Sunday, September 6, 2020

A house divided...

"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."

Matthew 12:25

Some have recently said they are very worried about what our nation will look like on November 4th. That this election, can be the final fracture. The fracture which will split this nation in two. I have thought about that as of late. Like, how much worse (sans all out gun warfare), can it get? In my book, this nation is now either at the tipping point, or sadly, just past that point. What happens on November 3rd might just be the exclamation mark, to a very sad part of our nation's developing history.

The Word says in Matthew 12:25, ..."Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand." For those who believe in the Living Christ, those were His words. For those who do not, those words probably don't matter. The point being is simply this - our nation, this great American Experiment, was founded on a firm foundation of faith in God as well as belief in liberty and freedom. The rights we enjoy, are not government granted rights - they are God given rights. Always have been, always will be.

For reasons unknown to many of us, the Democrat socialists have decided to eschew any belief in God. In fact, God gets in their way so much, and in so many ways, they want to write Him out of their platform. That is a bad, bad idea. Once a nation turns its back on God, His blessings will stop. When that happens, our country once known as America, will become nothing more than pagans and hedonists fighting against each other over the spoils of war. This once golden land will become scorched Earth. And the world will enter a very dark period.

Does it have to come to this? Are we in fact, doomed? I don't believe this dystopian future is a certainty. However, I think it is indeed very possible, if we are not careful in where we tread. If we vote for the secular humanists, who worship man instead of God, then our future will be set. 

Many believe Donald Trump was meant to be our President in 2016. That he was a Godsend. But wait - Trump is a flawed man. Why would God use a flawed man to save America? The Holy Bible is replete with stories of God using flawed people to accomplish His purpose. And Donald Trump has been under constant attack since taking his oath. He is still under attack today. He will be under attack until November 3rd. Lies, falsehoods, and half truths. Spiritual warfare, 101.

We need to pray for our President. We need to pray for our country. Satan would love to have our country ripped to shreds. We need to pray Donald Trump is re-elected. It is not Joe Biden I am worried about - it is the evil which is behind him. We cannot let evil rule and then ruin our country. Not now, not ever. For those who do not believe in spiritual warfare, need only to look around. It is here, it is real, it is trying to destroy us.  

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