Tuesday, January 16, 2024

A walkout on the boss!

"How did Reagan handle the air traffic controllers when they were acting up? He fired them. Would Biden have done that? Not in a million years."      

I will say one good thing about Joe Biden. On second thought, there is no one good thing. Never mind. Did you hear what is happening today? Only in Biden's America can this happen. There is going to be a mass walkout of government workers. People who are "on the clock". They are going to walk out to express their extreme displeasure in Joe Biden. You know, "Genocide Joe" as they call him. HOW DARE HE, side with Israel! So, they are going to walk out, to teach Uncle Joe a thing or three! 

Wait - what? They can't do that! They are employees (albeit government), and they could or should get fired if they walk out. Guess what? In Biden's America, people on the left don't get fired. They don't get prosecuted. Oh really? Prove it! Remember the great insurrection of 2020 (that would be our REAL insurrection)? After the Floyd incident? How many landed in court? How many landed in prison? How many even got a slap on the wrist? Nada. Nada. Nada. I rest my case.

Yesterday, Uncle Joe served in a food shelf. For MLK Day. Good on him. Even though he believes in BHO more so than MLK, good on him. Today, it will be back to castigating Trump. Since Trump won big last night, Biden will become more and more desperate. The Biden-omics thing has fallen flat. Even one of his former aides told Biden that. Wars are breaking out all over the place. The country is being overrun by illegals. But Biden will try and make this to be Trump's fault. That is fine. Biden is helping to set the table for a historic landslide in November. Please Joe - keep comparing your dismal record to Donald Trump's record.

Back to today. The question begs to be asked, why in the world, especially those tied in with this administration, side with Hamas instead of Israel? I mean, don't most of the Jews vote blue most of the time? Yep - and therein lies the roots of Biden's conundrum. How can Biden be pro-Israel to placate this Jewish lobby, and also pro-Hamas, to satisfy the mutts in his party? This is what happens when you have no moral fiber. When you change every viewpoint you have, depending on the which way the wind blows.

How did Reagan handle the air traffic controllers when they were acting up? He fired them. Would Biden have done that? Not in a million years.      

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