Thursday, April 14, 2022

Where is our energy czar when you need one?

"Our energy policy should be very simple. Everything. Renewable and fossil fuels. America is rich is talent and resources. Why a President would want to tamp that down, is beyond me. If someone has an answer to this, please let me know - before the lights go out."

Sometimes I think I am dreaming. Or should I say a nightmare. How in the world could we get ourselves into such a mucking fess with our energy? Please, someone tell me! Back in the 70's, we were so messed up, we needed to have a pro just to ferret out our energy mess. How messed up were we? Rationing. Gas lines. High prices. Fireside chats with Carter sitting by a fireplace wearing a cardigan sweater. What do we have today? Not an energy czar, but a "climate czar". And that position is held by John Kerry. Oh Scotty, please beam me up!

We need help from someone who knows what he or she is doing, and we need it now. Since it is the Easter/Passover season, I will try to say this as kindly as possible. Kerry as our Climate Czar, Granholm as our Energy Secretary, Buttigieg as Transportation Secretary, Harris as Vice President, and Biden as President - their collective knowledge on an energy policy is non-existent. Nada. Void. 

As Russia continues to use their energy as a weapon over in Europe, the free world is begging for our natural gas and oil. We have a lot of energy. And someday, we will have a lot of renewable energy to go with our fossil fuels. But right now, at this point in time, underperforming our energy policy, with every drop of oil we could harvest in our own country - is madness. We really can't wait until next January when our next Congress is sworn in. The battle for energy is right here, right now - and Russia is winning. 

History is not going to be kind to our 46th President. Not a bit. But it is not too late for him to do some things right. With his approval ratings continue to slip lower than whale dung, he has nowhere to go, but up. Why do I say that? This week, he did something which might help just a smidge by allowing the sale of E85 year round. Better known as letting the farmers burn our food program. In any event, just this token gesture, sent oil futures down. Gas dropped about a dime overnight. Just think what would happen to oil futures if Biden reversed his wrong headed policy of shutting down a million barrels of oil a day. Opened everything back up, including the Keystone Pipeline. Futures (and our energy prices) would fall like a rock.

By the way, Germany who tried to get out in front of this whole green energy movement, is in a real pickle right now. Their green energy is not yet ready for prime time, so they are stuck buying dirty oil and dirty gas from Russia. Under normal circumstances, with a normal President - we could help Germany - a lot. We could help all our Euro allies. But all we can do right now is give them lip service. The once great energy producer, the United States, has been relegated to being a fellow energy beggar. 

When the red wave comes, rather when the red tsunami comes, it is going to be a bloodbath for the Democrats. All this misery with our energy policy is going to rest at their feet. It will tattooed all over them. Indelible ink. The border, the crime, energy, taxes, debt, Afghanistan, everything - will be tattooed all over them. And they will have Joe Biden to thank for it. 

Our energy policy should be very simple. Everything. Renewable and not. America is rich is talent and resources. Why a President would want to tamp that down, is beyond me. If someone has an answer to this, please let me know - before the lights go out.

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