Saturday, May 11, 2024

Way too many "Yellow Dogs"

"We have a new team heading up the RNC this year. Their highest objectives are getting out the vote and voter integrity. One of the pundits went on to say that nobody has felt the negative effects of Bidenomics more than black folk have. They feel the pain, they live the pain."

Heard an interesting analysis the other day on the news. It was about how many topics the Republicans have the edge over the Democrats on. On some topics (like border security), it is not even close. Not even in the same neighborhood. But after the pundit went through this litany of issues the Republicans are scoring high on, another pundit then took the wind out of his sails. "But the Democrats win, because they know how to get out the vote."

I was at first confused. So what, if the Democrats know how to get out the vote. Anybody in their right mind would vote on the issues, and the Republicans have an embarrassment of riches in owning the issues this year. Then it hit me. Like a cold snowball in the face on a frigid January day. Many Democrats don't give a tinker's dam about the issues. They only know one thing - pull the level for the blue team. Why? Generational voting. Yes, these people are often referred to as "Yellow Dog" Democrats.

"Yellow Dog" Democrats. I have heard about them for years. At first, I thought it was just a tall tale. But they really do exist. They will vote for Bozo the Clown or Joe Biden, rather than vote for someone on the red team who can fix things. Who can make everyone's life better. 

That gave me pause to think. If "Yellow Dog" Democrats are again going to be in play this year, what do the Republicans have? Besides the issues that is. Conservatives will stay home before they would vote for a candidate who they considered "flawed". I mean, look at what happened to Donald Trump last time around. If Republicans voted like Democrats, Trump would have easily won. But those nasty and mean tweets of Trump caused many to stay home. And then, Trump lost, and do did our country.

We have a new team heading up the RNC this year. Their highest objectives are getting out the vote and voter integrity. One of the pundits went on to say that nobody has felt the negative effects of Bidenomics more than black folk have. They feel the pain, they live the pain. But here is the fly in the ointment - due to generational voting, many blacks in the inner city are "Yellow Dog" Democrats. And they will be herded up and taken to polling places by Democrat activists. 

A ticket to success this time around? Turn many of the "Yellow Dog" Democrats into "Blue Dog" Democrats. "Blue Dog" Democrats are Democrats who vote Republican. With blue, we can win. But with yellow, we might end up with four more years of grandpa.



  1. A lot of those yellow dog democrats simply don't know of any other option. Yes, they know that Republicans exist, but thse.folks live in an echo chamber. They don't personally know a Republican or know anything about them other than what their equally under informed peers do, and their community "leaders" (e.g., the Sharptons and Jacksons) feed off that ignorance to keep themselves in positions of influence. Look at how rapper 50 Cent was taken down by his own people when he dared to think for himself that re-electing Trump might actually be good.
