? I wish it were. But this might not be about help being on the way. I am talking about the thousands of Americans, allied partners, and Afghan citizens, who are literally stuck behind enemy lines. Is help on the way? Have you seen how the administration has handled this mess so far? 

What is unfolding in front of our eyes is simply this. The entire world, friend and foe alike, are now seeing that our "emperor" has no clothes. Not only does he have no clothes on, he has no reasoning power either. Last night President Trump was on Hannity. Trump pulled no punches. He sounded very lucid and informed on this on this issue, unlike the jibber jab we are getting from Biden and company. 

How bad is it really? With the civilian airport surrounded by Taliban, and all the arterial roads leading into the airport controlled by the bad guys, we literally have to make a deal with the devil to get our people out. Sure would have been nice to have Bagram Air Base instead, but the bad guys have that also.

Don't worry - the new leaders of the Taliban 2.0, are soft and cuddly compared to the Taliban of old. They want to show chivalry to women, and play nice with their former enemies. Anybody who believes this crap, also believes Slo Joe never lied or cheated in his life.

We have 3,000 troops sitting around in the airport in Kabul right now. More are on the way. It would be nice to send them out looking for our people to escort them to the airport, but besides our airbase at Bagram, the bad guys have also stolen all our ammo and equipment. Maybe we could ask to borrow our equipment back again. Pretty please, with sugar on it.

How does Slo Joe really feel about Afghanistan? In 2010, when he and Obama were thinking about pulling out, someone pointed out the women could be brutalized without having a strong American presence in the country. It is reported that Biden said "Eff em. The Republicans did this to our Viet Nam allies in 1975." I wonder if that is still Slo Joe's thinking - "Eff em".

My heart, my prayers go out to the citizens of this country who have been left behind. Also to our Afghan friends and families, who have helped us over the last two decades. Finally, anyone who is a Christian is not safe. Many Islamist look at people of the cross as infidels and enemies. 

President Biden, I know you have never worked nor never served. If you had served, you would know that no man, no woman, ever gets left behind. No friend ever gets left behind. Instead of throwing invectives at these people, get off your dead butt and do something. You wanted this job damit, NOW DO IT! If you don't do your job Joseph, help will NOT be on the way. And that will be on your watch, no matter how much you want to blame Trump.


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