Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tales from La-La Land

"It is an odds on favorite, that by this time next week, we will have Amy Comey Barrett as the next SCOTUS nominee. The blue clad minions on the other side of logic, already is following the Evil Queen's dictates."

"We have more arrows in our quiver!" shouted the Evil Queen from the burned out land, once known as the Golden State. "Don't you dare, even TRY to nominate someone to fill this SCOTUS vacancy!" Wow, I was thinking - is she all alone in this torted thinking? I mean, the Constitution that the Evil Queen took an oath to support and follow, specifically states the President has the legal and moral right to fill that open vacancy. No, the Evil Queen is not all alone in this depraved thinking. The Evil Queen's hatred of the Orange Man is palpable. Plus - the Evil Queen has the support of millions of her blue clad minions, who also hate the Orange Man with a passion.

Yesterday on social media, there was a short video of one of the Evil Queen's blue clad minions being triggered. Triggered? How? Seems she drove by a pro life sign, and seeing that sign, on top of RBG dying, was too much. Way, way too much. She devolved into screaming, crying, and gnashing of the teeth. 

How could that young lady have been triggered by a pro life sign? The Evil Queen and her court of twisted jesters, have convinced the gullible, that life is bad, and death is good for the unborn. Instead of celebrating the birth of children as most civilized countries do, the blue clad minions now look upon unborn babies as tumors to be extracted. Only in La-La Land, where the Evil Queen has any standing, can this upside down thinking prevail.

It is an odds on favorite, that by this time next week, we will have Amy Comey Barrett as the next SCOTUS nominee. The blue clad minions who live on the other side of logic, already are following the Evil Queen's dictates. They are already shouting in unison, "No way, no how - are we going to allow this woman, this baby lover, on our court." Even if they try, the Evil Queen told her minions, WE WILL PACK THE COURTS! And, the Evil Queen continued, I have Tweedle Dee (or is it Tweedle Dum?) as head of my Judiciary Committee, to make this happen!

How can the Orange Man prevail? Can he be successful fighting off all these blue clad morons? I mean, why does he care so much about life? Here is the secret that the Evil Queen and her followers have never understood. Those of us who are the red clad warriors, citizens, and patriots, who support the Orange Man, care deeply about woman's rights. The myth that that we are all sexists and misogynists is just that - a myth. But we also care about the sanctity of life. That each baby is a gift from God - made in His own image. 

The next forty some days are going to be rough and bumpy. They will not be for the faint of heart of weak of spirit. And then after the election, the time leading up to inauguration day, might be equally as chaotic. But we cannot let the Evil Queen and Sloppy Joe take control and lead this land. The stakes in November could not be higher. Tyranny or liberty. God given rights, or government rationed rights. Life for the unborn, or more death. It really does come down to that. 



  1. Amy Coney Barrett has said Gods laws supersede the Constitution. Perfect nominee for a conservative SCOTUS.
