Wednesday, November 9, 2022

What the hell just happened????

"Where do we go from here? Some will move south, to Texas, Arizona, or Florida. Some will regroup, and take another run at the wall. Will the results be any different two years from now? Probably not. If we could not win this year, we will not be able to win in any year."

The question I have heard more than once this morning, bears to be asked again. Now that the dust is settling, and wounds are being licked, many are wandering around dazed and confused. As a veteran of being on Jeff Johnson's team for two cycles in a row, I know the feeling of seeing a very good red team go down in flames. But here is the question: When the polls said, that 3/4 of the nation said we are on the WRONG TRACK, how in the world can 1/2 the citizens keep voting for the people who have put us on that wrong track? Answer: In this state, we are Minnesota Morons.

Some say it was the abortion issue. Others say it was still the specter of Donald Trump. I discount that one. But the abortion issue tells us something very important about ourselves. Are we that secular as a people, that abortion trumps issues like open borders, inflation, energy, and crime? The killing of the unborn is that important? Wow! That is a head scratcher, and head shaker at the same time.

But this disease of "moronism", goes far beyond the borders of Minnesota. How so? New York is a bigger mess than Minnesota. Governor Kathy Hochul, who is a poster child for crime in New York, won re-election easily. Even though New York is a criminal's paradise right now, and people are leaving in droves for safer (and less expensive states), pulling the lever for "blue" was the most important thing. 

However, the most telling election happened in PA. John Fetterman, who before his stroke was a moron, and after his stroke was medically impaired to the extent he would be unable to be in the United States Senate - won. He is pro-crime. Seen the crime stats in Philly as of late? More of the same, coming up. Fetterman also is anti-fracking (regardless of the fact he said otherwise in his "debate"). 1/3 of PA is energy producing. But who cares? Pull that blue lever. Where else can a moron beat out a heart surgeon. Oh yes - Fetterman also loves abortion. Case closed.

I have argued with people until I am blue in the face, that Minnesota is not lost. We have some good conservative people who live here. We run good candidates - some are great candidates. But the result on the second Wednesday of every other November is always the same. Licking our wounds, moaning and groaning. 

The epiphany I had this morning, was one I should have had years ago. For Minnesota, and many other blue states, there is an age old axiom. You can't cure stupid. And the stupidity in this state runs deep and wide. We had Walz set up like a deer in the headlights. How he let Minneapolis burn, was enough by itself, to have him fired. Nope. Not even close. Okay, then let's seal the deal by his administration being asleep at the wheel during the mega theft by Feeding our Future. Nope. People did not care that $250M went bye-bye.

Where do we go from here? Some will move south, to Texas, Arizona, or Florida. Some will regroup, and take another run at the wall. Will the results be any different two years from now? Probably not. If we could not win this year, we will not be able to win in any year. Sound dour? That is the way I feel right now. Maybe tomorrow I will be better.   



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