Wednesday, August 24, 2022

My Story

"This plan you came out with today is more than unfair. It sucks. Just like punishing the legal immigrants, you are now punishing the responsible people."  

When I was a young person, I really did not know what I wanted to do with my life. High school was over, and I was dabbling around at some very affordable colleges. But then there was the draft. In October of 1968, I lost my 2S student deferment, and enlisted in the Navy. They had a delayed program at that time, so I did not go in until April of 1969. 

My goal was always to go to college some day, when I was ready for it. The four year hiatus in the Navy was good for me, as it allowed me time to grow up. Time to become a man. Also, (thankfully), if you were discharged with an Honorable Discharge, there was the GI Bill to take advantage of. And I did. 

I met my wife at the University of Minnesota. She was further along than me (although younger), and had $1,000 student load debt. We got married, were dirt poor, both finished our degrees, and shortly thereafter paid off her debt. 

Once she was teaching, she told me she wanted to go into Special Ed. But it needed an additional advanced degree. So we put off our kid planning and focused in on getting that degree. We both worked extra jobs, and when she got her degree, we were student debt free. 

We were not unique in this. Many of our contemporaries did the same. Work more, borrow less (if at all). Go to state schools instead of private. Take as many classes as possible to get done sooner. Don't eff around - keep your eyes on the prize. 

Note to Joe Biden. You continue to slice and dice us up. Many folks are like us. Go to work, pay our bills, manage our debts. This plan you came out with today is more than unfair. It sucks. Just like punishing the legal immigrants, you are now punishing the responsible people.  

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