Monday, January 15, 2024

Ready for the coronation

"Trump's second term should be quite something - especially if he has a friendly Congress. His learning should be quite short, as he already has the recipe on how to fix things. Things will become so much better, so fast, it will expose Biden for what a train wreck he really was." 

Okay - I will say it. So long as Donald Trump retains the type of lead he has over the rest of the pack, what a waste of time and money these primaries and caucus nights are. Some say that the race for # 2 is worth the effort and expense. Others (like me), think that maybe the race is to really see who could take a cabinet post. I will say this - baring an unforeseen health issue, or a HUGE gaffe, from which there is no recovery, Donald Trump is a slam dunk to get the nomination. And unless Biden can perform a miracle, on the scale of the Miracle of Lourdes, he is toast. Too much bad water under the bridge, as you can't run from your record.

In fact, I am so certain that we will have Donald Trump 2.0 as our next president, I have a new motto for him. Not that I minded "Make America Great Again", as it rang true. But based on what Biden has done to the country, how about "Put America Back Again". What the Trump loyalists really want, is America looking the way it did under Trump 1.0. That is all. Biden took all the goodness in what Trump had done and trashed it. He left America looking like a car wreck on the side of the road.

David Axelrod is a guy I never agreed with. But I did respect his thinking (albeit wrong). He is ringing the alarm bell about Joe Biden, and how he is setting things up for a Trump win. Plus - he is really worried about all these lawsuits against Trump. Instead of destroying Trump, they are simply lionizing him. Trump's base has never been prouder of Donald Trump. Trump has shown just by doing nothing, just how corrupt our DOJ is. Plus - what a worthless appointment, and partisan hack that Merrick Garland is.

Donald Trump was asked in a town hall meeting if he would seek retribution once sworn it. His answer was simple and to the point. "I won't have time for retribution. I will be too busy putting America back the way it was." Then Trump stopped and pondered for a second - "My success rebuilding America will be my retribution." Well said Mr. Trump - well said!

Trump's second term should be quite something - especially if he has a friendly Congress. His learning should be quite short, as he already has the recipe on how to fix things. Things will become so much better, so fast, it will expose Biden for what a train wreck he really was. 

Many are ready for the coronation. I am ready for the coronation. I am so over Barack Obama. I am so over Joe Biden. I just want Trump to "Put America Back Again".     

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