Saturday, November 26, 2022

Department of Home World Security?

"In any event, I will keep my ears open next time this subject comes up in media. Truthfully, the few times I have heard about it, I have not paid very close attention. Why not? I did not know if it was a real story, or something out of Babylon Bee." 

Before I get into the main course, let me first set the table by going back 2001. Specifically, 9/11/2001. The terror attacks. It was because of those attacks, this nation woke up and decided to take security more seriously. Thus was born, the Department of Homeland Security, better known as DHS. It has worked okay (just okay) until two years ago. That is when we had (some say a traitor) someone named Alejandro Mayorkas, appointed by Biden to that position. Since Mayorkas appointment, our "security" in the homeland, has been anything but. But with the new Congress coming in, his days might be numbered. 

Every now and again, I will hear or see an article (some done by valid sources), that we (as a globe), need to establish a Department of Home World Security. Now before you hang up the phone and call me a nut ball, please hear me out. A global Department of Home World Security would handle many emergencies, ranging from a rogue asteroid, to a super volcano eruption, to (gasp) a visit from ET. Right now we have very little in cohesiveness should there be a global emergency. Even the UN had brought this up. This is something we need to have fixed, sooner rather than later.

Speaking of asteroids hitting the Earth, did you know that an asteroid hit southern Canada (not far from Northern Minnesota) earlier this month? It was small, and burned up in the atmosphere prior to impact. But here is the news story. Our asteroid trackers picked it up (as small as it was) before it hit, and knew where it would hit. This is a huge development. This along with the successful "encounter" we made on a bigger asteroid, which changed its path, offers a ray of hope we might not have to go the way of the dinos.

Back to forming a Department of Home World Security. Now that I have described the "pie in the sky" on why to form it, the real hard part begins. Like, who will head it up? The UN? No, their pet rock right now is climate change. We would need to put our tribal instincts aside and try to come together as a species to figure this out. I know, I know. Russia is at war in Ukraine right now, and Red China might invade Taiwan at any time. How do we take the good guys and the bad guys, mix them together, and come up with a plan? Ouch. That is really going to be tough.

And if won't just be the power thing - it will also be the resource issue. Who contributes what. Who owns what? Who controls what? If ET comes calling, they might have fixed their tribal issues many thousands of years ago. We might come across as primitive to them, as bush people out of the Amazon are to us. They might decide just to exterminate us, rather than trying to deal our squabbling.

In any event, I will keep my ears open next time this subject comes up in media. Truthfully, the few times I have heard about it, I have not paid very close attention. Why not? I did not know if it was a real story, or something out of Babylon Bee

In the meantime, my interest will be pegged on our Department of Homeland Security. Before we tackle something globally, we must first fix this mess at home.  

Friday, November 25, 2022

This the season to be giving - and taking

"In 2023, the red states will continue to prosper, and the United States government will have some degree of sanity restored. Minnesota will continue to bleed money out of its blue veins, as the one speed bump we had in the Minnesota House - is now gone."

There really is something very magical about this time of year. Many people, no matter how cozy they are with a buck, become cheerful givers in December. It brings out the best in many of us, who gladly give some of our treasure to others, many of whom are in need. The old Biblical adage it is more blessed to give than to receive, really takes hold around Christmas time. 

Now that I have addressed the givers amongst us, dare I address the takers? Like, who in the world would be a taker during Christmastime? I will give you a hint. Some work in St. Paul, and some work in Washington, DC. They are the ones who have done nothing to help us amass any wealth, but are the first in line when it comes to taking some of it away. How so? 

For uncommitted money, this is the most dangerous time. For the feds, the old Congress is about to sunset. But - it is still November, and that leaves December and over half of January to perform dastardly their mischief. All kinds of crapola can be passed and signed into law by grandpa. And then it will be up to the new Congress to untangle as much of this goo as they can, if it can be at all. Meanwhile, we could end up with things as heinous as unfettered citizenship for illegals. Let that marinate for a while. That could change everything, for ever more.

Then of course, we have the Minnesota Democrats, some of the biggest thieves in the world. They are eyeing our surplus tax dollars, with evil intent. Keep in mind, this is NOT THEIR MONEY - it is ours. But the takers in St. Paul don't give two shouts and a holler about this minor detail. They are already planning to spend bunches more on education and climate hoaxes. Both are black holes with no bottom. Rather than ditch Social Security taxes on seniors, reducing tax rates, and giving us a gas tax holiday, they are ready to grab us by the short hairs - and squeeze.

These taxers, the minions have elected, make Scrooge look like the giving tree. These "citizens" have ice water running through their veins for the makers, and all kinds of faux compassion for the takers. We tried to vote the bums out, but there are way too many blue pill aficionados in Minnesota, who like to re-elect the crooks who broke the system (and our wallets) in the first place.

In 2023, the red states will continue to prosper, and the United States government will have some degree of sanity restored. Minnesota will continue to bleed money out of its blue veins, as the one speed bump we had in the Minnesota House - is now gone.

Walz will continue to fail, and consequently, so will we. 2023 promises to be a tough year up in the northland. We get the government we deserve, and I guess we deserve entropy. Proper stewardship of valuable tax dollars is now a thing of the past. We are stuck with Jessie James guarding the bank.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thankful - to be an American

"Even though every day I try to remember how blessed we are to live in this country, tomorrow I will celebrate those blessings with a renewed passion. Am I proud to be an American? Every day. But especially tomorrow. It is going to be a wonderful day. A wonderful day to be an American." 

Those who have traveled outside these United States have learned the same truth I have learned. As nice as it is to visit far away lands, very few places (if any) are better than living in the USA. How so? Check out our southern border. We don't have people trying to escape from this country - on the contrary, we have hundreds, sometimes thousands a day, trying to sneak in. Why? The story of America has spread far and wide. We are the shining city on the hill - the beacon of freedom and liberty, for all to see.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It is a day to count our blessings, and to be thankful for them. Truthfully, the amount of blessings we have in this country are almost beyond measure. Really? Are we that perfect of a country? Not a bit. Still much work to do, to become a "more perfect Union". Put putting that aside, we are still very good. Damned good, if I may let my language slip for a moment.

That being said, I am constantly reminded of that famous statement attributed to Ben Franklin. When asked right after the Constitutional Convention of 1787, what kind of a country do we have now - a monarchy or a republic, Franklin responded, "A Republic - if we can keep it." What did he mean by that? Just like a good marriage takes work to be successful, having a wonderful country like ours also takes work. And sacrifice at times. Letting our country coast in neutral is more than dangerous - it can be deadly to our form of government. These days, we really need to remember that.

Even in our own neighborhood, our country stands out, and gleams like a fine cut stone. Canada, as nice as it is, is basically a socialist country now. People at one time thought Canada and the United States were like twins. No longer true. And Mexico? Been there lately? It has turned out to be lawless and corrupt. Which is a shame, as it has such a rich heritage. Good, hard working people. Now it is a nest bed of drugs, trafficking, and gangs. Shame.

Even though every day I try to remember how blessed we are to live in this country, tomorrow I will celebrate those blessings with a renewed passion. Am I proud to be an American? Every day. But especially tomorrow. It is going to be a wonderful day. A wonderful day to be an American. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Meanwhile, back in Europe...

"All Russia can do now, is lash out at Ukraine by bombarding large cities with missiles. Knock out as much heating and water as possible. Will that do any good? Not a bit. It will just add to the bill of restitution, which will be due at the end of this mess."  

Before I address the mess in Europe, first a few words about Egypt. The climate conference. Have you heard the latest? The tag team of Biden and Kerry has come up with a whopper this time around. Did you know, you selfish people living in these United States, you wrecked the environment (climate) in some of the third world countries?

To help mollify the aggrieved countries, we are going to give the climate conference $11.4B/year, starting in 2024. But what about China? The biggest polluter in the world? Nada. The are a "developing country", so they are off the hook. They can pollute more, and pay less. Well played Kerry, well played. Now get in your private (polluting) jet, and get the hey out of here!

Back to Europe. The might Russian Army continues to lose territory to Ukraine. Much of the territory in the south eastern part of Ukraine has been retaken by a very adept and efficient Ukrainian Army. Not only retaken, but the carnage unleashed on the Russian Army continues. The Russians have lost tens of thousands of troops, tanks, and artillery units. Plus, winning just some of the occupied territory is not enough for the brave Ukrainians - they want every inch of Russian occupied territory back.

Any Russian general worth his salt will know one thing by now - this venture into Ukraine was a bad idea. This war (barring the use of tactical nukes) - is unwinnable by Russia. It has turned into a giant killing field for Putin's green Russian troops. Not only a killing fields for young Russian men, but also a wrecking ball for Russia's war machine. 

Meanwhile, the NATO countries over in Europe have stood up and have taken notice on what is going on. Poland, Germany, Finland - just to name a few. Thanks to the scolding they received from Donald Trump a few years ago, as well as this war, NATO countries are now spending money like drunken sailors on more (and better) arms. They have been paying attention to what works, and what works well, over in Ukraine. HIMARS and the new GLMS systems are at the top of their lists. New aircraft, like F-35's, are very desirable. The "sleepy hollow" of NATO which has existed for years, has now been replace with "minute men", who are ready and able. Troops which are awake and alert, and armed to the teeth.

After two very bloody and costly world wars, most of the civilized people who live in this world, yearn for peace. There is very little tolerance for another long, protracted war. Reagan's "peace through strength" has replaced the Obama "lead from behind" strategy. Putin has awakened the sleeping kitten in Europe, and replaced it with a roaring lion.

When Russia finally withdraws from Ukraine, there will be some serious soul searching for this once great country. Now it is a rogue nation, with many dates in the Hague, coming up. Russian leadership will be convicted of war crimes, and the restitution due to Ukraine, will be enormous. Russia may never be the same as it once was.

All Russia can do now, is lash out at Ukraine by bombarding large cities with missiles. Knock out as much heating and water as possible. Will that do any good? Not a bit. It will just add to the bill of restitution, which will be due at the end of this mess.  

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Chuck's demented logic and plan


"The abortion issue is not going away. Some think it cost the Republicans dearly in the 2022 midterms. Last Sunday in church, our pastor talked about he 6th commandment - Thou shalt not murder."

Since Chuck Schumer is Jewish, I can freely use this word. This boy has chutzpah, and lots of it! It has long been suspected, that the open borders was nothing more than a canard to get more Democrat voters. Well, last week, Schumer said as much. Due to our declining birth rate in this country, as well as paying people NOT to work, we need to legalize all these illegals to help out our labor shortage. Think that takes chutzpah? Hang on - it gets worse.

Right after the Dobbs decision, which kicked the Roe decision out of the federal government, and returned it to the states, Chucky immediately took the stump outside of the Capitol building. The moaning, groaning and caterwauling was second to none. This illicit SCOTUS, had taken a constitutional right away from American women. Huh? BS, Chucky. It was never a "constitutional" right. It should have always been a state's right issue to start with.

But here is the real irony. Since the Roe decision in 1973, which opened the flood gates for abortion on demand, it is estimated that over 63 million unborn humans have been killed. That is almost the combined population of California and Texas. Think about that! Having another 63 million contributing people in this country! Putting the moral argument aside just for a minute, and think about the labor issue. But Chuck Schumer advocates the killing of our young. Make sense to you? Sure does not to me.

The abortion issue is not going away. Some think it cost the Republicans dearly in the 2022 midterms. Last Sunday in church, our pastor talked about he 6th commandment - Thou shalt not murder. It is right in the Holy Bible, in Exodus Chapter 20. The most egregious example of murder he gave, was abortion. Just by the numbers alone, it dwarfs all other unjust killings. How much so? During World War II, it is estimated that almost 3% of the world's population perished. That would be 75 to 80 million people. Since 1973, abortion has killed almost that many in America. Worldwide, the number of abortions since 1973 is approaching 2 billion.

What I say to Chuck Schumer is this - put a sock in it pal. Nobody cares what you say or think. We know what you and your ilk want with the open borders. We know that you and your ilk want abortion upon demand - some even want abortion up to moment of birth. What is next Schumer - infanticide? 

It is time for America to get on the right side of all issues. Abortion would be a good place to start. If you don't believe in God, this might be a non-issue for you. However, if you do believe in God, this should be a huge issue for you. Just saying... 


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Another Special (Yawn...) Counsel

"Somebody needs to whisper into Biden's ear, that his party is over. There is a new sheriff in town. The Republicans are going exercise their right of oversight, as well as drafting new legislation."

Yesterday, the worst Attorney General in the history of these United States, appointed a special counsel to once again, look into Donald Trump. It is funny, as earlier in the day, when I was scrolling through YouTube, I found a snippet of Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), blistering Garland in a Senate hearing. Kennedy told Garland he lied to the Senate when he promised he would not "weaponize" the AG position. Garland promised he would not be like Holder was under Obama. Turns out, Garland has weaponized the DOJ even worse than Holder.

It is interesting this special counsel thing would pop up right after the Republicans found out they were taking control of the House. The Republicans are going to start off by investigating the Biden crime family. Even though the Biden DOJ has had Hunter's Biden laptop for over a year now, and has seen all the damning and salacious content therein, Garland, the DNC tool, has no interest in a special counsel for the Bidens. Why not? Because Biden's name is not spelled T-R-U-M-P.

I have said this before. I am not a Mitch McConnell fan. I think he is way too much of an inside baseball player on the Hill. HOWEVER - I will forever be grateful to him for keeping Garland from being considered for SCOTUS. He would have been HORRIBLE. Even though Garland was being pawned off as a moderate, his tenure as AG has shown him to be anything but. 

One pundit on the news was wondering if Trump had not declared his intent to run for President, if this special counsel would have been appointed. Or, are the Democrats going to try to keep killing Trump, over and over, long after he is dead. Kind of like what happened with Sir William Wallace in Scotland. The Scots just could not kill Wallace enough.

Somebody needs to whisper into Biden's ear, that his party is over. There is a new sheriff in town. The Republicans are going exercise their right of oversight, as well as drafting new legislation. Life was easy for Biden when there was zero oversight coming out of the House. Now it is a different ballgame. And by the way - just to repeat what James Comer said the other day - the Republicans don't give a tinker's damn about Hunter Biden. The Republicans are after the "big guy".

Enjoy the holidays folks. Once the New Year starts, it will be "Katie bar the door". Biden's "Spend-O-Rama" will be dead. Article One of the Constitution, will be the mantra on how much will be spent, and who will authorize it. And as for Garland? He is next in line, right after we kick Mayorkas out the door.  



Friday, November 18, 2022

Playing with fire (again)...


"In any event, let unchecked, Kim is going to do something stupid. More stupid than what he is doing now. And that might be the match which starts the fire in the western Pacific. That plus Russia, equals big, big trouble for the civilized world."    

The little man, aka "Rocket Man", has been causing a lot of trouble as of late. Why? Nobody really knows. Some think this little runt wants attention. He is like a spoiled kid, jumping up and down, doing something outrageous and saying LOOK AT ME!! But he is playing with fire. Developing rockets which would have the range to hit the United States, much less our allies and bases in the WestPac, is insanity.

His distain for our current administration is palpable. In fact, most administrations have had trouble with "Rocket Man", his dad or his grandpa. All except Donald Trump. For some reason President Trump knew how to get through to this guy. Talk some sense into him. Trump tried to show Kim that there is a better way. No more, does North Korea need to look like a throwback to the stone ages. Trump showed Kim how his country can look more like South Korea, and less like Stonehenge. 

Yesterday, he unleashed another barrage of rockets by Japan. So close, our service people, who are stationed in Japan, were advised to take shelter. Soon, Rocket Man will try to spook Hawaii by shooting missiles close to our best vacationland. But here is the problem. What if his aim is off? If he hits South Korea, Japan, Guam, or Hawaii with a missile? If that results in damage, injury or death? Then what?

We have two ways of taming this nut ball. First, send him a strong message with our military. Risky, but maybe effective. Second, have Donald Trump be our President again. Maybe Trump's magic can still work with Rocket Man. Why Kim wants to be a rogue is beyond me. Why he wants his people to continue to suffer is beyond most normal thinking people. But Trump knew how to talk to this guy. And Kim listened to him.

One of the things which set Trump apart from his predecessors (and Biden), is Trump knew how to make a deal. He was able to show Kim a better way for his country. Did it work the way that Trump wanted it to work? No. But it did keep Kim from testing nukes and firing dozens of rockets while Trump was President.

Trump knew how to use the "carrot and the stick" with Kim. Trump focused on the "carrot", but always kept the "stick" in his back pocket. I don't think that Biden has even talked to Kim since becoming President. Maybe that is why Kim is acting up again. 

Yesterday, I took some incoming fire from friends who thought I was too hard on Trump. So let me say this on the flip side. Donald Trump can do things that no other President has been able to do. He put a leash on Kim. He got NATO to pony up the money to meet their obligations. He kept Russia in check. He was the architect of the Abraham Agreement(s), which brought more peace and stability to the Middle East. Each one of these accomplishments was HUGE!

In any event, let unchecked, Kim is going to do something stupid. More stupid than what he is doing now. And that might be the match which starts the fire in the western Pacific. That plus Russia, equals big, big trouble for the civilized world.    


Thursday, November 17, 2022

And now, the adults (please)

"Name calling, and making fun of the size of someone's hands, is not going to cut it this time around. If we play our cards right, the red wave as promised in 2022, will wash ashore (bigly) in 2024." 

Things are finally starting to shake out after the 2022 midterms. Fox News FINALLY called the 218 decision for Republicans in the House. Now it is official - the Republicans will control the House. In January, the nominated positions of Speaker, Majority Leader, and Whip will be voted on in the full House. Hopefully, those who are nominated, will be elected. On the flip side, The Turtle will again be the Minority Leader in the Senate. Oh, well.

Now it becomes "no **bleep** for real" with the Republicans. Time to show we can govern. Like adults. Not like children. Which brings me to my next point. Donald Trump. I have said many times before, Trump's results during his first term, are unimpeachable. The only way they could have been even better, is to have had a friendly Congress for all four years. On the other hand, Trump's behavior sometimes bordered between childish and churlish. In my opinion, his behavior, not his lack of results, kept him from a second term. And if his behavior is the same, it will keep him from a second term in 2024 also.

2024 will be the big bonanza for the Republicans, if they can keep from stubbing their collective toes in 2023. How so? 2/3 of all Senate seats up for re-election, are Democrat. If the Republicans play their cards right, they can show (by example), they are better suited to pull the power levels of government not only in the House, but also the Senate, and (gasp!) - the White House. But 2023 and into 2024 need to be handled with finesse and gravitas.

There is a wide margin of behavior between being a pushover and a bully. Also, humor in the face of adversity is usually welcomed by the public. How so? Go back and look at some of the videos of Ronald Reagan. He was perfect at it. He knew when humor was appropriate, and he also knew when he needed to be as serious as a heart attack. The press, the Democrats, could rarely put a glove on him. In fact (this is a common story), Reagan and Speaker Tip O'Neal became such good friends (off the floor), they would play cribbage and tip a few adult beverages together. Could you image Pelosi and Trump doing that?

Final thought for this post. Even though I like how Donald Trump executes a plan, I also like Ron DeSantis. Ron DeSantis is a high quality man, who has a high quality report card as Governor of Florida. But DeSantis does not have the acerbic personality that Trump has exhibited in the past. If Trump comes out swinging against a very popular guy like DeSantis, by calling him names like "De Sanctimonious", it might sink Trump early in his campaign. Now is the time to parse our differences like adults, and then unify behind the primary winner.

Name calling, and making fun of the size of someone's hands, is not going to cut it this time around. If we play our cards right, the red wave as promised in 2022, will wash ashore (bigly) in 2024. 


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Red, once again...

"But for today, we celebrate the national map, showing 219 Republicans. Maybe the final map will show a few more pickups. In any event, hats off to the red team. It was not a huge win, but good enough. Why? As Rod Stewart said, 'A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse.'"

Okay. The red wave never really happened as envisioned. But - Florida flipped three congressional seats from blue to red. Without those flips, we might not have taken the House. And New York flipped four congressional seats. There were others which flipped, but not enough to raise the flag and shout it from the rooftops. But now the counting is all but over. The Republicans have 219 seats in the bag, with a few more "maybe" seats hanging out there. McCarthy is Speaker, and my Congressman, Tom Emmer, is Whip. Let the good times roll.

Am I still sad? Not as much, now that Republicans have the gavel. Why? I have a selfish interest in the red team having control. In my adult lifetime, I have never wanted someone impeached as badly as I want Mayorkas impeached. This is a bad man, who does nothing but lie and gaslight. He has put our country at great risk. I want him gone long before this year's Super Bowl. Without the Republicans taking the House, we would be stuck with Mayorkas until at least 2024.

What is going to happen in 2023? We have two Florida titans who will be contesting to be king of the hill. This could either be very good or very bad. The last thing we can stand right now, is a destructive food fight by two of our party leaders. The Democrats would love it however. For the red team, this food fight might be putting Biden in the WH for another four years. Yuck!

I always like to look at the political map of the country once an election is over. Always looks about the same. 80% red, with the caustic blue stipe running up each coast. The west coast is especially troublesome. These are the true "yellow dogs" in the country. Secular humanism at its worst. 

Now comes the most dangerous part of the current Congress. Trying to get some garbage passed, using their majority. Some legislation so bad, only grandpa will sign it. Then for the new Congress to reverse that garbage, grandpa would probably veto it. That is why the next couple of months will be dangerous.

But for today, we celebrate the national map, showing 219 Republicans. Maybe the final map will show a few more pickups. In any event, hats off to the red team. It was not a huge win, but good enough. Why? As Rod Stewart said, "A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse."



Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Now, back to normal?

"I have one expired beer in my fridge downstairs, which I am sure is now flat. When the 218th Republican seat is called today, I will open that flat beer and drink a toast. Why drink a flat beer? That is all this 'victory' deserves. That and one more, 'meh'."     

Yesterday was Monday. It was snowing. We are still trying to come down from the most intense Viking game we have seen in quite a while. We still don't know the total outcome of last week's election. Welcome to our new normal. The election has gone from a nail biter, to a collective "meh". How so? The one "stopper" we had to thwart Biden's reign of terror, might not be a "stopper" after all. Even if the Republicans do get 218 House seats.

What does all this mean? Even with a slim majority in the House, and not having the Senate, our barrier in the road to stop Biden might end up being only a speed bump - or less. Why? Herding cats. If the Republican majority is that thin, it will be easy to have a few defections or absences. In other words, it will be possible to have a slim majority, and have it not mean spit. Nada.

This morning the count in the House stands at 217. One contested seat to go to get to 218. One might wonder, why in the world, does it take a week past election day to count the votes? Good question. One which many are asking right now. Minnesota really counted their votes fast last week. We knew about the Republican slaughter the night of the carnage. Oh, joy.

As soon as the new session is called early next year, the drain at the bottom of our treasury will be opened. Billions will go down into the black hole called Education Minnesota. Why? Paybacks, brother - lots of paybacks. 

Even though many school boards were flipped to more parent friendly boards, that will not stop the state financial teat from being free flowing. Democrats (especially in Minnesota), never have any problem in spending taxpayer money - and lots of it. Why not? Not their money. To them, it is play money. No accountability. Graft? Who cares? Waste? Happens all the time. Failure factory schools? Cost of doing business. Full speed ahead, with not even the mention of a small gomennasai

Given all the levers of power to Minnesota Democrats, is tantamount to trading your 3 percent mortgage in for a 10% ARM. Pay more - get less. That is the real Democrat mantra. But who cares? The prairie populists in Minnesota give a collective "meh" to all their spending. SSDD, as the expression goes. We live in a state, led by a fraud, and managed by socialist idiots. We are a blue waste land, located in the middle of free red states. Minnesota needs to wake up and become more like Iowa or South Dakota.

I have one expired beer in my fridge downstairs, which I am sure is now flat. When the 218th Republican seat is called today, I will open that flat beer and drink a toast. Why drink a flat beer? That is all this "victory" deserves. That and one more, "meh".     

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Did we trade the Dobbs decision for control of Congress?

"Time for the red team to do some real soul searching. 2024 will be here before you know it. If we don't fix what is broken, we will end up with a President Harris or President Pete, with a blue Congress to support them." 

Last night, the news many were dreading, but surprised few, came in. The senate seat in Nevada went from Republican lead, to Republican concession. That means the Democrats will keep control of the Senate, regardless of how Georgia turns out. In addition, the red trickle could even be less of that, when the final seats in Congress are adjudicated. The Republicans will either end up with the thinnest of margins, or none at all.

So, what happened? With the economy hanging on by a tread, the open borders looking more like an invasion, and brown outs and black outs threatened for this winter. This should have been a cake walk, with a red tsunami the size of Denali sweeping over the capitol. Nope. Not even close. What was it then? Biden's persona? Ah - no. It was the Dobbs decision last summer. We took the blue team, who had nothing to run on, and gave them a whopper.

Don't get me wrong. I am very pro-life. I also believe that abortion should have NEVER been a federal issue. That being said, it was cemented in our federal law for so many years, many on the left thought abortion was a Constitutional "right". It was not. Never was.

The election of 2022 will go down in history as opportunity lost. Abortion was kicked back to the states, but in return for that, we have two more years of Biden running rough shod over the nation. How bad did abortion really hurt the election process? Let me just say the name of Fetterman. Let that sink in. Or Minnesota getting shut out of every state wide office. Were there some bright spots? Sure. Florida taking Miami Dade county. Iowa winning the trifecta by turning the state from purple to red. 

Time for the red team to do some real soul searching. 2024 will be here before you know it. If we don't fix what is broken, we will end up with a President Harris or President Pete, with a blue Congress to support them. 

Cheer up. Things could be worse. So we cheered up, and things got worse. Sigh...

Saturday, November 12, 2022

As the country further divides itself...

"To me, this election was a defining moment. A true revelation. A moment of truth. We can no longer live together."

I remember reading an article not too long ago, about a concept called "Greater Idaho". For those who have vacationed in Idaho, know it is a drop dead beautiful state. It is also a red state. It has a Republican governor, two Republican senators, and its two congressmen are also Republicans. It is a deep red state, with only one very small patch of blue.

This has not gone unnoticed by a neighbor to the west. Eastern Oregon is trapped with two Democrat nut ball senators, and a socialist governor. And a good portion of the eastern part of the state - wants out. They want to be a part of "Greater Idaho".

The same can be said for California. Many in the state want it broken up into three states. There are many reasons for it, but one is politics. Many normal Californians are sick of being ruled by socialists and idiots. If you look at a political map of California, it is over half red. It is mostly the coastal cities in California, Oregon and Washington which have spoiled the party. But - it does not just end with the west coast cities.

The very blue state of New York is also over half red. It is only a couple of densely packed areas which have turned this state deep blue. Very similar to California. In fact, Michigan (a blue state) is about 80% red in territory. Illinois, same way. Even the now very blue state of Minnesota is that way. Not as red as Michigan, but still very red in territory.

There are some in Minnesota which stand ready to throw in the towel. To win a statewide election with the socialist regimes of Hennepin and Ramsey counties standing in the way, might be a bridge too far. Choices then? 1) Move out of state, leaving friends and family behind, or 2) Lay down and let the Democrats and socialists continue to run and ruin this state, or 3) Secede. Become a new state called "Eastern Dakota".

What has happened in many of our states (including Minnesota), is tyranny. Plain and simple tyranny. Many good folks are now being ruled (not governed - ruled), by petty tyrants who have a power base in the cesspools we once called cities. To get into the cesspools, and change their secular humanist and socialist thinking - is all but impossible.

Election cycle after election cycle, good candidates are put forward by conservative Christians. Many of whom, have won easily in outstate Minnesota. But when the cesspools vote, it is the end of the trail. This last election was a case in point. Many good candidates died in the goo of the cesspools. They did well in most of Minnesota, but not in socialist strongholds.

To me, this election was a defining moment. A true revelation. A moment of truth. We can no longer live together. Too many of us don't want to be "ruled" any longer. Freedom loving people who live outstate, are like the American colonies. The socialists who live in cesspool cities, are like King George.

Many of us don't want an armed revolution, but we want out. We want to govern ourselves again, by electing American conservatives. 


Thursday, November 10, 2022

Ugh! And the day after the shock...

"Going forward, we can either lay down and give up, move, or fight. This state does not have to be blue. That is not a natural law. We need to look to Iowa, and how they 'red waved' the 2022 election. They kicked it, and kicked it hard."

Yesterday was a terrible day for me. And I am sure it was terrible for many others. I woke up feeling empty. Lost. Of all the outcomes which I could envision coming out of this election, this was not one of them. Why? We were the ones who had not mucked things up. It was the blue team which set the table for us. They broke things. The feast was prepared, and it all depended how much we wanted to consume. I mean, it was either going to be a red wave or a red tsunami. A "red trickle" was never in the cards.

The post mortem analysis had already started. It was quality of candidates, it was the softness of MNGOP, it was the iron clad metro area, it was the abortion issue, it was fear of Donald Trump, blah, blah, blah. Then yesterday, in the middle of this murky day, as I sat in a frumpy grump, I saw something interesting on the news. It was a pundit who might have nailed it. How we lost, and how to fix it in the future.

Early voting. We not longer have voting day. Accept it. That is now history. Instead we have "voting month". The Democrats have realized that, grabbed it, and ran with it. The Republicans have stubbornly held on to voting day. And it is making just enough of a difference in a sharply divided country, to tilt the balance over to the Democrats.

To lose an election, where 75% of those polled say we are going in the wrong direction, we have to now make sense out of the non-sense. To accept early voting as the new norm, means we need to learn how to maximize the benefits which accrue from it. In other words, we need to learn from the Democrats. 

Everything the Democrats are doing, we need to do. We are better than they are. There are more of us. We live on the right side of the issues. It makes no sense for us to lose - ever again. The good news going forward, is Biden and company will continue to set the table for us. By 2024, things should even be more mucked up than they are now. We fix our voting issues, and we WILL have that red tsunami. We will keep the House, take the Senate, AND the White House.

In 2020, it was the suspicions of trickery in the election. In 2022, it was getting hoodwinked by early voting. The planning for 2024 needed to start yesterday. And by the way - a destructive battle between Trump and DeSantis, is the LAST thing we need right now. One of them needs to stand aside and support the other. A destructive primary will only hurt us - and hurt us bad. 

Going forward, we can either lay down and give up, move, or fight. This state does not have to be blue. That is not a natural law. We need to look to Iowa, and how they "red waved" the 2022 election. They kicked it, and kicked it hard. We on the other hand, got kicked in Minnesota. In 2024, we can be like Iowa. Or better.



Wednesday, November 9, 2022

What the hell just happened????

"Where do we go from here? Some will move south, to Texas, Arizona, or Florida. Some will regroup, and take another run at the wall. Will the results be any different two years from now? Probably not. If we could not win this year, we will not be able to win in any year."

The question I have heard more than once this morning, bears to be asked again. Now that the dust is settling, and wounds are being licked, many are wandering around dazed and confused. As a veteran of being on Jeff Johnson's team for two cycles in a row, I know the feeling of seeing a very good red team go down in flames. But here is the question: When the polls said, that 3/4 of the nation said we are on the WRONG TRACK, how in the world can 1/2 the citizens keep voting for the people who have put us on that wrong track? Answer: In this state, we are Minnesota Morons.

Some say it was the abortion issue. Others say it was still the specter of Donald Trump. I discount that one. But the abortion issue tells us something very important about ourselves. Are we that secular as a people, that abortion trumps issues like open borders, inflation, energy, and crime? The killing of the unborn is that important? Wow! That is a head scratcher, and head shaker at the same time.

But this disease of "moronism", goes far beyond the borders of Minnesota. How so? New York is a bigger mess than Minnesota. Governor Kathy Hochul, who is a poster child for crime in New York, won re-election easily. Even though New York is a criminal's paradise right now, and people are leaving in droves for safer (and less expensive states), pulling the lever for "blue" was the most important thing. 

However, the most telling election happened in PA. John Fetterman, who before his stroke was a moron, and after his stroke was medically impaired to the extent he would be unable to be in the United States Senate - won. He is pro-crime. Seen the crime stats in Philly as of late? More of the same, coming up. Fetterman also is anti-fracking (regardless of the fact he said otherwise in his "debate"). 1/3 of PA is energy producing. But who cares? Pull that blue lever. Where else can a moron beat out a heart surgeon. Oh yes - Fetterman also loves abortion. Case closed.

I have argued with people until I am blue in the face, that Minnesota is not lost. We have some good conservative people who live here. We run good candidates - some are great candidates. But the result on the second Wednesday of every other November is always the same. Licking our wounds, moaning and groaning. 

The epiphany I had this morning, was one I should have had years ago. For Minnesota, and many other blue states, there is an age old axiom. You can't cure stupid. And the stupidity in this state runs deep and wide. We had Walz set up like a deer in the headlights. How he let Minneapolis burn, was enough by itself, to have him fired. Nope. Not even close. Okay, then let's seal the deal by his administration being asleep at the wheel during the mega theft by Feeding our Future. Nope. People did not care that $250M went bye-bye.

Where do we go from here? Some will move south, to Texas, Arizona, or Florida. Some will regroup, and take another run at the wall. Will the results be any different two years from now? Probably not. If we could not win this year, we will not be able to win in any year. Sound dour? That is the way I feel right now. Maybe tomorrow I will be better.   



Monday, November 7, 2022

Closing arguments for a RED Minnesota

"Turning Minnesota red is an idea whose time is long overdue. Now is the time to fix many wrongs. Here is my deal. If we turn this state red, and after two years it is more mucked up than it is now, I will be leading the bandwagon to have them thrown out of office. I think that is fair enough. We have tried it the socialist way, now lets try it the American way."  

This is it. The day before. For those who have not voted as of yet (including me), tomorrow is the big day. It is the day many of the pundits feel the sea change will start. The end of the socialist oligarchs ruling the country. Hopefully, the end of socialists ruling Minnesota. 

Before I dig into Minnesota, a few words about the national scene. Yesterday, the human gaffe machine was on the trail in New York. He was heckled by a climate alarmist. Seems that Joe was not doing enough to save Mother Earth. Biden looked right down at the heckler and said (clearly) into the mic, "We are done drilling. No more drilling". Huh? That is not what he told the country. Not what he told Manchin. This is a day after he told the minions he was going to shutter every coal mine in the country. Wonder why your energy rates are so high? Don't blame the energy companies. Blame the White House.

Speaking of which, one of the reasons we need to get rid of Mr. "One Minnesota" city burner Walz, is he is siding with California on the move to EVs. We will NOT be ready for all cars to be EV by 2035. That will kill us. A smooth transition to an EV future as the technology matures might be acceptable. But this is madness. The governor who let Minneapolis burn, the governor who let the state be raped and pillaged by Feeding our Future, the governor who supports very expensive choo-choo trains to nowhere, also wants to ruin our automobile future. Tim Walz has to go. Why? He has failed us. He needs to be fired. 

Speaking of criminals, how about an AG who is so soft on crime, he has allowed our crime stats to go off the charts. Ellison was never fit for this position. Just like Walz was never fit to be governor, Ellison was never fit to be AG. Then how in the world did they get elected? Beating out Jeff Johnson and Doug Wardlow? Because of the legions of Yellow Dog Democrats who live in this state. Now we are stuck with morons. But tomorrow we can, and should, change that. Elect Dr. Scott Jensen as governor, and Jim Schultz as our AG.

Minnesota needs people in state government who know how to govern. Know how to be good stewards of our tax dollars. Know how to be good stewards of federal money we manage for them. Right now, we do not. But we can change that. We can elect logical, smart, and ethical people to pull the levers of power in our state. We need a red House, red Senate, and red constitutional officers. Plus, we need to replace Angie Craig, Ilhan Omar and Dean Phillips with responsible people who will represent this state with dignity and honor. We need better people than those three serving in the United States Congress.

Turning Minnesota red is an idea whose time is long overdue. Now is the time to fix many wrongs. Here is my deal. If we turn this state red, and after two years it is more mucked up than it is now, I will be leading the bandwagon to have them thrown out of office. I think that is fair enough. We have tried it the socialist way, now lets try it the American way.      

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Not the hill to die on...

This is it. Monday will be my closing argument for a red wave in Minnesota. The most important thing we can all do is vote. Not voting is what has caused us to lose close races in the past. We CANNOT repeat those mistakes - ever again.    

The Democrats are pulling out all the stops this weekend. In fact, they even have the "leader" of their party out on the campaign trail. One would think, that Biden would be talking about all the kitchen table issues that most Americans are concerned about. Nope. He is talking climate, wind, solar, and most importantly, getting rid of all our coal mines. Huh? Oh, yea he is. And Joe Manchin is sputtering mad.

Is this really who the Democrats want on the trail articulating their closing argument? To seal the deal? Is this their hill to die on? The White House was furiously trying to walk back the latest gaffe the President said (again). Blamed the Republicans for "twisting" Biden's words. Huh? No, I am sorry. His words were played over and over on the news. They were crystal clear. 

Truthfully, it does not matter. The cake is baked. We have seen almost two years of ruin and devastation in our great nation. Who is responsible for it? The list is long, but the one who is going to have it hung around his neck is the "leader" of the Democrat Party. How bad will it be on Tuesday? Even CBS news (not a right wing outlet), is saying the Democrats have a 0% chance of holding on to the House. The only two questions which remain are: 1) How many seats will the Republicans get, and 2) Will the Senate flip to red. 

However, the real story might lie out in the hinterland. How many state races will go red. How many governors will flip colors. How many school boards will go back to supporting parents rather than the unions. This could be a real harbinger of things to come in 2024. But the proof will lie in the pudding. This time around, REPUBLICANS HAVE GOT TO GOVERN. When solid legislation is passed, and if held up via veto by Biden, the case has to be taken to the people. We need to follow Article One of the Constitution like an absolute roadmap. Period. If we cannot prove we can govern our way out of this mess, our victory will be short lived.

This is it. Monday will be my closing argument for a red wave in Minnesota. The most important thing we can all do is vote. Not voting is what has caused us to lose close races in the past. We CANNOT repeat those mistakes - ever again.    

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Our new norm - diesel (or lack thereof)

"Failure to act, will lead us to fail. It is as simple as that. We are in deep weeds right now, and the weeds will only get deeper." 

Saw a very informative story on our diesel mess last night. This is one of those issues, which kind of snuck up on many of us. So, getting informed on it, is a matter of "catch up", and doing it fast. The other day I penned an article wondering if this was a real issue, or a canard. The more research I do on this matter, I am finding out this is as real as real gets. And it is not going away. 

First off, this is not just an American problem. It is worldwide. And why is that? Because the world, whether we like it or not, runs on diesel. Europe is especially hard hit right now. What little diesel we have, we are sharing with our international friends. Is Russia to blame? Partly. Then who is the real culprit? Seems we have looked in the mirror, and it is us. Especially the "greenies".

Things have gotten worse since 2020. We have had older diesel refineries go offline, as they are too expensive to upgrade. The new regulations in the past couple of years have not helped. The diesel refineries we have left, are running at 100% capacity. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out if you run just about anything at 100% long enough, soon something will break, and you will need to take the refinery offline. And then our thin line of reserves, will get even thinner.

Again, the world runs on diesel. Some may not like that fact, and wish we had solar or windmill transportation instead. But we do not. Facts are facts, and we need diesel. We are also getting somewhat thin on jet fuel. And gasoline. All because of our bottleneck at refineries. 

How do we fix this? It will take a Manhattan type project, with government and industry working as partners, instead of foes. The Biden Administration needs to strip many of the recent pollution regulations off the refineries. Some have shut down because they can't meet the new standards.

Can we just build some new refineries? Sure we can - but it will take years and boatloads of money to do so. Plus - the payback on that kind of investment goes out a decade or two. And what company would want to commit those kinds of resources, when the President has vowed to kill your industry? DUH!

It is going to be a tough winter. It will be an even tougher spring when the farmers needs tons of diesel for their farming needs. What is the best time to address this most critical issue? Like Wednesday morning, right after the election. The new Congress has GOT to jump all over this issue.

Failure to act, will lead us to fail. It is as simple as that. We are in deep weeds right now, and the weeds will only get deeper. 



Friday, November 4, 2022

"Let them eat cake!"

"Then you will find out, live and in color, that we are still citizens, not your subjects. And King Joe, you are not a king. You work for us. Period. End of story."  

This often misquoted phrase which is attributed to Marie-Antoinette, does not ring hollow today. In fact, it is probably just as germane as it would have been in 18th century France. How so? The phrase, "Let them eat cake", is alleged to have been said by someone in royalty when that person found out the peasants had no bread to eat. The person in royalty, being so out of touch with his or her servants and serfs, offered cake as a solution to not having any bread, even though cake was much more expensive to eat. Clueless leaders to the citizens suffering - sound familiar?

Yesterday, I wrote about the upcoming diesel shortage. This is a big deal. Even if the doomsday predictions are dismissed, it still means we are paying more for diesel fuel. And all of that gets rolled right in with our cost of everything. One of the main culprits for this shortage is the end of us getting Russian dirty oil. Wait - I thought we were energy independent. We were. But we needed some crappy oil from a dictator to fill the gap which Biden created. Now that is gone, and we have a hole in our diesel production because of it.

Is this a short term issue? Nope. Not until we start "drill, baby, drill" again. And build more much needed refineries. But the AOC crowd, and the "greenies", will do their dead level best to stop all of that. They want us broke and broken. "Let them eat cake!", goes their shrill cry. And that is dittoed by the moron in chief. Meanwhile, the subjects (or citizens as we were once called), are left to suffer.

And what about the pernicious way in which our "king" has handled the economy? The dreadful weight of inflation has caused many of the subjects to chose between eating and heating. When the mournful cry has gone up to the "king" for help, the answer once again comes back, "Let them eat cake! Besides all of which, who did you vote for last time? Did you vote for me and democracy, or did you vote with the insurrectionists?" 

"But sire", the subjects pleaded, "You promised to be the leader of ALL the people, not just the ones who voted for you. Plus, if you would excuse me for telling you this, we don't live in a democracy - we live in a republic." With that bit of correction, King Biden almost choked on his ice cream cone. "How dare you talk to me that way, Jack! What the hell is wrong with you for God's sake? That type of disrespect can only come from a Mega MAGA type!" 

It then dawned on me. This empty suit, who somehow allegedly got 81 million votes, not only thinks we are a democracy instead of a republic, but also a monarchy. He does not give a wit about the little people. About what a mess this country is now in. All King Joe cares about is King Joe.

Well King Joe, do you want to hear about the real insurrection? Not the phony one from January 6th. The real insurrection will happen on November 8th, when we throw some of your henchmen out of office. When we put some adults back in charge of the House and maybe the Senate.

Then you will find out, live and in color, that we are still citizens, not your subjects. And King Joe, you are not a king. You work for us. Period. End of story.  

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Diesel Fuel - Catastrophe or Canard?

"The question of which I am still trying to get a good answer on is this - is this shortage real, or a canard? If it is real, this is very serious."

My wife and I are planning on going on a cruise sometime this winter. That is the good news. If you have been reading some of the press reports as of late, you no doubt have seen that a diesel fuel shortage could be coming, and coming soon. So what does that have to do with our planned cruise? Cruise ships burn diesel fuel. A lot of diesel fuel. Like a large cruise ship will burn about 66,000 gallons of diesel fuel a day, when steaming in open water. 

How bad is the projected diesel shortage? Best case, the current price of diesel will go from $5.40/gal, to over $6/gal (hello inflation). The worst case (which I have heard), is we could run out by December 5th of this year. What does that mean? It means everything comes to a halt. Stores will look like ghost towns. Fresh produce will start to rot as it just sits. Fuel oil can't be delivered in the upcoming winter months. Common carrier shipping will stop. Yes, and all shipping, will also be affected. Most supply chains will be totally broken.

The problem with finding out the truth on this issue is simply this - for most people, trust in what our government tells us (or does not tell us) - is paper thin. We have a sitting President who promised everyone he was going to kill our fossil fuel industry. And so far, he has done a pretty good job on keeping that promise. That being said, is it possible then we could have a diesel shortage? Absolutely! Diesel has long been on the hit list for the "greenies". Why? It is dirtier than most other fuels. 

I am sure that some woke, goofy looking space cadet type "greenies", would be tickled pink if we ran out of diesel. As would Slo Joe. Even if the country came to a complete stop, they would look at running out of diesel as a pyrrhic victory. What if we don't run out, but the price of diesel goes up again? Biden would blame the oil companies for "gouging".

The question of which I am still trying to get a good answer on is this - is this shortage real, or a canard? If it is real, this is very serious. The most serious since Slo Joe assumed his position. If it is not real, it is just more gaslighting. And I am very tired of the Biden gaslighting issues on energy.   

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

One week from today...

"Will Minnesota turn red? Probably not this year. However, it will go from deep blue to purple. Democrats will keep their jobs, will do so by the narrowest of margins."

One week from today. Wednesday, November 9th. The morning after one of the greatest seismic shifts in American politics. For some, it will look like the end of the world. For others, it will look like paradise reclaimed. The end of the nightmare. In any event, the world will look different in a week. The adults will be back in charge of the House of Representatives. Maybe even the United States Senate. It is going to be better than winning the Super Bowl, the World Series and the Stanley Cup - all on the same day. 

Many Democrats will lose their jobs next Wednesday. Most Democrats who manage to hang on to their positions, will be hanging on by their fingertips. No sweeping blue mandate this year. The platform of fewer cops, more crime, open borders, expensive gasoline, high inflation, and rising interest rates - fell flat. The American people didn't want it. It hurt us as a nation, it hurt us as a people. Time to bring the adults back in the room.

The seat which will be of the most interest to me is the Senate seat in PA. John Fetterman, the least likely person ever to run for the US Senate, is probably going to lose. He will get beat by a very accomplished heart surgeon named Dr. Oz. If however, Fetterman did eke out a victory, by the skin on his nose, Pennsylvania will be the laughing stock of the country. Why? They would show that POWER is so important to them, they would elect someone who cannot even put together a coherent sentence. He would just be a vote for Biden and the Democrats in the Senate. That is all.

What else am I interested in? Getting back to operating where Article One of the Constitution is our governing document. Our last three Presidents have way overused Executive actions to rule. Congress needs to start doing is job. That is my hope, now that we have a new Congress with a new Speaker, we can once again follow the Constitution. Biden can stumble and yell all he wants, but he will need to stay in his lane. If the new Republican House can follow Article One, this might only be the beginning of the beginning. If they can't, their rule will be short.

Will Minnesota turn red? Probably not this year. However, it will go from deep blue to purple. Democrats will keep their jobs, will do so by the narrowest of margins. Truthfully, after the post Floyd riots coupled with the mega graft from Feeding our Future, I would expected most normal states to have a total turn over. But this is Minnesota. We are not like most normal states. We still have way too many morons who vote.     

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Let em' starve! Let em' freeze!

"Right now, the bad guys are starting to coalesce. Putin of Russia, Kadyrov of Chechnya, Lukashenko of Belarus, Xi of China, and Jong-un of North Korea. I guess we could throw the Mulla of Iran in that mix also. In any event, the ringleader right now is Putin."

I really don't know who will be the humanitarian of the year in 2022, but the person at the bottom of the list should be Vladimir Putin. I have met some cold blooded folks in my lifetime, but I have never seen anyone as callous as Putin. How so? Let's look at just a few of his latest hits:

The 20 million sacrifice - So, how is the Ukraine War going for Russia? Don't ask. They are getting their butts handed to them as of late, by the Ukrainian Army. What does Putin plan to do about it? Most sane people would call it a day, and withdraw. Not Putin. He has called up 300,000 draftees to help fill the gap. If that is not enough, he is quoted as saying he would sacrifice 20,000,000 Russians to win this war. For a country with a population of less than 150 million, losing 20 million of them would be quite a jolt. But Putin does not care. It is what these 20 million must sacrifice for - Putin's folly.

Let the eat dirt! - towards the end of last summer, the UN, the US and others, brokered a deal which would allow much needed grain shipments to leave Ukrainian ports and be delivered to a hungry world. Last week Putin put an end to those shipments. Why? His feelings were hurt that Ukraine could actually fight back when attacked. Thus, many poor folk in the world, who are dependent on Ukrainian wheat to survive, might die of starvation. Needlessly. All because Putin had his feelings hurt.

Let them freeze! - As winter rapidly approaches, Putin is targeting infrastructure in Ukraine. In particular, heat, electricity and water. Plus, any hitch he can put in Europe's energy plan is a delight to Putin. It is his way of teaching them all a lesson. But, what if some people die? That is a real possibility this winter. Does Putin care? Not a bit. He has ice water running through his veins.

Nuke the bastards! - When all else fails, Putin is ready to pull a Dr, Strangelove and nuke everyone. Tactical, heavy nukes - who cares? So long as he can use his arsenal. In Putin's mind, a nuclear war is winnable. In reality, he will poison the planet, and kill most everyone. 

Right now, the bad guys are starting to coalesce. Putin of Russia, Kadyrov of Chechnya, Lukashenko of Belarus, Xi of China, and Jong-un of North Korea. I guess we could throw the Mulla of Iran in that mix also. In any event, the ringleader right now is Putin. He is calling the shots and holding the cards. 

The other night, an amber alert went off on the TV and my phone. I was half asleep, so when it went off, I was ready to head down to the bunker. Why? It sounded like a civil defense alert. Because Putin has put us that close to the cliff. And I hate it.