Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Running out of gas?

"Are we running out of gas? Not really. We have enough supply to help out the world. Enough fossil fuels to 'bridge the gap' until we have RELIABLE alternate fuels. But truthfully, many energy experts are now saying before we can make a complete break from fossil fuels, it might be many decades." 

Did you hear the story about the person in West Virginia who ran out of juice while driving his EV? Lucky for him, he ran out close to a coal mine (BTW - true story). Some coal miners who were off of work saw this person, and went over to help. Since this EV had a lot of plastic on the frame, it could not be towed. So the coal miners got together, and pushed this car up a hill, to the coal mine. There, they found a charging station and plugged it in. Irony. This story is dripping with irony.

As has been mentioned many times before, this country has lots and lots of fossil fuels remaining. If not for Slo Joe, we would be sitting on top of the world right now. But we do have Slo Joe, and he is killing our coal and natural gas production. Plus, because he is blind to what is happening in the world, he can't see that Russia is in the driver's seat right now with natural gas. How much so? Between Putin and Biden, we have a projected worldwide shortage of natural gas. As this winter is predicted to be a doozy. 

To make matters worse, it was reported this morning on the news that Saudi Arabia cut back production last week. I thought Biden went over to see the Saudis to ask they increase production. I guess not. This story has more irony in it. We have done everything we can to hurt the Russians economically. Hurt their oil business. However the one thing we could have done, is to increase worldwide oil supplies to such an extent, it would drive down Russia's price of oil. But Biden did not, worldwide oil is worth a bundle. And Putin is laughing all the way to the back.

Where does this leave us, heading into what is suppose to be a brutal winter? Many in our country will need to make tough choices. Some will default on their mortgage. The price to heat our houses will be like something most have not seen before. How about our Secretary of Energy? What is Ms. Granholm doing to help us? Not a dang thing. Just like with Mayor Pete helping with our airport mess. Helpless and hapless. Meanwhile, the blue pill crowd think everything is hunky dory.

Are we running out of gas? Not really. We have enough supply to help out the world. Enough fossil fuels to "bridge the gap" until we have RELIABLE alternate fuels. But truthfully, many energy experts are now saying before we can make a complete break from fossil fuels, it might be many decades. 

The smart money is we keep on pumping fossil fuels as much and as fast as we can. If we don't, the outcome will not make us look very smart at all. In fact, it will hurt us deeply. But Joe Biden has never been accused of being smart. Not even by his old boss, Barry Obama. 

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