Sunday, April 26, 2020

Good for the goose, good for the gander...

"Good for the goose, good for the gander? I think so. If America was founded on fear, there would be no America today. Time to get back in the game. Time to send China a bill." 

Yesterday, there was a flotilla of boats, protesting the governor in NJ. Why is that? Their dip weed governor, will not let them work. Not let them fish. He said they were non-essential, and therefore grounded them. WTH? Would they not be socially distanced from the fish they caught? Meanwhile, the cherished few in the NY metro complex who are blessed enough to have "essential" jobs, still ride to work in subways, crammed in like sardines. What planet is this? I mean, this is beyond stupid.

16,500 have died in NY, with most of the deaths happening in NYC. In NJ, almost 6,000 have died, with many of those deaths occurring around the NYC metroplex. What am I saying? We can preach social distancing until we are blue in the face, and yet when humanity is shoved into an ancient subway system, a city bus, or a commuter train - all bets are off. Social distancing becomes inches, not the mandatory six feet.  

What is good for the goose, should also be good for the gander. If we are going to enforce "stay at home" laws as well as proper social distancing, the lefties are going to have to part with their precious mass transit. A health professional in the NY area was asked how "dirty" a subway car was. Dirty, meaning full of COVID - 19 viruses. "Beyond description", he said. "COVID -19 viruses can live for hours on a subway car, infecting many." Meanwhile, as we are standing on our heads to give others the necessary space and space bubble, it is Katy bar the door when we take mass transit. 

What are you saying Bird, that we should shut down mass transit until we can get a handle on this thing? That is exactly what I am saying - sort of. What I really am saying is this - either open everything back up (like normal), and have whomever wants to ride mass transit (like normal). Or - if we are not opened up for normal, then shut down mass transit. Again, good for the goose, good for the gander. 

Or - we could face reality. And reality is simply this. In Minnesota, most deaths have occurred at long term care facilities. Fact. A tragic fact, but never-the-less, a fact. Even with many older and/or infirmed folks dying from this disease, we still have lost a very small fraction of a percent to COVID - 19. A half million Americans die every year from smoking related issues, and we hear nary a peep about that statistic. COVID is a killer for sure (with some people), but is still a minor league killer compared to other diseases which plague our land.

Americans are ready to move on. Except for some governors (like Walz, Evers, and Whitmer - just to name a few), the majority of us are saying enough is enough. Time to get back to living. Time to earn a living, once again. Time to enjoy, not cancel, summer. AND - it is time to figure out how to keep this disease out of facilities which house our most fragile.

Good for the goose, good for the gander? I think so. If America was founded on fear, there would be no America today. Time to get back in the game. Time to send China a bill. Time to get ready for beaches, fairs and summer vacations. Time to come out of the bunker, and live bravely once again.   

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