Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Why does he say what he says?

"Sorry to say this Joe, but your schtick has about worn out. People are no longer buying what you are selling. Sure, you will have some Yellow Dogs still vote for you, but the Trump Blue Dog Democrats are growing in number. November cannot come soon enough. We need a change and need it now."  

If I live to be 1,000 years old, I will never be able to figure this guy out. After giving the commencement address at Morehouse College (all black college), the Wall Street Journal could only say one thing about Biden's speech in a headline - "Message to Morehouse College - America hates you". Of course that is false. But according to Joe Biden, if you are black and living in America, the deck is stacked against you. And Joe Biden, the white guy who is a lifelong member of the NAACP, is their only hope. What absolute hogwash! 

Here are the facts of life as I see them. Black folk, just like brown folk or white folk, have all been suffering under the weight of inflationary pricing for the past 3+ years. This is not a cabal against any race or creed of people - inflation hits everyone the same way. But here is a news flash for the president - many of the students at Morehouse know this fact. They can feel the inflationary pressures, every day. And they know whose policies are to blame for this inflation. Look in the mirror Joe, and you too, can see the culprit.

When Joe Biden ran for President back in 2020, he had a central theme. Donald Trump was ruining the country and was a huge divider. Joe Biden on the other hand, was the adult in the room. He had decades of Washington experience and knew how to "reach across the aisle" to get things done. Most importantly, Joe Biden sold himself as a uniter. One who could bridge the gap. So, millions of sheeple, as well as countless suburban housewives who were fed up with mean tweets, pulled the voting level for Biden. Even though the country was doing wonderful on many of the important economic metrics, and we were at peace - the country chose Biden over Trump. It turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes this country has ever made.

Since the civil rights movement, the black vote has been on the most monolithic voting blocks in American history. Over 90% of black folks always vote Democratic. But this year it is different. Yes, the majority of black folk will still vote for Biden. But Trump is getting over 20% of the black vote. And even a bigger percentage of the brown vote. Plus, thanks to the Democrats turning their backs on Israel, maybe more Jewish votes. 

With this erosion in his base, Joe Biden can see the writing on the wall. And that writing spells - loser. To try and turn this ship around, Joe is resorting to what he does best - lie to people. Tell the black folk that white supremacists are out to get them. That blacks have no chance in our society under a Republican president. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Lie like a rug, and yell while you are doing it.

Sorry to say this Joe, but your schtick has about worn out. People are no longer buying what you are selling. Sure, you will have some Yellow Dogs still vote for you, but the Trump Blue Dog Democrats are growing in number. November cannot come soon enough. We need a change and need it now.  


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