Thursday, August 5, 2021

Policies, born in hate

"Donald Trump reversed some of Obama's policies because they did not work well for the country. Joe Biden is reversing almost all of Trump policies not because they did not work well (they did!), but because his heart is black with hatred for Donald Trump."

I never thought I would see this in my lifetime. National polices, so screwed up, so harmful, they defy logic. And how did we get here? In 2020, the Democrats elected a feeble old man, who spent an entire lifetime warming a seat in the United States Senate, who is so tarnished by the Squad of "new Democrats", so corrupt, so hate filled towards Donald Trump, so jealous of the successes that President Trump had in four years, he has allowed hate to drive our foreign and domestic policies. Sound childish and churlish? Oh, we are way, way beyond that!

What is happening right now on our southern border - is criminal. Period. Biden should be impeached immediately, for allowing this mess to develop. It has put our nation in the direct path of a clear and present danger. Plus - day after day, we are hearing about thousands of illegals coming over the border, many infected with the Alpha, Delta and Lambda variants of Covid, and then shipped (untreated) all over the country. And why is he doing this? Because of his hatred for Donald Trump, this is just the opposite of what Trump did while President. Meanwhile, sickness, fentanyl, gangs, criminals, and what ever - are coming into our country in historic numbers.

The Governor of Texas, has issued a state of emergency, and signed an executive order to have illegal immigrants stopped and tested for disease. Governor Abbott needed to do this to protect the people, the citizens, of Texas. He understands this is the federal government's job. But Biden has abdicated that responsibility. What did Biden do in response? Did he thank Governor Abbott for helping out? Heck no. He found a Obama appointed federal judge to issue a stay. Unbelievable! 

Biden's southern border policy, the one born in hatred of Donald Trump, is sickening Americans, and killing Americans. It is also killing illegals who are here (by their understanding), at the invite of Biden and Harris. Just yesterday in Texas, an overloaded van lost control and crashed. Ten people were killed. Ten people! I can't remember a traffic accident in Minnesota where ten people were killed. But for Biden, another ten immigrant deaths were just the cost of doing business. He needs illegals to help turn red and purple states blue. That is all.

Besides allowing our country to be exposed to a clear and present danger on our southern border, his minions in the House and Senate are trying to pass crippling legislation which at best, is totally unconstitutional. At worst, is immoral. We have gone from four year of Make America Great Again, to Make America Socialist and Poor. 

We impeached Donald Trump twice for basically nothing. If we controlled the House right now, the impeachment trial of Biden would already be over, and maybe the Senate trial as well. Instead, we have a one party cabal, doing new damage to our country every day. 

Donald Trump reversed some of Obama's policies because they did not work well for the country. Joe Biden is reversing almost all of Trump policies not because they did not work well (they did!), but because his heart is black with hatred for Donald Trump. Palpable hate. Destructive hate. And that is why we have national policies born of hatred right now. SMH.   


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