"President Trump knew what he was getting into when he ran for president again. Does he like the country being so divided? Not a bit - but this is the current landscape in America. He knows the hatred in the Democrats - he feels it each and every day. But his love for country is stronger than the hatred he feels directed at him, his family and his voters."
I love this country. Always have, always will. But I am ashamed of part of this country. The part which divides us. And that is hatred. The hatred that one party has for the current president and those who voted for him, belies the very foundation of our melting pot - E pluribus unum. Our new motto could be I hate Trump and MAGA. Hate them so much, it affects everything they say and do. Hate them so much, it made them look small and foolish at Trump's speech on Tuesday night.
If Democrats had more of a faith-based foundation, they would realize how toxic hate is. It has been called the battery acid on our souls. Hate is destructive because it never hurts the person or people who are hated - it only hurts the hater. If more of them went to church, they would learn that. Hatred left unchecked; can actually cause medical issues within the hater. It can destroy a person from the inside out.
Tuesday night was a night for America - not for Donald Trump. President Trump just happened to be the person behind most of the wonderful things which have happened to and for our country during the past six weeks. A kid with cancer, a kid going to West Point, Gold Star families, heroes, and on and on. These were American stories.
The kid with cancer who wants to be a cop is from Houston. So is Al Green. The kid acted like a hero and was recognized for it. Al Green acted like a hateful, spoiled child and was tossed out of the room. Instead of being there to help honor this wonderful kid from his district, Al was in the other room, wearing a dunce hat.
Maybe many of the Democrats missed that lesson growing up. "Be the better person". Or the lesson we learn from going to church - "Forgive 70 times 7". Or can't they just act like adults instead of contrarians? If I say black, they say white. If I say no, they say yes. Not some of the time - all of the time.
The other day, a commonsense bill was but forward on the Senate floor regarding woman's sports. It was a simple bill - nothing complicated. All it said was biological woman should compete in woman's sports and biological men should compete in men's sports. Easy peasy. Well, not that easy for some. 100% of the Republicans voted for this "duh!" bill, and 100% of the Democrats voted against it. It this same bill had been proposed by either side twenty years ago, it would have passed 100-0. Not today - the hatred in the Democrat Party has spoiled even a biological bill like this one. Men are men, and woman are women. Period.
President Trump knew what he was getting into when he ran for president again. Does he like the country being so divided? Not a bit - but this is the current landscape in America. He knows the hatred in the Democrats - he feels it each and every day. But his love for country is stronger than the hatred he feels directed at him, his family and his voters.
Most importantly, Donald Trump feels God spared his life to fix what has been the unfixable. To make America great again. Stronger again. Healthier again. That is his purpose, that is his quest. Hatred belongs to the Democrats - not to Trump.
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