Sunday, August 7, 2022

What can be done, can be undone

"With 2022 midterms coming right around the corner, if we don't clean house (I mean the House), then it is on us. We would be stupid enough to accept two more years of mayhem, corruption and entropy until the 2024 election."  

Right now, many have their undies in a wad about this new boondoggle of a bill which is being voted on in the Senate. Oh, it will pass all right - the Dems (as usual), are lining up in order to vote for a monstrosity of a bill. Somehow they got to Manchin to get on board, even though this bill is TERRIBLE for the great state of West Virginia. And Sinema? Let's just say I did not have much faith in her from the get-go. A bit too flighty. So nothing will stop this 50-50 Senate from calling on the tie breaking "cackler" to send this bill to the House for a rubber stamp and then on to Slo Joe for a signature.

My favorite part of the Inflation Reduction Act (other than its name), is the proviso to hire an additional 80,000 agents and auditors to work in the IRS. I mean, I don't think there are that many unemployed bean counters in the known universe. Where in the world are these "new hires" going to come from? Our southern border? Robots? Space aliens? Where?

And then of course, there is the proviso to give a 6 to 7 thousand dollar tax credit to those foolish enough to buy an EV. Why foolish? Most American made EVs do not make the grade - and the grade is all components of an EV need to made in America. Right now, the ChiComs seem to have monopoly on many of the needed components. So how exactly is this going to work? Plus all the computer chips are being manufactured in either China or Taiwan.

Finally, allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices with the manufacturers will actually work in reverse. Knowing their prices will be whittled down by negotiation, manufacturers will fluff up their prices. That is the way the game is played.

This is another porkulus bill, brought to you by the DNC. There is nothing good in this bill, except maybe a "win" for our winless President. The Wharton School of Business hates it. The CBO hates it. A letter came in to Washington signed by 230 economists, begging the Senate not to pass this bill. Why? The bill is a phony. It does not do what it is supposed to do. In other words, it is good for Biden, bad for America. But let's face it - everything so far has been good for Biden and bad for America.

What can be done, can be undone. Remember that in November. We got this bed wetting Congress right now, because so many people did not like the "mean tweeter". The "mean tweeter" who kept us out of wars and gave us a robust economy. 

That election, the one in 2020, had dire consequences. With 2022 midterms coming right around the corner, if we don't clean house (I mean the House), then it is on us. We would be stupid enough to accept two more years of mayhem, corruption and entropy until the 2024 election.  

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