Sunday, November 6, 2022

Not the hill to die on...

This is it. Monday will be my closing argument for a red wave in Minnesota. The most important thing we can all do is vote. Not voting is what has caused us to lose close races in the past. We CANNOT repeat those mistakes - ever again.    

The Democrats are pulling out all the stops this weekend. In fact, they even have the "leader" of their party out on the campaign trail. One would think, that Biden would be talking about all the kitchen table issues that most Americans are concerned about. Nope. He is talking climate, wind, solar, and most importantly, getting rid of all our coal mines. Huh? Oh, yea he is. And Joe Manchin is sputtering mad.

Is this really who the Democrats want on the trail articulating their closing argument? To seal the deal? Is this their hill to die on? The White House was furiously trying to walk back the latest gaffe the President said (again). Blamed the Republicans for "twisting" Biden's words. Huh? No, I am sorry. His words were played over and over on the news. They were crystal clear. 

Truthfully, it does not matter. The cake is baked. We have seen almost two years of ruin and devastation in our great nation. Who is responsible for it? The list is long, but the one who is going to have it hung around his neck is the "leader" of the Democrat Party. How bad will it be on Tuesday? Even CBS news (not a right wing outlet), is saying the Democrats have a 0% chance of holding on to the House. The only two questions which remain are: 1) How many seats will the Republicans get, and 2) Will the Senate flip to red. 

However, the real story might lie out in the hinterland. How many state races will go red. How many governors will flip colors. How many school boards will go back to supporting parents rather than the unions. This could be a real harbinger of things to come in 2024. But the proof will lie in the pudding. This time around, REPUBLICANS HAVE GOT TO GOVERN. When solid legislation is passed, and if held up via veto by Biden, the case has to be taken to the people. We need to follow Article One of the Constitution like an absolute roadmap. Period. If we cannot prove we can govern our way out of this mess, our victory will be short lived.

This is it. Monday will be my closing argument for a red wave in Minnesota. The most important thing we can all do is vote. Not voting is what has caused us to lose close races in the past. We CANNOT repeat those mistakes - ever again.    

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