Sunday, January 12, 2020

Can Iran come back to us?

"I see Iran being ripe for revolution right now. Anything we can do to help the rebellion would be great. Rather than us cutting the head off the snake, it would be so much better for the people of Iran to take back their own country."

Just over 40 years ago, the wheels came off the country of Iran. Why? Maybe part of it was the Shah's fault. Living too large while the rest of the country did not. Maybe part of it was the university's fault by teaching false history. In any event, the country decided to cast off its love for the 20th century, adopt a theocracy, and venture back into the 8th century. It seems that even though hidden well from the world press, there is an undercurrent of dissent in Iran. Seems many of the folks with long memories, plus some of the young ones with no memories, want Iran put back the way it once was.

Iran's theocratic leadership decided long ago, their calling card would be state sponsored terrorism. And they have done it well. Too well. So well in fact, their military got a bit trigger happy using some Russian made surface to air missiles, right after the missile attack on some Iraqi bases housing Americans. Even though this missile attack did not hurt or kill any Americans, they did shoot down an Ukraine airliner shortly after takeoff. It was loaded with innocent passengers. Not only were 63 Canadians killed in the crash of this plane, but also a dozen or so students from the university. 

I know, I know - accidents happen. It happened with us, when the USS Vincennes accidentally shot down a Iranian passenger jet in 1988. We did a mea culpa to the Iranians, and paid the families of the victims compensation. But this was different. It certainly was different to the students in Iran. This corrupt government of theirs, who is giving them nothing but misery right now due to the sanctions imposed by the United States and a few other bold other countries, killed innocent Iranian students. For many in Iran, enough is enough!

For patriots in this country, for lovers of freedom and liberty world wide, the past few months have been exhilarating. Why? Look at the young people in Hong Kong. By definition, Chinese residents. They want NO PART of the corrupt government in China. They want freedom. They want freedom the United States way. Why else would they be carrying our flags and singing our anthem while protesting? And now Iran. With the protests of freedom loving young people in that country, a ray of hope has appeared. 

What does this tell us? The jack booted theocracy in Iran, and the jack booted communist dictatorship in China does not sit well with many. One of the reasons Ronald Reagan thought it was important for the world see us as the "shining city on the hill", is for freedom to be seen for what it is. There is no reason for any people to be subjugated to an oppressive government. Why? All men (and women), are born free. Someone just has to take that freedom away from them. Or, as in many cases, that freedom is surrendered by a people to a heartless and ruthless government. 

Those who are anti-Second Amendment, pay attention - this part is for you. When we look over the world, as well as looking back in history, most brutal dictatorships start out by "un-evening" the odds. And the best way to do that, is to disarm the public. Our Founders knew that would always be the case. That is why the Second Amendment was put in our founding documents. That is why it is the ONLY article which has the caveat, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".

I see Iran being ripe for revolution right now. Anything we can do to help the rebellion would be great. Rather than us cutting the head off the snake, it would be so much better for the people to take back their own country. A free Iran would take the temperature in the Middle East down about a hundred degrees. The world needs that. We need that. And Iran needs that.    


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