"Hang on and hold on tight. Some things which will coming at us on the high-tech highway will amaze us. Other things will confuse us. Still other things might disturb us. But big changes are coming. As sure as the snow is melting and spring is coming, so are big changes."
Before I start, just a word about the price of eggs. Why are they so high right now? Is it Trump's fault? Of course not! But never mind the facts - the Democrats are blaming the high cost of eggs on Trump. Here is the truth - eggs might remain high for the rest of the year, until the egg producers can get their flocks of egg layers repopulated. But some of this is our fault. How? Some states have mandated that only "cage free" hens be allowed. That changes the equation. Not as easy nor cheap as restocking the old hen house. But even with that, we will get there. Just be patient.
Starting this year, keep an eye on the developments with both AI and quantum computing. What was expected to be rapidly developing technologies, are all of a sudden going to changing at light speed. Even with the changeover from AI to AGI, and some of the "spooky" results generated by the new quantum chips, the desire develop these two wonder technologies quicky are like a drug for humanity. The promises of "good" things to come have far outweighed the danger signs which have been posted by some technologists.
I have addressed this before, but not for a while. I saw a video on YouTube this weekend about the "army" of humanoid robots which are being developed by China. They looked and acted almost like humans. But they were machines, loaded up with AI. The same is happening here. More and more companies are entering the race to produce humanoid robots. Why? Are they a novelty? More than that. They are the new workforce. Some people will soon lose their jobs to machines. You think there is a howl going up from government workers who might lose their jobs to DOGE? Just wait until the machines start to replace humans.
Also, this weekend I saw a new lawnmower, which can be operated by your cell phone. It is robotic in nature and has enough battery power to mow over an acre of grass. No more getting home from work being dog tired and then having to go out and cut the grass. Now you just pull up the app on your phone, set a time to start, and by the time you get home, the grass is cut, and the robotic grass cutter is recharging. Or, in the next year or so, just have your at home humanoid robot go outside and cut the grass with a regular lawn mower.
I read an article about a well-known technologist recently. The technology changes we will see between now and 2030 will be simply amazing. Every year's changes will build upon the last year's changes. But the changes for the rest of this decade are nothing compared to what awaits us in the decade of 2030 to 2040. Those who think of terms of "today" are really thinking in terms of "yesterday". Yes, things will happen that fast.
By the way, our knowledge of physics might be changing also. How so? Physicist Michio Kaku was asked to comment about the abnormal things which were happening with some of the newer and more powerful quantum chips. He blamed the odd read outs coming from these newer machines, the "spooky" things, on parallel universes. Not there might be parallel universes - he talked about them as if they were a fact. If it is ever proven that parallel universes, or the "String Theory" are real, they will be game changers.
Hang on and hold on tight. Some things which will coming at us on the high-tech highway will amaze us. Other things will confuse us. Still other things might disturb us. But big changes are coming. As sure as the snow is melting and spring is coming, so are big changes.
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