Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Second Wave? Or there goes summer...

"Our big blue marble will have to take second fiddle to this nasty virus. In fact, I am going to step up my carbon footprint by doing some badly needed burning. Sorry Gaia. It has to be done. We still love you, but - life needs to go on." 

Everybody I know is trying their best to stay positive right now. In the 91 days since this COVID BS has breached our shores, our lives have gone from normal to abnormal and then more so. But everyone's hopes are pinned on the month of May right now. Getting back to work (with conditions). Getting outside to garden, and taking care of the lawn. Going for walks or bike rides. Maybe even going to church again. But then - the medical "experts" have start talking about the dreaded "second wave".

I like most of us, have no clue on what this "second wave" is. Except for what we have been told. That it will be nastier than the wave we are currently in. And this current wave has done a job on us. It has not only brought our economy to a stand still, it has disrupted most every part of our normal lives.

To make matters worse, this current wave is also causing parts of our summer to evaporate - even before they happen. Some counties are closing their beaches for the year. Cancelling Fourth of July celebrations. Many of us fear the State Fair will be the next big item on the chopping block.

Yesterday, was the first day I went grocery shopping in a while. I was wearing the mask my wife had made for me (no - not the plague mask!). Our daughters have been doing our shopping for us, and my wife and I appreciate it fully. But it is time to start living again. I went to Cub with other citizens to buy some goods. About 2/3 were masked up. Everyone was giving others a wide berth. The store was still a bit picked over, but looking better than the last time I was there a few weeks ago. Our new motto in grocery shopping is to get what you can, when you can, how you can. 

I started thinking, if this is the new abnormal normal, what will our lives be like if or when the "second wave" hits? Are we going to be relegated back to our basements, cowering like scared children again? The patriots I know, are not very good at playing duck and cover. They are not very good at hiding. In fact, they have already had it with this COVID BS, and want to get back to work, and live their lives again. They understand this risk vs. reward thing better than most. And to live their lives again, they are ready to take on more risk.

One thing we have found out about this current wave, which is a certainty, is very troubling. About half the folks who have died in this state, lived in long term care facilities. Many in their 80's. The national news is reporting that other states are also having this problem. If and when this "second wave" hits, we really need to step up our game on how we protect the most vulnerable of us. Of all the things we have failed at during this current wave, this has been the worse.

Today, it is going to be in the 60's or maybe even 70 with sunshine. Good day to do some yard work as well as getting some badly needed Vitamin D. I know, I know. It is Earth Day. Number 50 or so. Big whoop. Our big blue marble will have to take second fiddle to this nasty virus. In fact, I am going to step up my carbon footprint by doing some badly needed burning. Sorry Gaia. It has to be done. We still love you, but - life needs to go on. 

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