Sunday, March 9, 2025

Time to take care of all family business...


"What is Trump doing right now? Taking care of all family business. Once and for all, finish the job(s). Will things get bumpy for a while? Count on it. But each of these are big items which must come to a conclusion. Why? Promises made are promises kept." 

Oh my! Our present-day Godfather (President Trump) has issued some warnings and some final warnings. If you are a member of Hamas, and are still holding innocent people as hostages, good luck making it to summer. Or maybe even spring. Trump's final warning has gone out. "Shalom Hamas - which means either hello or good-bye. You choose". Trump wants all hostages out, or as Trump put it - "I have given Isreal everything they need to finish the job". Plus, I might add, we recently positioned some B-52 assets in the area.

We have also told Iran, who is a whisker away from making at least one nuclear bomb, that we will not tolerate it. In other words, if Iran does not stand down immediately, we (and probably Israel), will stand them down. How far away is that? Probably this summer. Israel has laid Iran bare in the last series of attacks it performed on them. With the air defenses all but gone, Iran's nukes are sitting ducks for us. 

Trump has also warned friend and foe alike, that April 2nd will be "reciprocal tariff day". In other words, if any country has a tariff on us, we will return the favor. If any country wants to manufacture in the USA, there will be no tariffs. Sounds fair, even though countries like Canada and Mexico are already squealing like stuck pigs. And soon the EU will join them. Trump is waiting to hear some logic on why reciprocal is not fair. So far - only crickets.

Finally, Trump is ready to put the pedal to the metal on the Ukraine War. He wants the mineral deal signed with Zelenskyy ASAP. He is really peeved Russia, with peace maybe on the horizon, continues to blow Ukraine to bits. Not cool - not cool at all. So, Trump is going to lay some heavy sanctions on Russia until they stop the war and participate in a cease fire. Some think this is the most dangerous phase of the war. It could go either way. Slide us into WW III or finally have some deserved peace in the region. But Trump still wants to be a peacemaker, while Putin wants to maintain being the god of war.

What is Trump doing right now? Taking care of all family business. Once and for all, finish the job(s). Will things get bumpy for a while? Count on it. But each of these are big items which must come to a conclusion. Why? Promises made are promises kept. 

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