Saturday, October 30, 2021

Mentally, Physically, Spiritually UNFIT to Serve

"Some have said Biden is only a figure head. A puppet being played by unseen power brokers. The real rot lies deep within the socialist wing of the Democrat Party."

One of my long time friends recently accused me of having a strong hatred of Joe Biden. Not true. I hate no man (nor woman). It would be a major sin in my faith to do so. I do however, HATE what he is doing to our beloved country. Then the thought hit me, although it is not that profound. In the military, you can be relieved instantly if you are deemed not fit to serve. This President is not fit to serve. Not mentally. Not physically. Not spiritually. And because of that, our country, and our Constitution are being shredded. 

Mentally - Nobody in their right mind would do what Joe Biden has done to our country. Some things are inexplicable to the normal person. Like, Biden has idled 1/3 of our domestic oil wells. And he wonders why the price of gas is so high. Blames OPEC and the oil companies. Next, Biden is offering a half million dollars per person to every illegal immigrant who was temporarily separated from their family. Blames having 2 million immigrants coming over the border this year on Donald Trump. Huh? Next, Biden leaving billions of dollars worth of fighting equipment, hundreds of Americans, and thousands of allies, in harm's way during our retreat from Afghanistan. Why? Unknown, and again inexplicable. Once again, blames Donald Trump. Then, Biden mandating organizations of over 100 people must have everyone be vaccinated.  Even for people who have natural immunity, with a high antibody count. Many people, some heroes, have already been terminated. Some have quit. What a mess.

Physically - When Donald Trump had a minor stumble at an event, the press went wild. They said he had some hidden physical problem, maybe MS, and because of that, might be unfit to serve. Joe Biden stumbles three times going up the stairs to Air Force One, and - crickets from the press. My take on what happened? Stumble once, no big deal. Could happen to anyone, at any age. Stumble twice? That should give one pause to think. Three times? The WH physician should have insisted Biden go to Walter Reed to be checked out. Here is the bottom line. Joe Biden has not aged well. He has dementia (I know - that could have gone in the paragraph above), and zero energy. He is a man whose time has come and gone. He should be the one resting in Mar-a-lago, watching sea gulls play in the ocean. And Donald Trump should be running the country.

Spiritually - "I might be the most religious person ever to live in the White House", Joe Biden said shortly after being sworn into office. A couple of things - first, people in the faith, the Christian faith, never call their faith a "religion". It is a relationship with Jesus. Next, (and I have heard this from my Catholic friends) - you can't be a true Catholic and support the killing of the unborn. Just yesterday, I heard Bill O'Reilly say the same thing on the radio (O'Reilly is a strong Catholic). How Biden got a pass from the Pope the other day on supporting abortion is a head scratcher. Putting that aside, I expect our President to protect the lives of ALL Americans - those living outside the womb, as well as those living inside the womb. Period.

Joe Biden is unfit to serve. He is not fit in any category. Note, I did not blame him for the supply chain crisis. He is only partially responsible for that mess. That being said, if Donald Trump was still our President, he would be all over that issue like white on rice. Biden on the other hand, is just a spectator. 

Some have said Biden is only a figure head. A puppet being played by unseen power brokers. The real rot lies deep within the socialist wing of the Democrat Party. But Biden is the face of America right now, to many around the world. All they can see, is a confused old man, who is literally falling apart. And that can be equated to American weakness. Not a pretty sight.       

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