Friday, January 26, 2024

Cookbook for a civil war 2.0

"Here we are again. It has been almost two hundred years since the last time we had this kind of split. State against state, American against American. One binding Constitution, either being ignored by the federal government, or grossly misinterpreted."

This border thing. How did it start? Hatred, visceral hatred for Donald Trump. If Trump had let everyone in during his four-year term, Biden would have locked this place down tighter than a drum as soon as he was sworn in. Not even a cockroach would be able to get in. Anything Trump did, Biden did the opposite. PLUS - Biden's base really wanted about 10 million more illegals in this country to become dependable blue voters. So, that is how it started. Hatred and greed. And now we are on the cusp of a civil war because of it. 

Texas has become ground zero for the "Showdown at the OK Corral". Right down by Eagle Pass, located on the southern border. The question is simply this - does Texas have the right to declare an "invasion", even though the federal government has not? Does Texas have the right to keep illegals out of their state? Did the Supreme Court rule correctly? Or was this a miss? More questions than answers. Right now, this illegal immigration issue has exploded into a major Constitutional argument. So much so, 25 states (mostly red), are aligned with Texas. The squishy blue states have stayed loyal to the tyrant. 

Here we are again. It has been almost two hundred years since the last time we had this kind of split. State against state, American against American. One binding Constitution, either being ignored by the federal government, or grossly misinterpreted. Will the federal government federalize the national guard units for all the 25 states who are standing against Biden right now? Who will back down? Will there be blood in the streets? When Biden opened up our borders three years ago, he really did open up Pandora's Box.

This was bound to happen. If Arizona had a normal governor, AZ would be standing arm in arm with Texas. All AZ has done so far is spend a bill to Biden. Big deal. Biden will never pay it. BUT, when you ask why 25 states, most of which are not located on the border, are part of this standoff, the answer is really quite simple. With millions upon millions of illegals flooding into our country, and then being bused or flown all over the place, every state has become a border state. Even in our little corner of Minnesota, we have illegals all over the place. Do I think Biden was wrong in doing this? More than wrong - he is a traitor and should be tried as one. 

How is this going to work out? Who is going to win? Will there be any winners? Stay tuned to this one folks. History is being made. No matter how it turns out, history is being made. Just pray it does not end in bloodshed.   


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