Monday, October 25, 2021

A witch's brew is a coming...

"It is almost Halloween. Good time to have a witch's cauldron going in the background. Me? I like the cauldron in Macbeth better. But that was then, and this is now. Good luck to all us this week. Things could start to get very rocky. And very scary too."  

According to the press releases, the deal is actually getting closer. It appears that Kyrsten Sinema is going to get her wish. The Trump tax cuts should stay pretty much intact, and the corporate tax rate will not be raised (as the rumors go).

And Joe Manchin will have a package which will be heavy, but not a back breaker (as the rumors go). What is in this package? The usual Democrat recipe - eye of newt, toe of a frog, wool of a bat, and so forth. To equate this with today's language, everything which can wreck or cripple an economy.

But the best part, is how Joe Manchin (whom I thought was a pretty sharp cookie at one point in time), got hoodwinked into agreeing to a "wealth tax". But don't worry - this "wealth tax", which will be on on only billionaires. It will tax the unrealized income on all capital gains on the liquid assets of those super rich slobs. But who cares? It will only be on those people whose income has all those zeroes. This will be kind of like with the income tax started. That tax was only going to be on the rich people. Fooled ya!

As soon as we start to hammer the super investors in our economy, that is when our real trouble will begin. Super investors are not stupid investors. They can very easily pick up their marbles and play someplace else. So be it. But - now that the die is cast on how to tax wealth, and not income. We don't need those rich slobs anymore. We can now tax EVERYBODY on their wealth. That is where the real wealth in this nation resides. All those trillions in IRA accounts and 401k dollars? They now belong to the Build Back Better  (Great Reset) account of Joe Biden.

I am sorry that I have to quote Forrest Gump once again when it comes to taking about the financial prowess of the Democrats. Well, there ain't none. In fact is, "Stupid is as stupid does." Killing the investment ability of our most wealthy, is really killing our Golden Goose. Our job creators. But in the torted mind of the Democrats, wealthy Republicans look like the guy from the board game Monopoly. Republicans are just out to screw the little guy. Give me a break.

The Democrats are doing a full court press to give Biden anything, ANYTHING, before he goes overseas to talk "climate change". Having this witch's cauldron of goo passed and signed into law before he leaves, will give him immense gravitas with the Euros. But for the rest of us, who will have to live with this pile of excrement - can only wait and hope until November of 2022. That is when the adults (hopefully), will be running the House and Senate again.

It is almost Halloween. Good time to have a witch's cauldron going in the background. Me? I like the cauldron in Macbeth better. But that was then, and this is now. Good luck to all us this week. Things could start to get very rocky. And very scary too.