Thursday, December 9, 2021

And what about this graphene stuff?

"This material is a perfect example of taking something which has been around for a long time, and coming up with new applications. It is nanotechnology on steroids." 

Every now and again, there comes a discovery which might truly end up being a "game changer". Today, I want to address this new material called graphene. What is it? A new technology using some old stuff. Like the lead in your pencil stuff. Only now, since it was discovered in 2004, it is taking the same type of stuff that is in your pencil, and making it very, very thin. Then after constructing it in a honeycomb fashion, it can end up becoming a miracle product.

When I say thin, I mean very thin. About as thin as one atom. So here are some interesting facts about graphene, taken from a 2020 article in Money Week magazine. "Despite being a million times thinner than a human hair, graphene is 200 time stronger than steel." Let that sink in for a minute. The article goes on, "It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, making it suitable for electronic circuits."

What peaked my interest in learning more about graphene, is its potential applications for batteries and integrated circuit chips. For batteries, this could lead to the golden fleece that scientists around the world are looking for. It could replace those inefficient and dirty lithium-ion batteries. They would be rapid charging, taking up a smaller and lighter footprint. It could really change the entire EV world.

As for integrated circuits, graphene could take Moore's Law, and toss it out the window. Graphene based circuit chips would not only be smaller and lighter, they could run 1,000 faster than existing computer chips. In our developing world of IoT (Internet of Things), that could jump start many new technologies. 

This material is a perfect example of taking something which has been around for a long time, and coming up with new applications. It is nanotechnology on steroids. And guess who is going after this technology big time right now? China. I am hoping the United States has the same sense of urgency and purpose that China has right now. For this technology, we really do need to be in the driver's seat.

In the era of Covid, there really is a whole bunch of good stuff which is going on right now. Good stuff which seems to get pushing right off the front page of the newspapers. But graphene is something to keep you eye on. Exciting times, exciting products. More on this in a subsequent post. 


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