Friday, August 5, 2022

Wray off base

"To fix Washington, to really fix it - a real housecleaning needs to happen. Right now, while Biden is still in the WH, get rid of Wray, Garland, Blinken and Austin. Maybe we also replace Mayor Pete and Granholm with a couple of folks who actually know something."

Mr. Slick, aka, the Director of our FBI, was up on the Hill yesterday. He was there to answer some general questions, including some specific ones about how his team performed with Hunter Biden's laptop. When you listen to how he fields questions from our lawmakers, you understand just who Christopher Wray really is. He is a better talking, nicer dressing version of our Attorney General. In other words, he too, may be corrupt to the bone. 

What? How can you say that Mr. Bird!?! Simple. As Josh Hawley said yesterday, let's go back to 2016 - right before the last corrupt FBI Director was shown the door. When the FBI was complicit in the phony "Russia-gate" leveled at candidate Trump, and then President Trump. Many of those folks in the FBI who were dirty back then, are still there.

James Comey was bad, and his fingers were very dirty. FBI lovebirds Strzok and Page were only symptomatic of bad people were in this once (and may still be) fine organization. When President Trump finally got rid of Comey and replaced him with Wray, many thought we were on the way to healing. We were wrong.

Here is the bottom line. Disagree and argue with me if you wish. Our DOJ and FBI have some bad actors working within those walls. Call them bad actors, or call them Deep State - it really does not matter. I said this the other day - Washington needs an enema. And the tube can be inserted in the DOJ first. And then the tube can snake over to the FBI. And then the State Department. And the list goes on and on.

Somebody recently asked me why I don't want Donald Trump to be President again. It has nothing to do with Trump doing a good job - I think in a second term, he could even do better than his first. It has everything to do with a repeat performance of the Deep State, trying to sink Trump, using lies and falsehoods, each and every day. That is my fear. Trump can't beat the Deep State by himself, and without Washington having the desire to fix itself, we would be in for another four years of entropy.

To fix Washington, to really fix it - a real housecleaning needs to happen. Right now, while Biden is still in the WH, he needs to get rid of Wray, Garland, Blinken and Austin. Maybe we also replace Mayor Pete and Granholm with a couple of folks who actually know something. When we get a new Red Team President in 2024, be it Trump or someone else, the country has to be behind that person, when he or she fires corrupt civil servants by the hundreds - maybe thousands. 

Chris Wray? He is Wray off base for the job he has. He is either corrupt, or scared s**tless to do anything right and courageous. Either way, he has to go. This is my opinion, and I am sticking with it! 

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