Monday, September 14, 2020

Young Twerking

"If you wonder why so many of our young kids are screwed up today, it is for reasons like this. We are sexualizing our youth. Why? No clue - but I do know it is wrong." 

Hey Netflix! What's up? Have you lost your marbles? You seem to have gone from a nice, mostly family friendly venue, to something which is becoming political and salacious. It seems your new offering, the wrongly produced "Cuties", is going over like a "fart in church" with many of your customers. I mean, if soft core kiddie porn is what someone wants to view, I am sure there are places on the dark web in which to endeavor.

This is hard for me, because what I am writing about this morning, is anecdotal. To do honest reporting, I should have watched it first. But I could not. As the father of two girls and one granddaughter, watching trash like "Cuties" would have just been sick and wrong for me to do. Besides all of which, I did not want to give Netflix the idea that one more person turned on to watch this garbage.

Netflix started coming under the microscope last year when they signed up both of the Obama's to write some original material for them. Some folks I know, threw in the towel when that happened, and canceled. I mean, after eight years, most conservatives and patriots had about enough of these two phonies. In any event, that was strike one.

But strike two happened when Netflix decided to go kiddie porn. I have tried to figure this one out. What in the world was going on in their thinking process? The rumor floating around the CEO of Netflix (Reed Hastings) was arrested on child porn charges - is false. I checked that out to the best of my ability, and could not find any credible sources on it. Then the question becomes, "why"? Whose bright idea was it to produce, and offer a show with young girls twerking. And from what I have heard, very sexy twerking at that.

If you wonder why so many of our young kids are screwed up today, it is for reasons like this. We are sexualizing our youth. Why? No clue - but I do know it is wrong. Organizations like NAMBLA (National Association of Man and Boy Love Association) are trying to get some forms of pedophilia legalized. Talk to some former Boy Scouts who were molested by an adult scout master, and see how that has worked out for them.

Netflix - pull the plug on "Cuties" before enough customers pull their plug to bankrupt you. Fess up, this was a bad, bad idea. And stick to reruns of shows gone by. That is what made you famous. That is your bread and butter. Certainly not kiddie porn. 

1 comment:

  1. Simple enough to cancel and use Amazon Prime and CBS all access for your viewing pleasure.
