Tuesday, April 5, 2022

When the truth comes out...


"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

For some reason, the truth always seems to win out. The old saying which Mark Twain used frequently was, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics." Forget the statistics - let's focus on the "lies and damn lies". And as we have been taught in church, the "Father of Lies" is Satan. However, Putin might be a close second.

Also, how dumb does Putin think we are? His troops have committed unspeakable acts of mass murder in the Ukraine, maybe even genocide and/or war crimes. And yet, even though there is photographic evidence which shows the carnage, Putin is telling the world it was caused by the Ukrainian Army. Huh? Ukrainians killing their own people? Really Putin? 

No - Putin and his bloodthirsty generals did it. Period. Their fingerprints are all over it. People with their hands tied behind their backs, executed. Families killed together. Women raped. Tortured. In one month, Vladimir Putin has gone from a thug, to a mass murderer and war criminal. His reputation will never recover. His country is now considered a rogue nation. His army is as bad as the Nazis were. The truth about Ukraine, will come out sooner rather than later. 

However, we have our own kettle of fish to deal with in this country. There is a whole bunch of truth which is about to surface on the Bidens. It has been suspected for some time now. Known to some, but hidden by the media and the Deep State. Hunter Biden, his father (aka the "Big Guy"), maybe Joe's brother James, and now Chief of Staff Ron Klain. There is a lot of garbage which has been going on behind the curtain.

Joe Biden now wants to go after Putin to have him charged as a war criminal. I would feel a lot better about that effort, if Biden's hands were not soiled. Is the truth going to come out about how soiled Biden's hands are? Very probably true - especially when the Republicans take back the House and Senate. When that happens, a hard rain is going to fall. Many sins which have been committed against this country, are going to see the light of day. It might be the biggest governmental "house cleaning" since Watergate. 

For that reason alone, it might be better to have the Europeans handle the Putin issue. As we clean up our domestic mess, the Euro Zone can take care of bringing the Russians to justice. And one more thing about the truth finally coming out. So far, Putin has done a good job in keeping his population in the dark as to what is really happening in the Ukraine. But that will change. Way too many ways to get the truth inside the former "Iron Curtain". 

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely". This 19th century mottos is still as true today as it was then. What defeats power which corrupts? TRUTH! Be it Russia, be it Washington, or be it local politics, power can corrupt. We do all of us, need to be truth seekers. Since the media is also corrupted, seeking truth is our charge. There is nobody else which can do it.  

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