Sunday, December 21, 2014

The dead of winter...


"And why do I still live here? Please, please, don't ask me now. Ask me in six months or so..."

Winter Solstice is upon us. What does that mean? We are now living in the dead of winter. I would like to start out by saying something positive about where we are right now in the meteorological calendar.............There - I am done. That is right. I have nothing good to say about this time of year as far as weather is concerned.

As I have aged, I now look at winter as a necessary evil we must endure to get us to spring and summer. I know, I know. On our annual trip around the sun, we must have the ying along with the yang. We must allow our brothers and sister in the southern hemisphere their turn with sun and warmth. I have been in Australia in December. It is like July in Minnesota.

This morning I was watching the news and then the weather. The weather geek was trying to put some lipstick on the 10 day forecast. He said, "More darkness, more clouds, some snow, colder, maybe a big storm the day after Christmas, and then really, really cold." There was no bright spot, no glimmer of hope. Just the "big three" coming up right after Christmas and New Year's Eve. The "big three" as defined as January, February and March. Three months of darkness, cold and hassle.

Yesterday I added to my wood supply and ran by snow removal equipment for a while. This is the calm before the storm. The other day we received a Christmas card from friends who now winter just north of Miami Beach. They sent a picture of them standing on the beach in summer togs this time of year. I almost "unfriended" them! Living part of the year where one can actually get outside and do stuff is sounding more and more alluring all the time. A friend I worked with years ago who transferred here from San Francisco was so frustrated after her second winter she said, "The only thing you can grow in Minnesota is older, colder and fatter."

So enough complaining about the weather. Every once in a while I just need to vent. We will go to church this morning, come home and watch football. We are ready for Christmas, and as usual, it will be a wonderful time of year. As for the weather, the final word the weather geek said this morning was, "This is Minnesota, we all know the drill." Yes Mr. Weatherperson, we do know the drill. However, it just does not make it any easier this time of year. 

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