Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Behold----Twitter Reborn!!!


"One more thing which comes to my mind concerning Elon Musk. He is one of these guys, who while the rest of us are playing checkers, is playing four dimensional chess. He is wizard - maybe even a genius. I am happy he came to America. I am happy he is one of us."     

What??? Twitter reborn??? Yes. For the first time in forever, Twitter will be a bastion of free speech. Well that is, according those troglodytes on the right. But the enlightened folks on the left of course - hate this. But why? Didn't Elon promise free speech for all? Including all those on the right and the left? Yes, but who cares. The left loved having folks like President Trump "shadow banned". And of course, who could forget Twitter refusing to have any tweets or information which related to "Hunter-gate". 

And what about "Hunter-gate"? Folks on the left keep telling us that it is a "nothing burger". Move along, nothing to see here. Oh, really? In a different universe, where "Hunter-gate" was exposed before the election (and allowed to be tweeted on Twitter), would it have made a difference in the election? I guess we will never know. But I do know this - with Elon Musk owning Twitter, that type of "shadow banning", on an important event like "Hunter-gate", will never happen again.

On a side note, I am a member of the chorus of patriots on the right, who is busting a gut laughing at the left - being all tied up in knots over the "new" Twitter. Elon Musk, when he first took over Tesla, was a darling of the left. Even though they did not know about his politics, the fact he did make an electric car, was wonderful! But now, he is a rat. I mean, HOW DARE HE!!! The left cannot even come close to "squaring that circle"!

What do I think about Mr. Musk? He is absolutely one of my favorite Americans. He really is. Do I think he is as conservative as someone like Donald Trump or Ted Cruz? No idea. But I do know this - Elon Musk is changing this country. He is changing it for the better. Be it space, neuroscience, satellite internet, AI technology, electric cars, battery technology, and now Twitter - Elon is changing things. He is an absolute disrupter.

One more thing which comes to my mind concerning Elon Musk. He is one of these guys, who while the rest of us are playing checkers, is playing four dimensional chess. He is wizard - maybe even a genius. I am happy he came to America. I am happy he is one of us.     


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