Sunday, December 5, 2021

What up with Mother Russia?

"How in the world survive until our next presidential election with the goof squad in charge? I guess the Obama 'lead from behind' doctrine is back in style. As for the poor folks in the Ukraine, I shudder to tell them this - but I must. Help, is not on the way."

Yesterday, they had a big defense come together at the Reagan National Defense Forum. SecDef Lloyd Austin spoke on the dangers of Russia and China. Neither country is playing well in their respective neighborhoods as of late. But the country which is raising the most eyebrows as of late, is Mother Russia. It is starting to look like Crimea all over again. Only this time it is the Ukraine, and Russia is positioning lots and lots of troops on its border.

One commentor l listened to yesterday had a very good observation. Both Xi of China, and Putin of Russia, know how to smell fear and weakness. They could pick up the stench of weakness in the eight years Obama was President. And now that Obama's puppet is in the White House, that stench of weakness is even stronger. 

We have come a long way since the "Peace through strength" doctrine of Ronald Reagan. It was not as strong during Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43. And it all but evaporated during Obama. But during Trump, it made a comeback. Unfortunately, that comeback was short lived. Now our armed forces, instead of learning how to kill and break things, are learning about diversity, inclusion, equity, and rainbows. I know it. You know it. And the bad guys of the world know it.

On another note, the new head of our newest defense agency (Space Command), recently held a presser about Russia and China. It seems they not only playing well in their respective neighborhoods, but also not playing well up in space. Our satellites are being attacked by one of both countries, on almost a daily basis. They are using lasers, radio frequency jammers, and cyber attacks. Basically, what they are doing right now, borders on an act of war. 

So, what happens after the new year, if Russia attacks Ukraine? What does NATO do? Anything? How about Biden? If he is awake, what will he tell Putin? More sanctions? Putin always blows that stuff off. Bottom line? We are once again a toothless tiger. We can "pitch a bitch" and moan, but that is about all we can do. If Russia wants to attack and conquer the Ukraine, all we can do is send Putin a nasty letter. Tell him he is being naughty. Biden can't even cut off Putin's oil, as Biden has already cut off our oil. Smooth move chestnut.

How in the world survive until our next presidential election with this "goof squad" in charge? I guess the Obama "lead from behind" doctrine is back in style. As for the poor folks in the Ukraine, I shudder to tell them this - but I must. Help, is not on the way. Welcome to Biden's America. I am so sorry to say this. 



  1. That is all that YOU can do. However, the problem is not Russia. It is China. If we get drawn into a war or just a battle in the South China Sea, I fear, it will not be pretty for the US. We may limp home with our tail tucked behind our legs, if we are lucky. Let's hope not. But, we will be playing in their "sand box". May God Bless America!
