Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Bring us together - again?

"The only news we have heard about April so far as been from the President's Medical Task Force. They said the next two weeks are going to be grim. Horrible. It will be the long dreaded "spike". It will be a cut across the country, but a dagger in the heart of New York." 

I don't know about anyone else, but I am getting very tired of this social distancing. Why? Like most of us, I am a relational human being. I like people. I like talking to people. Even though the President wants to make this taboo, I still like shaking hands with some people. And - I do like to hug on occasion. However, with social distancing, I need to treat most others like they have leprosy. And many others treat me like I have leprosy. I hate it.

Right now, for those of us who are following government guidelines, we are stuck in silos. Telephones, email, social media, Zoom - anything but face to face. That is - unless you are at least six feet from others. Pretty hard to keep a safe distance at a crowded store. Or on a bus. Or on a train. Or on a plane.

Now that we have entered the non-month of April, we are ready for more of the nothingness. The only news we have heard about April so far as been from the President's Medical Task Force. They said the next two weeks are going to be grim. Horrible. It will be the long dreaded "spike". It will be a cut across the country, but a dagger in the heart of New York. Why New York? My opinion? Way too many people living in way too little real estate to practice proper social distancing. By the time most got the message, the die had been cast. 

Speaking of New York, the often photographed Governor of New York actually said something I totally agree with. He said ever since day one, New York had been playing defense with this virus. Catch up. This is why COVID - 19 is causing havoc in NYC. Until New York can get on top of this thing and start playing offense, New York is in for some tough times. 

The other day, someone said, "When can we go back to normal. Getting together as friends, sitting by each other, going out to eat together." That is a great question. When can we be brought back together? Even though it was in January, it just seems like yesterday that we had a gathering at our house with three other couples. We sat close to each other to chat, we sat close to each other to eat, we all hugged and shook hands when it was time to leave. Now that time seems like another lifetime ago. 

Getting back to normal is getting back to our collective normal. First we need to finish this fight. "Get on top of this thing", as Governor Cuomo stated. Then hopefully, at some point this year, our social distancing can go back to something more like it was before COVID - 19. And I do mean - hopefully.  

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