In two weeks, Donald Trump will be sworn in. Much is hoped for, much is expected. America, the land of hope, has taken on some bumps and bruises. We have been knocked down a few pegs. Dusted up. But - America is still the best thing going. That is, the America we remember.
How bad can things get in America? I think we had a glimpse of it over the past four years. Is it fixable? I sure hope so. Even though this is not the appropriate language, let me highlight just a few things. Our cities are a mess. Yes, some are messier than others. Crime, lawfare, debt, drugs, homelessness. Impolitic enough for you? Sorry. And it is not just our cities. Our nation itself is in peril.
I am absolutely certain that if Trump had not won the election, and things continued on the track they are, we would be sucked into a land war in Europe. This thing in Ukraine is now and has been for a while - a tinderbox. We have been playing with fire, as Russia is now run by a despot who has NOTHING to lose. This three-day war of his is now three years old. Any thoughts of additional expansionism would need to run into or over a NATO country. And then we would have trouble. Maybe nuclear type of trouble.
Maybe things needed to get this bad, both domestically and internationally before the American people came to their senses. Will Trump really be able to make America great or greater again? Yes, but first the broken must be fixed. The injured must be healed. This might take some time. It might take a whole lot of money. It will take some patience, as most of us know, Rome was not built in a day. Or in our case, re-built. Fixed. Restored.
There are a gaggle of YouTube articles on right now about the condition of our cities. Truthfully, they are hard to watch. As we have slept (figuratively), many of our large cities have devolved into dystopian sewers. As much as I would like to lay 100% of the blame at the feet of Biden and Harris, I can't. This has been going on for a while - for many years. I will however, lay the blame at the feet of the blue governors and mayors. They have been more than complicit - they are corrupt to the core. Crime is their drug of choice and poverty will be their legacy.
In two weeks, Donald Trump will be sworn in. Much is hoped for, much is expected. America, the land of hope, has taken on some bumps and bruises. We have been knocked down a few pegs. Dusted up. But - America is still the best thing going. That is, the America we remember.
Once upon a country, America was more than just a country, it was an idea, to be shared by all (thank you Bono). Can Donald Trump restore us to that ideal? We can only hope and pray.
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