Friday, December 31, 2021

End of the 24 month year...

"Will I be singing Auld Lang Syne before my 9pm bedtime tonight? Hardly. "Don't let the door hit you on the fanny on the way out", might be more appropriate. What can we look forward to in 2022? Stay tuned for this weekend's edition. I will try to see the glass half full, instead of empty, and lying broken on the floor."  

January 2020 to December 2021. 24 months. Two calendar years, which kind of morphed into one. How bad was it? I don't know of anyone, who would want to relive these two years. I mean, looking back, these 24 months were brutal. Besides the China virus mucking EVERYTHING up, we lost Donald Trump. Lost him to a old politician who is (sorry) - losing his marbles. We lost Rush - our mainstay. We also lost John Madden - "Mr. Football" to many of us. Lots of icons - gone.

In two years, we have gone from energy independence, to begging OPEC to pump more oil. By the way - it is a proven fact that the United States has the cleanest energy production in the world. Cleaner than the Saudis. Cleaner than the rest of OPEC. A lot cleaner than Russia. And a whole lot cleaner than China or India. So what did Biden gain by ruining our energy independence? Cleaner air? No. Less global warming? No. More inflation? Yes. Stagflation? Maybe.

Any good news? Any at all? Actually, yes. Project Warp Speed. Without Donald Trump pushing the envelope and cutting mountains of red tape, many medical experts say thousands more would have died from the China virus. Abraham Accord. Donald Trump and Jared Kushner proved you can mix oil and water. Israel, who has been at war with different Arab states since 1948, signed some peace agreements with a handful of Arab states. This was beyond good news - it was Earth shattering.

Okay - can we stick a fork in this 24 month year and call it done? Please??!!?? Not so fast. Is 2022 is going to start out looking like the 25th month of this most unusual biennial? Probably. In fact, medical experts say in mid-January, we will have the highest infection rate from the Omicron variant since the pandemic started. Some experts are hopeful that once Omicron has run its course, the endemic part of the roller coaster ride will begin. But until that happens, look for "same stuff, different day."

As far as our government goes, we are stuck until at least November of 2022. Then things might start to look up. Until then, higher gas prices, higher utility prices, more bare shelves, and container ships, stacked up like cordwood outside of the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Elections have consequences, and we have a big one right now.

Will I be singing Auld Lang Syne before my 9pm bedtime tonight? Hardly. "Don't let the door hit you on the fanny on the way out", might be more appropriate. What can we look forward to in 2022? Stay tuned for this weekend's edition. I will try to see the glass half full, instead an empty glass, lying broken on the floor.  


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Only the "getaway driver"?

"Is this the way our justice system is suppose to work? Nope. However, if you think we have two different tiers of justice in this country, you are probably right on the mark. Now we will go on to see how the 'deep state' will muck with the 2022 election. Hopefully, this will not be deja vu, all over again." 

Yesterday, we learned the fate of the woman with a name few can pronounce - Ghislaine Maxwell. Was she guilty? In the eyes of the jury she was - also in the minds of many who have been paying attention. One of the talking heads (lawyer type), referred to Maxwell as only being the "getaway driver". That did not diminish the fact that she was in fact Epstein's pimp, who did horrible things to young ladies. The lawyer's point was simply this - she was only a small fish. Many of the big fish are still swimming in this sea of filth and corruption.

The fear that many of us have is this - the "deep state", which protects even its most corrupt citizenry, will cover this up. Convict and sentence Maxwell to decades behind bars, and then it will be que sera sera for her. Will she have the same sad and suspicious ending that Epstein had? Maybe.

Speaking of Epstein, there was a well known MA who was interviewed last night. His story has never changed. Based on some broken bones in the neck, it would have been impossible for Epstein to have killed himself. Not improbable - impossible. Then why was this not investigated further? The "deep state", plain and simple.

The sordid tales of the rich and famous are probably going to die with Epstein and Maxwell. What happened on the island, will stay on the island. What happened on the Lolita Express, will stay on the Lolita Express. As the old saying goes, dead men (or women), tell no secrets. And there might be a boatload of secrets to yet to tell.

It is estimated there are over 100 victims of Epstein and Maxwell still out there. Anyone of them could be a star witness in a future trial. But someone would need the courage to take on the "deep state". The "deep state" whose tentacles reach far and wide. What then, will be the probable outcome? All the pedo activity on Epstein's island, will be swept under the waves. Never to be heard from again.

Is this the way our justice system is suppose to work? Nope. However, if you think we have two different tiers of justice in this country, you are probably right on the mark. Now we will go on to see how the "deep state" will muck with the 2022 election. Hopefully, this will not be deja vu, all over again. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The war on the unmasked!

"I would like to say this pandemic has brought out the best in us. But it has not. It has however, brought out the worst in us." 

Okay. Forget about the "war on the un-vaxxed". This is far more serious. What is it? The war on the unmasked. It is critically important that we all wear masks, both indoor and outdoors. Why? As one doctor said it so eloquently - "They are facial decorations. No more, no less." But wait just a dang minute! How about keeping us all safe for this rapidly mutating virus? The vast majority of masks, are about as useless as a screen door on a submarine, in keeping you safe from the virus. All they do, is contain YOUR cough and sneeze moisture globules from becoming airborne. 

Every once in a while, doctors like Mike Osterholm or the Most Reverend Fauci, will slip up and tell the truth about cloth masks. Like - they are worthless. Just facial decorations. Then why in the world, is there such a fuss about everyone wearing a mask again? Power and control. Period. There can be no other reason. I wish I could say for personal safety, but that would be a lie. 

Okay - what about N95 masks? I have heard for over a year now how great they are. Here are the facts as I know them. A CERTIFIED N95 mask WILL filter out 95% of all airborne particles. Compared to a cloth mask, they are excellent. Will they make you bullet proof? Close. K95 masks are supposed to be similar to N95, but are made to Chinese standards. You can guess how much protection they will give you. There are also counterfeit N95 masks which offer much less protection than a CERTIFIED N95 mask.

The other day on an airplane, some 80 year old gentleman was obeying all the rules. He was masked up. When snacks came, he pulled his mask down to have some pretzels or something. From out of nowhere, some "Karen" came over to his seat, and got all up in his business. Slapped him, spit on him, yelled at him. For what? He was following the rules (which make no sense). Anyhow, "Karen" got arrested when the plane landed.

I have been yelled at by an male "Karen" a few months ago. I went into a Chinese restaurant to pick up some take out food. I was in there less than a minute. I was not wearing a mask. But who cares? Well, this male "Karen" sure cared! He started yelling at me, accusing me of putting him at danger. For just a brief second, the old me started to surface. I was ready to go over where he was sitting, and give him a piece of my mind - or worse. But I didn't. I just paid for my food and left.

I would like to say this pandemic has brought out the best in us. But it has not. It has however, brought out the worst in us. I know what it has done for me. It has made more of a libertarian out of me. I could care less if someone is vaxxed or not. I could care less if someone is masked up or not. I will not say anything, either way. All I expect in return, is the same courtesy. Please!     

Monday, December 27, 2021

The United States of Misery?

"The United States of Misery. Never used to be this way. But it is now. Why? Joe Biden. Period. End of story."    

Now that Christmas is over, I can vent a bit. Every morning, before my feet hit the floor, I turn on the news to see what the latest, and no longer the greatest, is. This morning was no exception. The usual suspects make up the first few news stories. What are they? The virus. Crime. Southern border. Inflation. Supply chain issues. And President Brandon seems to be somewhere between confused and flummoxed on how to deal with any of these major issues. Meanwhile, each of these issues seem to chip away at our once great quality of living in these United States. So much so, we now might be living in the United States of Misery. 

Joe Biden ran on "fixing the virus" which Donald Trump let slip through his fingers (Biden's words - not mine). After less than a year, we are still in the same bunch of deep weeds we have been living in in since March of 2020. Maybe even deeper weeds. This latest mutation, albeit "milder", is off the charts with how transmissible it is. Flights are being cancelled, football games postponed, cruises diverted, some schools going back to distance learning, and of course everyone's favorite - (per Fauci) - masks forever.

Crime? How is it possible, crime can be out of control in this many cities? What did Obama's former pastor say? "America's chickens have come home to roost." Speaking of Obama, that is where this lawlessness all started. No respect for cops. Which led to "defunding police", or "reimagining law enforcement", which led to "no bail offenses", which led to thousands of repeat offenders with no consequences. What has Slo Joe done to fix this mess? Not a damn thing. It is all part of his "equity" initiative, by allowing reparations via stealing and robbing. Plus - not only do the socialists want to defund the police - they want to take the guns away from the citizens. Why? You tell me. 

Our southern border. Do you hear we caught another terrorist down there? Heaven only knows how many terrorists are "got aways". We have record fentanyl deaths, with more and more, now coming over our porous southern border. With the state of Texas building their own border wall, the rest of the border states continue to be a super highway for hundreds of thousands of illegals. Add to that, untested and untreated Covid, drugs, terrorists, gang members, and traffickers. What is life like right now, living by the Rio Grande? Don't ask.

Our supply chain issues continue to plague us. Biden's solution to having the Los Angles and Long Beach ports all gummed up with container ships, is to move them further our to sea. Problem solved. If you can't see the problem, then it is no longer a problem. Classic Ron Klain type of thinking. And who is Ron Klain? One of the main puppet masters. His love is for power - not country. Biden is only a tool he uses to gain that power.

In late 2020, we were so looking forward to 2021. Be done with this crap. However, we were wary about this new President. Very few trusted this life long politician, who tells lies with great abandon. What happened? Thanks to Joe Biden, 2021 turned out to be a year bathed in misery. And how does 2022 look right now? More of the same. The only bright spot is November. Unless Joe Manchin flips parties before then, we are stuck with this status quo of misery until November.

The United States of Misery. Never used to be this way. But it is now. Why? Joe Biden. Period. End of story.    

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Going forward!

"More on going forward in the coming weeks. As for today, most of us are cleaning up the remnants of wrapping paper, trying to fit leftovers in the fridge, and basking in the afterglow of good family fellowship."

The Christmas season is now over, and it was, well, different. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful. But at the same time, everyone's uninvited guest, named Covid, decided to screw things up a bit. Airplanes being grounded, stranding thousands of travelers. Some face to face church services cancelled. Some cruise ships being diverted. Football teams being infected, so much so, some games needed to be postponed. One of the college bowl games was cancelled. In the game last night between the Colts and the Cards, the entire starting line for the Colts was out on Covid protocol. Weird.

As we start 2022 in about a week, Covid will still be here. It will be the great spoiler for many a plan, or plans. On the international front, Russia will still be rattling its battle sabers over the Ukraine. Will it, or won't it attack? If it does, it will really start out the year on a sour note. Will it draw the United States into a war? Probably not. But the tensions between Russia and the US will be sky high. And if China makes a move on Taiwan? Same thing. No US war, but tensions sky high with China also.

As far as space is concerned, yesterday, on Christmas Day, the long awaited launch of the James Webb Space Telescope happened. This launch was so complicated, there were a thousand and one things which could have gone wrong. If something had, billions of dollars, and years of effort, could have gone right out the window. But as of this writing, things are still going as planned. It is launched, and headed for the second Lagrange point (L2) to set up its final orbit. As 2022 unfolds, this magnificent piece of technology will (hopefully) continue to make it to L2, and start the process of "coming alive".

Oh yes. In 2022, we will have another election. I sure hope this one goes much smoother than the last one. If there are irregularities in this one, which causes doubt and suspicion by either party, I fear for our country. Let's hope that prior to November, all issues are resolved, so our vote can be respected (and accepted) by all.

More on going forward in the coming weeks. As for today, most of us are cleaning up the remnants of wrapping paper, trying to fit leftovers in the fridge, and basking in the afterglow of good family fellowship. We have also been reminded once again of Immanuel - God is with us. 

The New Year looms just over the horizon. Right now, it is a blank slate, just waiting to be filled in with puts and takes, pluses and minuses, good things and bad things. How will it look by next December? Some of that, is up to us. But we can only control what we can control. The rest of it, we put in God's hands.


Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Morning!


"Merry Christmas folks! May your time with your family today be a rich blessing. And happy birthday, Dear Jesus! Your gift to us, is the best gift of all!" 

It is a blessing to think of Christmas mornings, long, long ago. I still remember the Christmas magic, of coming down the stairs in the house I grew up in, and seeing the "Santa" presents under the tree. I opened my "big" present, which my folks gave to me the night before, on Christmas Eve. In the picture above, it was an Army truck, loaded with all kinds of plastic Army men. For a kid like me, growing up in the 1950's, getting a swell Army truck, could not have been better!

As much as I wanted just to sit under the tree and play with my presents, it was Christmas morning - which meant church. My mother would insist we all looked our Christmas best, packed up the car, and attend a very packed church service. Then it was over to my grandparents, for yet one or two more presents, and a fine Christmas meal. Those were the days. Wonder and wonderful, always exciting. 

As I grew into a teenager, Christmas mornings started to change. They were still wonderful, but different. "Toys" became replaced with clothes and money. Still went to church on Christmas morning, but the trip to the grandparents stopped. As they aged, my dad would drive over to pick them up, and bring them to my parents house for Christmas dinner. We would have a couple presents for them, and no matter what they were, my grandparents were delighted to get them.

Then came the Navy, then marriage, and then kids of my own. Now it was my wife's and my job to make Christmas as special as we could for our young family. Every year, we tried to "shake it up" a bit, just to keep it new. Christ was always the center of our holiday, just as Christ was the center of our Christmas holidays as we were growing up. As most adults know, those years just seem to wiz on by. Before you know it, your kids are grown and out of the house.

Now we are the grandparents, and our job is to help our daughter and son-in-law make Christmas as special as can be for the grandies. It warms my heart when both my grandson and granddaughter remind me that Christmas is "Jesus birthday". In other words - they get it. 

Soon we will be heading over to my oldest daughter's house, with presents in tow. It will be Christmas, with all the wonder and wonderfulness happening anew. My gift? The same as it was when my kids were growing up. Just to watch and enjoy. Christmas magic? Happens every year, generation to generation. 

Merry Christmas folks! May your time with your family today be a rich blessing. And happy birthday, Dear Jesus! Your gift to us, is the best gift of all! 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

4012 Bravo

"When the next medical emergency comes, we need to ready to meet it head on. We were not with Covid - we need to do much better before the next one comes." 

Today, I am going to take a trip into yesteryear. This is more than just nostalgia for myself - this has everything to do with our shortage of hospital beds today. It actually goes back to 1969 - the year I entered the United States Navy.

In April of 1969, while in boot camp at San Diego, I was diagnosed with a hernia. No big thing. The Navy told me they could take care of it over at Balboa Naval Hospital. While waiting for my surgery, I was in a rifle company, doing what all boots do - learning, and getting yelled at. In late June, when I was 2/3 done with my boot training, the call came in for me to transfer (temporarily) to Balboa to have the operation. 

After the operation, and spending three weeks in an "X Division" at Balboa, sweeping streets and cleaning toilets, my Company Commander (Chief Gamble) from my rifle company came to visit me. He told me two things. First, I was accepted in this crypto school in Pensacola. He was was excited about that, and said he was very proud of me! Next, he told me I would not be coming back to the company, since they were getting ready to graduate. I kind of expected that.

Chief Gamble did tell me I had just about enough points to graduate, but needed a few more. Rather than go into a rifle company where I did not know anyone, he offered me a leadership job in the boot camp hospital company. The company, called 4012 Alpha, is where sick boots went to either recover, or wait until they were mustered out of the Navy.

That was a long build up to the point of this article. In the barracks 4012 Alpha was housed in, there was also a very empty, and very clean area, called 4012 Bravo. It was rarely, if ever used. I know while I was in San Diego it was never used. What was it for? An epidemic, a pandemic, or triage in case of an attack on the base. Sixty beds, all empty, just in case of a medical emergency.

Every day, we had a work detail go into 4012 Bravo, and clean the head (bathroom) and buff the floors. I would joke that the cleanest water in San Diego, was in the toilets in 4012 Bravo. Never used - always cleaned. 

Why did the Navy want this level of cleanliness? Just in case. Should there be a medical emergency, the ward needed to be "AJ Squared Away". Ready to use in a moments notice.

If there is one thing we as a society should have learned from Covid, is this - we need a "4012 Bravo" in each of our hospitals. To hear story after story about people with non-Covid emergencies, stuck in the ER or a hallway, is not acceptable. Getting the right amount of qualified staff to handle a surge is one matter - and is not addressed here. But having the correct amount of surge facilities, that we can handle. Will it cost? Absolutely. But right now our hospitals are a mess, and we need to fix what can be fixed.

This is something I know others have wondered about. Unfortunately, I did not hear the President address the need to surge our hospitals - only getting more testing materials. When the next medical emergency comes, we need to ready to meet it head on. We were not with Covid - we need to do much better before the next one comes. 


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Operation, What Speed??

"As for you President Biden, if you want your dreadful poll numbers to come back, let me give you a tip. Just do everything that Donald Trump did. On the southern border, the economy, energy, and now - Covid response. Trust me, you do this, and you might even get re-elected." 

I did listen to Slo Joe's coughing fit - I mean speech - yesterday. I almost passed out when I heard him give a minor shout out to Donald Trump. It was indeed a Christmas miracle! In any event, besides castigating the "un-vaxxed" (again), it was all about fixing the Covid testing log jam. It seems that having lines of people, many blocks long, waiting to get tested, some folks feeling sick with Covid symptoms, are not good optics.

Since I don't know the ins and outs of Covid testing, I had to rely on listening to medical professionals once Biden's speech was over. How were his reviews by those who know better? Not good - not good at all. Why? After almost two years of this Covid stuff, we should be awash in testing materials. We should have billions and billions of tests, ready to go. Instead, Biden is tying to get 1/2 billion sometime after the New Year. With that speed of production, we should be calling this "Operation - what speed?"

Here is yet another slant to this issue. One very smart doctor I was listening to, had a very profound observation. Okay, you get tested. With this Omicron variant, if you have been vaxxed and boosted, and then get infected, you have about a 40% chance of being  asymptomatic. Oh yes - there are also still quite a few false positives. Then what? In the NFL, you can't play ball. If enough players can't play ball, you end up with rescheduled games on Monday night and Tuesday night. Or in the NHL, the season goes into a "pause", and then players will not participate in the China Olympic games. 

What then, is the value of testing everyone? How about, if you are feeling "punk", then you go to your doctor and get tested. If you test positive for Covid, your family doc can prescribe the most current therapeutics. Like the new Pfizer pill. That is, if the FDA can get off their butts and get that pill authorized for use. Talk about "Operation - what speed?"!

What have we learned about this virus in the past two years? I think quite a bit. First off, China's hands are VERY dirty in this virus. Be it passively or deliberately, their hands are dirty. Second, next time this happens, we should NOT have to play "catch up football". Our NIH and CDC should have us ready to meet any new virus head on. We should have PPP fully stocked - everywhere. Our hospitals should have adequate rooms and staff to meet any surge, due to any type of outbreak. Right now, our hospitals are a mess, because they have no surge capacity. Our front line workers in hospitals deserve excellent pay and benefits. This needs to be fixed immediately. And if they choose not to be vaxxed - so be it. We should assume they have developed natural immunity. 

One of the things Donald Trump did very well, was to get government OUT OF THE WAY, when facing a medical crisis. We saw this, when he signed in law the "Right to Try" bill. That was a true blessing. Then "Operation Warp Speed". Love it or hate it, it saved hundreds of thousands of lives, all over the world. 

As for you President Biden, if you want your dreadful poll numbers to come back, let me give you a tip. Just do everything that Donald Trump did. On the southern border, the economy, energy, and now - Covid response. Trust me, you do this, and you might even get re-elected. 


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Super Joe and Stupor Joe

"Manchin may be reviled by the Democrats, but he is looked upon as a hero by the Republicans. In fact, I like to call him Super Joe!" 

Joe Manchin has recently found himself being as unwanted as a case of herpes at a make out party. What you mean, Bird? I am talking about Joe Manchin residing in the "Party of Inclusion". The Democrat Party. The party that if you are a "one off", like Manchin was in his questioning of the Build, Back Better bill, he would no longer be welcomed. Not at all. So much so, that Manchin might be about an inch from jumping ship, and changing parties - to the Party of Lincoln.

Manchin may be reviled by the Democrats, but he is looked upon as a hero by the Republicans. In fact, I like to call him "Super Joe"! To hear him talk about why he was going to be a "no" on the Build, Back Better bill, made way, way too much sense for the average socialist. So much sense, that Democrats from 50 years ago, would be nodding their heads in agreement. But the socialists who inhabit the party today? They hate Manchin almost as much as they hate Donald Trump.

On the other hand, we have our 46th President, sometimes referred to as "Stupor Joe" (for obvious reasons). His signature legislation, Biden's version of ObamaCare, was going to be Build, Back, Better. Or, as this legislation is referred to by those paying attention, it would have been called the Great Reset. If this bill would ever passed Congress, and then be signed into law by "Stupor Joe", it would have changed the country - forever. 

Back to "Super Joe" for a minute. When asked on the Sunday Fox News program, what his objections were to this bill, here are just some of the things that Manchin mentioned:

  • This bill has "budget gimmicks" in it, which would mask the true cost of this bill. The true number that the CBO came up with, was besmirched and ridiculed by the socialists, but believed by Manchin.
  • The climate change provisos in the bill are unrealistic at this time. We need all our energy resources to prevent any brown-outs or black-outs. What happened in Texas last winter should be a wake up call. Also, for us to get rid of coal right now, will spike the price we are paying for existing energy sources. 
  • For our country, to only having minimal energy sources, it would put our national defense in jeopardy. In time of war, we need all the energy we can get. For a patriot like Manchin, the energy plan in Build, Back Better is unacceptable.
  • The bill is NOT paid for. It will blow up the debt. 

There were more that "Super Joe" Manchin mentioned, but those are just the the high points. The logic train coming from the Democrats, is Manchin should vote for this bill - just because - he is a Democrat. That logic may resonate with "Stupor Joe", but not a bit with "Super Joe".

If Joe Manchin switched parties right now, there would a party which would eclipse any New Year's Party next week. It would be the end of the reign of terror, that "Stupor Joe" and the socialists have visited upon this great nation.

Manchin switching parties, would give the citizens some wiggle room, until the great red wave hits in November of next year.


Monday, December 20, 2021

Lab rats of America

"Christmas is in less than a week. How is it going to be this year? Last year was very abnormal and strange. Will this year be any different? Will the churches be open? Can families gather together without masks and hand sanitizer?" 

Here we go again, and again, and again. What do we know about our future with this new strain of Covid - 19, called Omicron? Not much, really. We still don't know all the much about the Delta strain. We may put forward some good guesses, but at the end of the day, we are all learning about this mutations of Covid - together. In other words, we are basically lab rats.

What do we think we know about this Omicron version of Covid? For starters, it is suppose to be 70 times more transmissible than Delta. And Delta was suppose to be more transmissible than the original strain of Covid - 19. Thus, it is spreading around the world like wildfire right now. What else do we think we know? This is where it gets interesting.

Some have nicknamed Omicron the "Omi-cold". Why? Many think it is a watered down version of the Delta variant. In fact, it is thought that 40% of all who become infected with Omicron become asymptomatic. And if there are systems, some say it is like having a common cold. But that is only for those who were vaxxed or have strong anti-bodies from having Covid earlier. For those without immunities from being vaxxed or natural immunities, catching Omicron can be serious. Even though not as bad as Delta (supposedly), Omicron can still be lethal. 

Tomorrow night, Slo Joe will be addressing the nation. Subject? Omicron, and what we are going to do about it. With the infection rates headed off the charts, it is thought by some this speech might be "back to the future". In other words, instead of heading into 2022, we might be reliving 2020 all over again. Lock downs, distance learning, social distancing, mandatory mask and testing, the whole ball of wax.

There is some irony in this past year. The vaccines, which were developed under Donald Trump's "Operation Warp Speed", were castigated in 2020 by then candidates Biden and Harris. Neither wanted anything to do with a vaccine that were developed under Donald Trump's watch. HOWEVER - flash forward to today. Both Bident and Harris are the biggest cheerleaders in the country for vaccines. Why? It is the same stuff that was around under Trump. I guess this is what is meant by "following the science"...

Christmas is in less than a week. How is it going to be this year? Last year was very abnormal and strange. Will this year be any different? Will the churches be open? Can families gather together without masks and hand sanitizer? Or as Yogi would say, will this be deja' vu all over again. I guess all of us lab rats will find out this week.   

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Texas rides again!!!

"We don't have to live as subjects under Biden. We can live free, like Americans always have. Thank you Greg Abbott, for showing us what courage really looks like, once again." 

Question before I get started. Since we have millions, maybe billions of dollars of southern border wall, lying in the desert, rusting, why has there not been a taxpayer lawsuit against the Biden Administration? I mean, we (the taxpayers) paid for it. But because Slo Joe has a seething hatred for Donald Trump, and the border wall was Trump's idea, Biden is laying waste to all that material, which we need so badly right now. 

Biden the "tough scrapper from Scranton" may be just a paper tiger, but Texas Governor, Greg Abbott is not! Even though confined to a wheelchair, there is no quit in this Texas native. Abbott has rounded up enough funding to build the wall in Texas. By Texans, and for Texans. Could he have used some of that material from the Trump wall, which is rusting in the desert right now? Sure could have. But the bald headed Cuban who heads up DHS, and Slo Joe will not let him. Why not? You tell me.  

The Texas wall is being built on state land. Where state land ends and private land begins, many of the landowners have given their permission to the state of Texas to build the wall on their land. That is how fed up the Texans are right now with Biden's open border policy. Even though Abbott has the state funding to buy and build much of the wall, Abbott is going to sue the Biden Administration for restitution. Why? By our Constitution, this is the job of the federal government - not the states.

By the way, have you heard about the amount of Fentanyl which is being caught coming over the border? Forget the two plus million illegals, gangs and trafficking for a minute, and just focus on the drugs. Just this year, Border Patrol and Customs have seized over 11,000 pounds of Fentanyl coming over the southern border. And that is only what they have caught. Who knows how much of this most deadly drug made it through customs. How much is 11,000 pounds of Fentanyl? Enough to kill tens of millions of Americans. Who is to blame? China. The Cartels. And Joe Biden.

I have been a big fan of Texas since the Alamo. Texas and Florida have Governors who know how to govern. Citizens who know how to live, and live free. They are not nanny states, like New York and California are. Texas is blazing the path on how to handle a tin horn dictator like Biden. Other states who yearn to be free, just need to pay attention.

We don't have to live as subjects under Biden. We can live free, like Americans always have. Thank you Greg Abbott, for showing us what courage really looks like, once again. 


Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Kim Potter mistake...

"One unfortunate, or accidental moment, and many lives changed. One life ended. There will be not winners in this trial. Only losers. Even if Kim Potter is found not guilty of first or second degree manslaughter, she will still have to live with what happened for the rest of her life."

There is a saying in the world of business, all it takes is one "ah s**t" to wipe out a bunch of "atta boys". I have been thinking about that old saying, during the trial of former officer Kim Potter. Was she a dirtbag of a person? I think not. Was she a problem officer, in her 26 years with the Brooklyn Center Police Department? No, she had a good record. Was she "trigger happy"? No, her record does not show that. Then what the heck happened, which caused her to take someone's life that day?

I have thought since that day, since it happened It was all just a horrible mistake. A mistake due to a set of circumstances, which unfolded almost at light speed. I am not going to blame the victim - that would serve no purpose. But the fact remains, if Daunte Wright had simply obeyed the police officers, gotten out of his car, and DID NOT try to flee, chances are he would still be alive today, and this trial would not be happening. 

Then for correct justice to be served, what should the outcome be? Should Kim Potter be sent to prison for years because of one awful moment? She has already resigned from a 26 year career (which she loved), and probably will never again be hired in any type of law enforcement. She is also very remorseful at what happened. If she could take that dreadful moment back, she would do it in a heartbeat. 

One legal expert who testified, did bring up an interesting point. Since Officer Lucky was half in and half out of the car when Daunte Wright tried to flee, this legal expert said the use of deadly force would have been authorized to stop the car before harm came to Officer Lucky. Even though Officer Potter wanted to use her Taser, any way to stop this car might have been appropriate (according to one legal expert). Other legal experts who testified, did not share that same view. 

In any event, this trial should wrap up before Christmas. One unfortunate, or accidental moment, and many lives changed. One life ended. There will be not winners in this trial. Only losers. Even if Kim Potter is found not guilty of first or second degree manslaughter, she will still have to live with what happened for the rest of her life. 

This entire trial makes me sad. I am sad for Daunte Wright's family. They lost a son in the blink of an eye. I am sorry for Kim Potter's family also. They have seen this good police officer for over a quarter of a century, instantly become a pariah in the community in which she served. And I feel sorry for Kim Potter. There is nothing our justice system can do to her, to make her feel worse than she does right now. 

Like I said, no winners in this trial, only a huge loss. A huge loss, and many damaged people.  

Friday, December 17, 2021

Visions of and for America

"Two Presidents, two visions. Two visions as far from each other as the east is from the west. We have now had the opportunity to live under both visions. I know which one I prefer. How about you?"

How can two men, both in their 70's, have such different visions of America? I mean, not even close to each other. Two presidents, one "45" and the other "46", serving back to back. And the lack of commonality in their visions is absolutely stunning. This might call for a closer look:

Donald Trump, our 45th President - The real estate developer, a lifelong New Yorker, was a political nobody prior to deciding to run for President in 2016. He went up against a "who's who" in Republican politics during the primaries. His vision for America, which he could clearly articulate, was compelling. So much so, he quickly dispatched the other Republicans. So, what was his vision for America?

  • Law and order - Even though our major big blue cities were burning after the Floyd incident, Donald Trump offered federal help in getting order back to these cities. Those offers were rejected by "Woke", socialist Mayors and Governors. Trump's vision for law and order was simple. You do the crime, you do the time. Since the vast majority of citizens are law abiding, that vision went over very well.
  • Strong national defense - Probably the most war adverse President we have had in years. That being said, Donald Trump was no "paper tiger". His vison of peace was similar to Ronald Reagans. Peace through strength. Walk softly, but carry a big stick. 
  • Voting integrity - One citizen, one vote. Proper ID in order to vote. Strict punishment for voter fraud. Again, since most of the citizens play by the rules when voting, this vision played well with most.
  • Strong economy - Donald Trump believes we have the greatest economy - ever. We have the greatest manufacturing in the world. He thought we should have the most favorable business climate in the world, to attract other countries to do business here. 
  • MAGA - Speaks for itself. Sums up everything good about us, that could even be better. Maybe the best campaign slogan - ever.

Joe Biden, our 46th President - This lifelong politician from PA and Delaware, have never worked at anything other than being President. His goal as President was two fold - first, be the uniter that Donald Trump never was (in his mind). Second, was to please his socialist wing of the party. As such, pleasing the socialists, mixed in with a seething hatred for his predecessor, resulted in a dismantling of the American we know and love.

  • Open the southern border to anyone - This was a head scratcher to many. He first canceled the border fence, and then told the border patrol to do "catch and release", just like Obama did. This thinly disguised method of getting a few million illegals in the country, who would vote blue if they could, fooled very few on the right. Besides illegals, it allowed trafficking, gangs and dangerous drugs into the country.
  • "Voting Rights" legislation - Biden wants legislation to do away with voter ID laws in many states. He wants mail in ballots, and harvesting made legal. In other words, he prefers a system which is ripe for corruption. Why? Democrats believe you can win if you cheat. With cheating made legal, it will be Katie bar the door.
  • End the Afghanistan War - Biden ended the war alright, and almost ended our NATO alliances by doing so. To say it was a cluster, would be an understatement. To date, we still have Americans stuck behind enemy lines. 
  • Taxes - "We need to get wealthy Americans and corporations to pay their fair share". Never mind the fact that the top 1% of income earners pay almost 40% of the federal taxes. What Biden does not realize is this (because he has never worked) - if you disincentivize people enough by taxing them heavily, they will simply stop working. You can't force someone to work.
Two Presidents, two visions. Two visions as far from each other as the east is from the west. We have now had the opportunity to live under both visions. I know which one I prefer. How about you?

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Omicron - the end, or the beginning?

"I am hopeful and prayerful, that this variant is the beginning of the end. Most citizens of this country and others, are Covid weary. Been there, done that. We want to go back to normal, or as close to normal as we can get."

Just when you thought it might be safe to go back in the water (as was said in the movie "Jaws")! We all thought that this pandemic thing was soon going be mentioned in past tense only. Then the Omicron variant showed up - uninvited. It is going through some countries, including countries which have many people vaxxed, like a wildfire. Omicron has become the proverbial "turd in the punchbowl", at our festive Christmas party.

But hold on for a minute. Omicron might not be a huge bump in the road. It might not be the end of a new beginning. It might in fact, be the beginning of the end. Really? How so? Read an interesting article yesterday, penned by some medical experts who study this stuff. They were comparing this pandemic to the 1918 pandemic. That would be the Spanish Flu. Did you know the Spanish Flu is still around today? It has mutated itself down into being just like the common flu. Or - maybe is the common flu.

What is the glimmer of hope for some scientists, is even though Omicron is very contagious, those who get it (for the most part), become much less sick than those who got the Delta variant. The hope is (and right now, it is only hope), Omicron is taking Covid - 19 down the same path as the Spanish Flu. In other words, it will always be with us, and many will be sickened, but most will survive - just like the common flu. 

If that is the case, all these government mandates can leave - now. People will know how to take care of themselves. Some will get vaxxed, some will not. Some will get boosted every year, some will not. Some will take supplements to build up their immunity, some will not. Some, if they get sick, will take the new therapeutics made by Pfizer and Merck, some will simply let nature take its course.

I am hopeful and prayerful, that this variant is the beginning of the end. Most citizens of this country and others, are Covid weary. Been there, done that. We want to go back to normal, or as close to normal as we can get. Do people want to get this disease? Heck no. From what I have heard, even a glancing blow from this stuff is very unpleasant. 

How will Omicron affect everyone's Christmas? Unknown. Hopefully, not at all. How about January? Will that be normal or will it be like last year? Again, unknown. All we can do is live our lives, day by day. And hope and pray there is light at the end of this very dark Covid tunnel. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A strong, long distance runner

"Tonight, a hunker and bunker night. I will have battened things down as much as possible outside. Then, get this storm over with, who we can go back to prepping for Christmas, instead of a May-like thunderstorm."

Today is December 15th. Christmas is next week. So far, things look more white than brown outside. And, so? The so is this. We are in a severe storm risk for early evening. High winds, maybe thunderstorms, and believe it or not, a small chance for a tornado. A tornado? In December? Sure. Just ask those good folks down in Kentucky. They not only had a tornado last week, it was the worst tornado in Kentucky state history.

Now imagine if you will, if a similar tornado hit Minnesota. Tornados are either very strong, or "long runners" - seldom both. The tornado which hit Kentucky was both. If we had a similar tornado, and it touched down in Blaine, Minnesota, it would tear a path of destruction all the way up to (ready for this?) - Grand Marias, Minnesota. 

To further complicate the aftermath of the Kentucky twister, the NWS is having a very tough time determining the strength of the wind. Many think it was an F5. However, there are metrics which the NWS use to confirm that speed. So far - no conclusions. Why? It is suspected it might have been a "multi-vortexed" twister. That makes the final conclusion of wind speed difficult to determine. However, looking at how the town of Mayfield, and how it was "scoured" by the tornado, it is hard to image anything but an F5.

One more point of interest concerning the Kentucky tornado. Meteorologists have determined from radar, the debris field from the twister reached an altitude of over 30,000 feet! It is for that reason, that some belongings of citizens, ended up 100 miles away. Again, this is December. To have an epic tornado this time of year ANYPLACE in our country, is a wonder.

This evening should prove to be interesting in the Twin Cities. One of our favorite weather guessers, thinks we could have wind gusts of 70 mph. That could really do a number on outside decorations. Another weather guesser on YouTube said if the dew points were 10 degrees higher on this side of the incoming dry line, we could be in for a very dangerous time tonight. 

Once the wind and rain stops tonight, the quick freeze settles in. By tomorrow morning, the entire area could be one big ice rink. It has been a while since we have had a good old fashioned ice storm in these parts. They are the worst for driving in. 

Tonight, a hunker and bunker night. I will have battened things down as much as possible outside. Then, get this storm over with, who we can go back to prepping for Christmas, instead of a May-like thunderstorm. So - how is your weather? Don't ask. Please - don't ask. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Person of the year - Musk or Bezos or Whom?

"The person who has really set our world on fire, changed things like never before, put just about everything we know and love upside down - is Joe Biden. In my lifetime, I have never seem one person change so many things. Are they changed for the better? Ah - that would be a big NO!" 

I understand that Elon Musk is going to be Time's Person of the Year. Good. He deserves it. He is pushing the envelope like very few others have in my lifetime. But so is Jeff Bezos. His new "buy a ride" to space using Blue Origin (the very strange looking rocket ship) is opening new doors. But what Bezos has done with Amazon, has turned the retail world upside down. He really has flipped the script on how we buy things. Now we have Amazon delivery trucks all over creation.

But Musk, he is so far out of the box, there really is no box. While Bezos is offering rides to low orbit for a fee (some get to go for gratis), Musk's thinking is way, way beyond that. Like, how is he going to get animals, two by two, in one of his larger rocket ships, so he can take them to Mars. Wait - what? You mean like Noah's Ark? Kind of, sort of. Sure, there will be lots of humans going to Mars also. But this animal thing - what the what?

Maybe Musk is concerned about Wormwood, the prophesized asteroid which will be part of the Tribulation. Or, maybe it is because of our global warming. Heaven knows what Musk will find waiting for us on Mars. It might make our "manmade global warming", look like a walk in the park. In any event, Musk is a man of vision, more so than anyone else I can think. So - do I think he should be the Person of the Year? Maybe, maybe not. If the new definition of being the Person of the Year is now for changing things, not necessarily improving things, I have a better choice.

The person who has really set our world on fire, changed things like never before, put just about everything we know and love upside down - is Joe Biden. In my lifetime, I have never seem one person change so many things. Are they changed for the better? Ah - that would be a big NO! But he has changed things. The southern border, the economy, the broken supply chain, the pandemic side issues - the list goes on, and on, and on. Yes, Joe Biden is a true change agent. Even more so than Hitler or Karl Marx. 

If Time still used the older standards for Person of the Year, it would be Elon Musk, hands down. But with the new definition, who has changed things the most, it would be Biden by a mile. Let's hope that next year, Biden's name would not even come to being considered. Only positive change agents next year. Like, the new Republican Speaker of the House. Stay tuned for that one... 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Too few cops; too many thugs

"To the Minneapolis City Council and their 'Pajama Boy' Mayor, I will say this - you all broke this, now fix it. Until you do, good luck on getting businesses to locate in your city."

Welcome to our new America. Land of the "smash and grab". This new environment of ours did not happen overnight. It was and is a festering wound. Take a bunch of big blue cities, mix in some socialist mayors, some socialist (almost commie) district attorneys, add in some "no bail" laws on the books, and you have the perfect feeding ground for predatory thugs. Oh - sorry. I forgot one very important ingredient. Too few cops. Striped to the bone by "defund or reimagine the police" movements. And the cops who are left of the force, are demoralized, and confused on how to uphold the law, in lawless cities, with zero support from city leaders. 

The thugs, mostly young (some very young), have become very embolden. What started out as choreographed events of opportunity in the darkness during the George Floyd riots, have turned out to be a normal way to get stuff. Free stuff, and lots of it. Plus - if you are fortunate enough to live in a city which has no bail for minor crimes, you can steal up to $1,000, and get away scot free. How cool is that? Every day, getting $1,000 of free stuff, day or night, Sunday thru Saturday - no worries mate! Welcome to Obama/Biden's vision and version of America. 

How long will this continue? Maybe not much longer. The citizens, who make up the majority of our population, have had it up to their gills. If our law makers, and law keepers, are not up to the task, then the citizens will need to practice basic law. In other words, to break into someone's house or business, and think you can steal with abandon, might be a fatal and final mistake. It would be sad if it came to this, but when the outlaws start ruling the streets, it is time for street justice to be promulgated by the citizenry. 

How bad is it right now? In Minneapolis, there have been 492 car jackings so far this year. That is up 40% from last year, which was a very bad year. That number does not include car thefts, of which there have been 3,387. Did I mention homicides as yet? Minneapolis also has 94 homicides this year. At this rate, we might beat the record of 97 homicides set back in 1995. Home invasions are up also. So far in December, there have been at least 6. But who is counting?

"We should just hire more cops!", the cries go up from the victims. Okay, from where? Seems that as of late, fewer and fewer qualified folks want to be in law enforcement. Existing cops have quit, taken early retirement, or gone out on medial PTSD. Finding people to join the force, who will risk their lives, day in and day out, for city governments who can't stand cops, is not an easy chore. In fact, it might be impossible. What does that leave us with, if we live in the city? Smash and grab robberies, Car jackings. Murders. Mayhem. 

To the Minneapolis City Council and their "Pajama Boy" Mayor, I will say this - you all broke this, now fix it. Until you do, good luck on getting businesses to locate in your city. Good luck on tourists coming to your city. Good luck on any type of commerce.

City leaders - because of the crime you have allowed to fester and grow, your city has become radioactive. Until you can figure out how to make your city clean and livable again, it is all yours. And nobody outside the metro, is going to give a wit nor shed a tear. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Why the Army/Navy game?

"But who really won? We all did. Every American."

Yesterday, the annual Army/Navy football game was played in New Jersey. Every year, it is the culmination of the college football season. Not that these two teams are the best in the nation (talent wise), but they are always very good. But what is it then, which makes this game so special? By now, most of us have heard the tag line to this game. It is the same every year. "Every person playing in this game, would lay down his life for everyone watching." True words. Not only everyone watching, but also every person on the other team.

Because of my Navy background, I cheer for the blue and gold every year. However - that is not why I watch the game. Also, no matter who wins the game, America wins. The best of the best get picked to attend any of our service academies. Every person playing this game, or in uniform in the stands watching this game - represents America's finest. I have yet to see one of these games without getting a lump in my throat.

To be chosen to attend any of the service academies (in my opinion), is the highest of honors. Yes, even the Air Force Academy! Seriously, any of the academies are excellent. Back in high school, one of my classmates was selected to attend West Point. I was very proud of him then, and still am. If he is reading this, he knows how I feel. It was a lifetime honor. He attended, he graduated, and then served with dignity and honor. 

USAA was one of the sponsors of the game. For those who do not know, USAA is fraternal insurance, only for those who have served. It is an honor and privilege to have USAA as an insurance company. Both of my daughters are insured by USAA, as it is also for family members of a service member. And even though I have been retired from the Navy for 30 years, whenever I need to call USAA, I am still referred to by my rank. It is a great company to be associated with.

The Army's official motto is, "This We'll Defend". The Navy's unofficial motto is Semper Fortis (Always Courageous). There are other unofficial mottos, but I like Semper Fortis the best. In any event, it is all good. Be it a Marine, a sailor, a soldier, an airman, a "Coastie", or in the new Space Force, it is all good. Being in the service, and a veteran thereafter, is an experience hard to describe. It is one which the vast majority of those who served, would never trade. 

Like I said, it was a great game this year. Last year, Army won in the "fog bowl". This year, Navy won in a "squeaker". But who really won? We all did. Every American. Next year, God willing, I will watch it again. I will cheer for the Navy again. But in reality, regardless of who wins, I will be cheering for America. 


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Requiem for a Porker

"Not much is going to happen on this thing before Christmas. After Christmas is over however, the bar-b-que might begin. This porker will indeed need some kind of requiem."

Okay. Maybe not yet a requiem, as it is not dead as yet. But (thank goodness), it is on life support. What is? What, for the love of Pete! The much ballyhooed, Build, Back Better pile of goo. After it got through the House with absolutely zero Republican support, it was shuttled over to the Senate. And once in the Senate, where there are some cooler Democrat heads (albeit, not many), it started to die a slow death.

Wait a minute! Have you not heard our President, going all over the country, trying to sell this thing? "17 Nobel winning economists think this is the best thing since ice cream!" Oh, really? And who exactly are these 17 wiz kids? We don't know, as we have never heard one name mentioned. In reality, most financial experts I have heard, call this thing a porker. The mother of all goo and nonsense.

If Slo Joe has a snowball's chance with this thing, he really needs to get it away from the CBO. The longer the CBO looks at this much bloated bill, the worse the number gets. Even though Biden and his loyal troops of liars, have said it is only (only?) $1.75T, the CBO strongly disagrees. Right now, the number the CBO has is $5T, with most of it NOT paid for. 

How about the American people? What do they think? First off, we just found out that inflation is back to the Jimmy Carter days. Like 40 years ago. And more and more people now know, that the worst thing you can do to an overheated economy, where inflation is runny crazy, is to dump a whole more debt on the fire. Even though Slo Joe likes to squint into the camera and tell people this bill will save everyone a boatload of money, fewer and fewer want to drink this snake oil. Seems we have been down this trail before. 

Not much is going to happen on this thing before Christmas. After Christmas is over however, the bar-b-que might begin. This porker will indeed need some kind of requiem. Once that is over, light the fire and get out the knives and forks. Time to feast on the carcass. This porker should be history, never to be resurrected again.

As the Democrats continue to beat January 6th to death, the Republicans are gearing up for November of next year. People want sanity in our government, not insane, socialistic, cradle to grave, give away bills. We just need to hang on folks. Help is on the way.   

Friday, December 10, 2021

And now - home invasions

"I hate crime. Hate it with a passion. This is now how we progress as a people. But there comes a time when the red line needs to be drawn. Enough is enough." 

Get ready folks. This is mostly for you all, who live in the new Gotham City - better known as Minneapolis. A town which has become a free for all, since the Floyd incident. Crime, any type of crime, is there for the taking. And yet, the clowns and morons who run the town, think that less cops is better than more cops. How bad is it right now? After hundreds of carjacking incidents this year, the thugs are on to newer and better things. Home invasions in broad daylight. And the number of them, are growing fast. 

Imagine this. Coming home, putting your car in the garage, and then having a 9 mm stuck in your face by some 16 year old punk. "Gimme your car keys, your cell phone, and your wallet", he blurts out. Right then, you realize some kid is pointing the business end of a deadly weapon at you. A kid with no gun training, and no morals. No right or wrong, taught to him by a father. A kid who just might shoot you, and then take your stuff. Why? Status points.

The other day a woman was of Fox News (national). She said she was visiting Minneapolis, a town she at one time loved. As she was sitting in the parking lot of McDonalds, eating her lunch, a group of thugs drove up and parked close to her. One of them got out of the car with a long gun, pointed it in the air, and began to fire. The woman was terrified. She called the cops on her cell phone. Guess what? The cops never came. This town has turned into the wild, wild, west.

Where in the world is this going to lead? If crime continues to escalate, and the cops become more and more invisible? My guess? Just like in the wild, wild, west, this will lead to vigilantism. Everyone will be packing something. Shootouts will become more common than uncommon. Equality and equity will be replaced by who has the most guns, and is the most brazen. Many young men of color will be killed. Some by cops, some by citizens. Citizens who can, will flee to the burbs - or beyond. Minneapolis will become a colder version of Detroit or Chicago. All because of the flower children and morons who run (ruin) Minneapolis.

I don't delight in penning this article this morning. I really don't. I hate crime. Hate it with a passion. This is not how we progress as a people. But there comes a time when the red line needs to be drawn. Enough is enough. Time to fight back. If the cops can't protect the citizens, it is time for the citizens to protect themselves.

Any resulting blood which might be shed, will be on the hands of the City Council and Mayor. Enough said.   

Thursday, December 9, 2021

And what about this graphene stuff?

"This material is a perfect example of taking something which has been around for a long time, and coming up with new applications. It is nanotechnology on steroids." 

Every now and again, there comes a discovery which might truly end up being a "game changer". Today, I want to address this new material called graphene. What is it? A new technology using some old stuff. Like the lead in your pencil stuff. Only now, since it was discovered in 2004, it is taking the same type of stuff that is in your pencil, and making it very, very thin. Then after constructing it in a honeycomb fashion, it can end up becoming a miracle product.

When I say thin, I mean very thin. About as thin as one atom. So here are some interesting facts about graphene, taken from a 2020 article in Money Week magazine. "Despite being a million times thinner than a human hair, graphene is 200 time stronger than steel." Let that sink in for a minute. The article goes on, "It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, making it suitable for electronic circuits."

What peaked my interest in learning more about graphene, is its potential applications for batteries and integrated circuit chips. For batteries, this could lead to the golden fleece that scientists around the world are looking for. It could replace those inefficient and dirty lithium-ion batteries. They would be rapid charging, taking up a smaller and lighter footprint. It could really change the entire EV world.

As for integrated circuits, graphene could take Moore's Law, and toss it out the window. Graphene based circuit chips would not only be smaller and lighter, they could run 1,000 faster than existing computer chips. In our developing world of IoT (Internet of Things), that could jump start many new technologies. 

This material is a perfect example of taking something which has been around for a long time, and coming up with new applications. It is nanotechnology on steroids. And guess who is going after this technology big time right now? China. I am hoping the United States has the same sense of urgency and purpose that China has right now. For this technology, we really do need to be in the driver's seat.

In the era of Covid, there really is a whole bunch of good stuff which is going on right now. Good stuff which seems to get pushing right off the front page of the newspapers. But graphene is something to keep you eye on. Exciting times, exciting products. More on this in a subsequent post. 


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Putin's big gamble

"Yesterday, during the Zoom call between Biden and Putin, supposedly Biden warned Putin not to invade. Or else. I could almost feel the ground tremble from Putin's knees knocking together. Or not."

The world sure is a messy place. I guess that is all part of living in a broken world. I won't even go into the garbage which is happening to our country. Every morning on the news, more and more stories about rampant crime in just about every one of our large cities. Young thugs, stealing whatever and whenever they want. Maybe be arrested, and then immediately released. Then steal again. Why is that? You tell me. And last night, some misguided misfit, burned down the huge and fully decorated, Fox News Christmas tree. SMH. 

Meanwhile, as mayhem and crime rock our streets, danger is lurking off our shores. The Norks having designs on invading South Korea? I hope not. The Iranians finishing their nukes for use against Israel? Again, I hope not. China, making a move on Taiwan. Oh, please no! But Russia, getting ready to invade the Ukraine? That has many in NATO very concerned right now. But why in the world would Putin risk an armed conflict with NATO to invade a neighboring country? It is a gamble.

Because of Putin's track record (hello, Crimea), and the history of World War II still fresh in many Euro minds, to see a major power amass tens of thousands of troops on the border of a weaker country is enough to send chills down one's back. Some think this might be a strong message to drop any plans of allowing the Ukraine into NATO. And why would the Ukraine want to be in NATO? Article 5, Collective Defense. An attack against one is an attack against all. Sitting right next to Russia, who would not want that type of security?

One former general who was interviewed, had an interesting take. He thinks next month, when Putin has about 175,000 troops in place, and the ground is frozen enough for tanks and armored troop carriers, Russia will launch a limited strike on the Ukraine. Maybe just take a chunk of the Ukraine, and then leave. Just a message. But, but - what about NATO? Putin's gamble is Biden and the rest of NATO will just let it happen. Maybe some sanctions? That is all part of Biden's gamble. His gamble is that Russia can withstand the sanctions, and NATO will forget about the Ukraine. 

Yesterday, during the Zoom call between Biden and Putin, supposedly Biden warned Putin not to invade. Or else. I could almost feel the ground tremble from Putin's knees knocking together. Or not.

In any event, the world will be watching next month. We will be watching. The people of the Ukraine will be watching. China will be watching. How will this play out? Stay tuned. January could be a very interesting month.