Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Good guys, bad guys

"Most military experts are saying similar things right now. Our days of relative peace might be coming to an end. Russia's illegal and immoral incursion into Ukraine might have started the ball rolling."

Here is a message to the Klingons who inhabit Southeast Asia - we don't do arranged marriages anymore. And by the way, here is another thing to tell the Klingons who call themselves the PLA of China - make sure you remind your cousins in Russia of the same.

What do I mean by "arranged marriages"? Simple - if a country does not want to be a part of your orbit, you can't force them. In other words, Taiwan is NOT your domain. Ukraine is NOT Russia's domain. Why is this so hard to understand? If you were good guys, you would. But you are bad guys, and you don't care.

Some may remember this, others may not. In 1983, a Korean airliner (KAL 007), took off from NYC and headed to Seoul, South Korea. It had one stop in Anchorage, Alaska in route. Due to a minor navigational problem, after taking off from Alaska, it slightly strayed over Soviet airspace. Without blinking an eye, the Soviets (Russians) gave the order to have a Su-15 interceptor "splash" the civilian airliner. All 269 persons on board, died.

I have never forgotten that incident. I wore a jersey which I had made which said "Never trust a Russian". Let's just say, I received some information while serving on active duty which was the genesis of that fact. Russians were not to be trusted then, and they sure are not to be trusted now. The North Koreans are the same way. Like, remember the Pueblo? ChiComs, Russians, Norks, and the Iranians - are all the world's bad guys. None can be trusted. Not an inch.

I want the United States to be looked at as the world's good guys. As Ronald Reagan said, we are the "bright shining city on the hill". But we have a problem. We have allowed (through extreme liberalism and "wokeness") our government to become corrupt. To be good, truly good, we can't be corrupt.

We can't have a "Deep State" which pollutes our Justice Department and intelligence agencies. Our Defense Department needs to purge itself of social justice warriors and climate warriors. They need to get back to the business of learning how to "break things and kill people", should they ever be called on to do so. In other words, Washington needs an enema. We need a deep flush to become truly good once again.

Many military experts are now saying similar things. Our days of relative peace might be coming to an end. Russia's illegal and immoral incursion into Ukraine, might have started the ball rolling. Just yesterday, there was another report of Russia shelling civilian apartment buildings. Why civilians? Russia is bad. Russia can't be trusted.

Will China invade Taiwan? Right now, China's navy is holding "exercises" close to Taiwan. When I say close, I mean they have the island of Taiwan surrounded. Reminds me of Russia surrounding half of Ukraine before they invaded. 

Will there be any good guys to stop the bad guys if Taiwan is invaded? Or will we all just be spectators, once again. In a world full of bad guys, do we have enough good guys? Is Biden a good guy, or have Hunter's business dealings with China, tainted Joe Biden?

We are on thin ice right now. Perilous times. What does our future hold? Only God knows.  

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