Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The morning after

"I would love to say we need to recruit better people to run for office, but the people we did have this time were excellent. The cream of the crop. I would like to say their message was crap, but it was not. The message and the messaging were both excellent. This, in my opinion, was not the problem. Not even a little bit."

Where do I even begin. I still feel numb - like this whole thing was a bad dream. But it was not. It is our new reality. So, gut check time. Three options. Move to another state. That is risky as we saw how close Florida came last night to going blue. And Wisconsin has now lost their guardian of the tax payer. Assimilate. Just like with the Borg, become one of the mind numbed robots. Spit the red pill out and take the bill pill. Accept the fact we are now a conquered people. Fight. Do a lessons learned on what the heck just happened. Determine if there is any way on this green Earth we can turn this thing around in 2020 and 2022.

First, trying to look back, and reconstruct the scene of the accident. I would love to put the blame solely on the perpetual voter fraud this state endures, due in large part to our flimsy "same day registration". But it goes deeper than that. So I will call them as I see them this morning:

  • Money - after working on the Jeff Johnson campaign for his two governor races, he was plagued with money problems both times. This time, not as bad as the first time, but it was still a big issue. And, besides for Jeff, all the folks running for constitutional offices plus, our two Senate candidates, were vastly outspent by the Blue Machine. Lots and lots of outside money poured in. Union money. As much as the Democrats squeal about Citizens United and how unfair it is, their money flows into like a swollen river. Heck, Beto O'Rourke got over $70M in his race against Cruz - mostly from Hollywood. Until the Republicans can figure out how to establish parity on this issue, they will continue to be at a big disadvantage.
  • Demographics - "Ye have reaped what ye has sown." Right now we have tens of thousands of young people running around the landscape, old enough to vote, who do not know a dit from a "duh". Education Minnesota has done a stellar job in turning our young people into mind numbed robots. Into brainless snowflakes. They listen to charlatans like Obama and Walz, and the almost go into a hypnotic trance. "Free stuff?" "Socialism?" Critical thinking has been replaced with group think. Soon, we will need to establish a "Department of Feelings", so we can help these poor souls cope with life.
  • Immigration - Not much here to say. Again, most of us already know this. With 100,000 Somali refugees living in Cedar Riverside and the St. Cloud area, is there any reason to question why Omar is now going to serve in the United States House? Every election, the Somalis line up to vote in a blue, monolithic block. But what about this thing being Omar being married to her brother? Or the fraud committed to become a citizen? Who cares. This is historic. Besides (her words), she is going to get to Washington to "confront Trump".
  • Sex - I am now going to go where angels fear to tread. To some, this will sound very sexist, but the facts speak for themselves. What in the hell is wrong with the women in this state? Or for that matter, this country? The percentage of women who vote blue is not a little bit higher than the ones who vote red - it is double digits higher. Why? Many pundits say that women vote with their feelings more than their brains. If I were a woman, I would find that insulting. However - I will point this out. Kavanaugh and Ellison. For the life of me, I can't understand why so many women wailed and gnashed their teeth over the unsubstantiated rumors about Justice Kavanaugh, and then turned a deaf ear to much greater proof about Ellison. "Me too"? Bulls**t!
  • The Twin Cities -  What can I say that most of us don't already know. For years, the conspiracy theorists said there is a "mystery planet" roaming around the solar system named Nibiru. I think we have now found that mystery plant - it is in clear view only a few miles from us. The Twin Cities is so different than the rest of the state, it is like planet Nibiru. The population in the Twin Cities has sky high percentage of "takers", and very few "makers". The "takers" are the ones who pay no INCOME taxes. The ones who will vote for Bozo the Clown, if he had a "D" behind his name. True Yellow Dog Democrats, The Twin Cities are to Minnesota, what California is to the nation. They don't like, nor understand the rest of us, and the feeling is mutual. Today, rather than going in the cities as being an exciting and fun time, most look at going there with the same enthusiasm as getting a colonoscopy. 
I would love to say we need to recruit better people to run for office, but the people we did have this time were excellent. The cream of the crop. I would like to say their message was crap, but it was not. The message and the messaging were both excellent. This, in my opinion, was not the problem. Not even a little bit.

That is all I have for this morning. It is hard to think, hard to write. As the sand starts to settle, and more of this starts making some sense, there will be more. Until then, I am going to cocoon for the day and make a nice fire. Out for now...



  1. Senators McConnell will still be able to prevent or allow votes in the Senate as will Senator Gazelka in MN.
    This should stymie any weird snowflake legislation that comes from the Democratic House's.
    Don't be to concerned, your guy still has Executive Orders (his preferred method of governing) and the Supreme Court can start rolling the country back to the 19th Century.
    Racism and Anti-immigration forces are still alive and well in the US.
    Environment is being destroyed by Pruitt and Zinke and their oil friends. Schools ruined by DeVos.
    All is in order for the GOP.
    And remember, the Democrats still don't have any viable candidate to face Trump in 2020.
    ps. Sorry your JJ lost, he was the only Republican I voted for.

  2. The GOP could have turned the tide with just one 15-second TV ad,played on all channels several times a day. It would say "Democrats spent over $40 MILLION just in Minnesota, on negative ads telling lies about Republicans." Don't reward that.

    1. In AZ, the RNC and 45 ran positive ads about their accomplishments and were so well produced and I'm sure we'll received. It was a pleasant change from MN, and I'm a snowflake.
