Thursday, April 9, 2020

Sentenced to serve...

"Truthfully - I can see him giving the exact same pitch (speech) again towards the end of the month (April)." 

Anybody here ever done an STS (Sentence to Serve)? Never mind - don't answer that! Anyone here ever heard of that program? I have. For minor infractions, often times the judge will give you an option. Jail (workhouse) time, or picking up some trash (or something like that) with no jail time. I have never been on a Sentence to Serve program. That is, until now. I am locked up in my home.

Now that I am a senior citizen, two things have happened to me. First, I know my way around the block. In other words, long before the overlord told me I should stay at home and keep a social distance, and not to gather - I knew it. Second, as a senior citizen, I know we are a tad more susceptible than younger folks are to catching COVID - 19, as well as having a tougher recovery. So most of us are by nature, more careful.

For years, I have heard how smart Minnesota people are. I agree, many that I know are. Minnesotans have shown that once again, by having the lowest infection rate (per capita) in the country. But here was the problem with the Walz presser yesterday. There was no upside for those who need to bring in a paycheck. Walz, like so many of the other Democrat overlords we have running around the nation, have NO CLUE of what it is like to employee people. Or to work in the private sector. To them, money just grows on trees in St. Paul or Washington.

Truthfully - I can see him giving the exact same pitch (speech) again towards the end of the month (April). "We have really flattened the curve, and we don't want to take a chance of having a spike. Therefore, by the imperial law vested within me, the STS is extended out to May 15th." Meanwhile, small businesses all over town are going belly up. 

Here is the bottom line. Are Minnesotans smart? Yes, on everything except politics. We know how to operate in a home environment, and also a work environment. We get it. We know how to open things up again without turning us into a Michigan or New York. Ryan Winkler may give the voice of truth his middle finger, but our side does not. And we don't need an overlord like Walz, telling us how to do common sense things. SMH...

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