Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The war on the unmasked!

"I would like to say this pandemic has brought out the best in us. But it has not. It has however, brought out the worst in us." 

Okay. Forget about the "war on the un-vaxxed". This is far more serious. What is it? The war on the unmasked. It is critically important that we all wear masks, both indoor and outdoors. Why? As one doctor said it so eloquently - "They are facial decorations. No more, no less." But wait just a dang minute! How about keeping us all safe for this rapidly mutating virus? The vast majority of masks, are about as useless as a screen door on a submarine, in keeping you safe from the virus. All they do, is contain YOUR cough and sneeze moisture globules from becoming airborne. 

Every once in a while, doctors like Mike Osterholm or the Most Reverend Fauci, will slip up and tell the truth about cloth masks. Like - they are worthless. Just facial decorations. Then why in the world, is there such a fuss about everyone wearing a mask again? Power and control. Period. There can be no other reason. I wish I could say for personal safety, but that would be a lie. 

Okay - what about N95 masks? I have heard for over a year now how great they are. Here are the facts as I know them. A CERTIFIED N95 mask WILL filter out 95% of all airborne particles. Compared to a cloth mask, they are excellent. Will they make you bullet proof? Close. K95 masks are supposed to be similar to N95, but are made to Chinese standards. You can guess how much protection they will give you. There are also counterfeit N95 masks which offer much less protection than a CERTIFIED N95 mask.

The other day on an airplane, some 80 year old gentleman was obeying all the rules. He was masked up. When snacks came, he pulled his mask down to have some pretzels or something. From out of nowhere, some "Karen" came over to his seat, and got all up in his business. Slapped him, spit on him, yelled at him. For what? He was following the rules (which make no sense). Anyhow, "Karen" got arrested when the plane landed.

I have been yelled at by an male "Karen" a few months ago. I went into a Chinese restaurant to pick up some take out food. I was in there less than a minute. I was not wearing a mask. But who cares? Well, this male "Karen" sure cared! He started yelling at me, accusing me of putting him at danger. For just a brief second, the old me started to surface. I was ready to go over where he was sitting, and give him a piece of my mind - or worse. But I didn't. I just paid for my food and left.

I would like to say this pandemic has brought out the best in us. But it has not. It has however, brought out the worst in us. I know what it has done for me. It has made more of a libertarian out of me. I could care less if someone is vaxxed or not. I could care less if someone is masked up or not. I will not say anything, either way. All I expect in return, is the same courtesy. Please!     

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