Thursday, December 2, 2021

Problems for the solvers...

"Dean Phillips is a rich quack for a politician. He deserves to be voted out of office. The good folks in Minnesota CD 3 deserve so much better. I mean a lot better. How he beat a highly qualified guy like Kendall Qualls is beyond me."

One of the headlines from a news feed this morning, was a talk show host from Fox News called Joe Biden a constant liar. Big deal. That is old news. Everyone knows that fact. I am more interested in the makeup of the Congress - both in the House and the Senate. With the 2022 elections getting closer and closer all the time, it is time to shine the light of truth on those who are only pretenders. People who ran for Congress, professing to be one thing, and voting the other way. Dean Phillips comes to mind. In 2018, Phillips beat out Eric Paulsen to represent District 3 in Minnesota. He ran as a moderate. A problem solver. He has been anything but.

To show how "moderate" Dean Phillips is, once in Washington, he joined the recently formed Problem Solvers Caucus. The motto for this worthless organization is "Break the Gridlock". Who would join this organization? 29 Crafty Democrats and 29 gullible Republicans. Why say "crafty" and "gullible"? The Democrats were "crafty", as they had no plan to compromise on anything. The Republicans were "gullible", as they fell for this pile of BS.

How is that problem solving working out? The Build, Back Better bill, which Ms. Nancy rammed through the House, had an interesting vote. Here were the "bi-partisan" votes on the bill: 28 Democrats (including Dean Phillips), voted for this pile of goo. One Problem Solver Democrat (Jared Golden from Maine), voted against it. All 29 Problem Solver Republicans voted against the bill. 

Here is the question which begs to be asked. If the Problem Solvers are indeed non-partisan, how did the caucus split right down party lines? Answer: Because the Problem Solver Caucus is a canard, a phony, a sham. The Democrats version of compromise, is vote my way. When push comes to shove, a bill, no matter how flawed it is, will attract each and every Democrat vote, just like bees to honey. Hats off to the 29 Republicans in the Problem Solvers Caucus who smelled a rat in this bill, and voted against it. 

Dean Phillips is a rich quack for a politician. He deserves to be voted out of office. The good folks in Minnesota CD 3 deserve so much better. I mean a lot better. How he beat a highly qualified guy like Kendall Qualls is beyond me. Hopefully in 2022, the Republicans can put a good candidate forward (like Kendall Qualls), and send Phillips backing. He can go back to making cheap vodka, rather than voting or expensive legislation.    

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