Friday, November 25, 2022

This the season to be giving - and taking

"In 2023, the red states will continue to prosper, and the United States government will have some degree of sanity restored. Minnesota will continue to bleed money out of its blue veins, as the one speed bump we had in the Minnesota House - is now gone."

There really is something very magical about this time of year. Many people, no matter how cozy they are with a buck, become cheerful givers in December. It brings out the best in many of us, who gladly give some of our treasure to others, many of whom are in need. The old Biblical adage it is more blessed to give than to receive, really takes hold around Christmas time. 

Now that I have addressed the givers amongst us, dare I address the takers? Like, who in the world would be a taker during Christmastime? I will give you a hint. Some work in St. Paul, and some work in Washington, DC. They are the ones who have done nothing to help us amass any wealth, but are the first in line when it comes to taking some of it away. How so? 

For uncommitted money, this is the most dangerous time. For the feds, the old Congress is about to sunset. But - it is still November, and that leaves December and over half of January to perform dastardly their mischief. All kinds of crapola can be passed and signed into law by grandpa. And then it will be up to the new Congress to untangle as much of this goo as they can, if it can be at all. Meanwhile, we could end up with things as heinous as unfettered citizenship for illegals. Let that marinate for a while. That could change everything, for ever more.

Then of course, we have the Minnesota Democrats, some of the biggest thieves in the world. They are eyeing our surplus tax dollars, with evil intent. Keep in mind, this is NOT THEIR MONEY - it is ours. But the takers in St. Paul don't give two shouts and a holler about this minor detail. They are already planning to spend bunches more on education and climate hoaxes. Both are black holes with no bottom. Rather than ditch Social Security taxes on seniors, reducing tax rates, and giving us a gas tax holiday, they are ready to grab us by the short hairs - and squeeze.

These taxers, the minions have elected, make Scrooge look like the giving tree. These "citizens" have ice water running through their veins for the makers, and all kinds of faux compassion for the takers. We tried to vote the bums out, but there are way too many blue pill aficionados in Minnesota, who like to re-elect the crooks who broke the system (and our wallets) in the first place.

In 2023, the red states will continue to prosper, and the United States government will have some degree of sanity restored. Minnesota will continue to bleed money out of its blue veins, as the one speed bump we had in the Minnesota House - is now gone.

Walz will continue to fail, and consequently, so will we. 2023 promises to be a tough year up in the northland. We get the government we deserve, and I guess we deserve entropy. Proper stewardship of valuable tax dollars is now a thing of the past. We are stuck with Jessie James guarding the bank.


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