Wednesday, November 2, 2022

One week from today...

"Will Minnesota turn red? Probably not this year. However, it will go from deep blue to purple. Democrats will keep their jobs, will do so by the narrowest of margins."

One week from today. Wednesday, November 9th. The morning after one of the greatest seismic shifts in American politics. For some, it will look like the end of the world. For others, it will look like paradise reclaimed. The end of the nightmare. In any event, the world will look different in a week. The adults will be back in charge of the House of Representatives. Maybe even the United States Senate. It is going to be better than winning the Super Bowl, the World Series and the Stanley Cup - all on the same day. 

Many Democrats will lose their jobs next Wednesday. Most Democrats who manage to hang on to their positions, will be hanging on by their fingertips. No sweeping blue mandate this year. The platform of fewer cops, more crime, open borders, expensive gasoline, high inflation, and rising interest rates - fell flat. The American people didn't want it. It hurt us as a nation, it hurt us as a people. Time to bring the adults back in the room.

The seat which will be of the most interest to me is the Senate seat in PA. John Fetterman, the least likely person ever to run for the US Senate, is probably going to lose. He will get beat by a very accomplished heart surgeon named Dr. Oz. If however, Fetterman did eke out a victory, by the skin on his nose, Pennsylvania will be the laughing stock of the country. Why? They would show that POWER is so important to them, they would elect someone who cannot even put together a coherent sentence. He would just be a vote for Biden and the Democrats in the Senate. That is all.

What else am I interested in? Getting back to operating where Article One of the Constitution is our governing document. Our last three Presidents have way overused Executive actions to rule. Congress needs to start doing is job. That is my hope, now that we have a new Congress with a new Speaker, we can once again follow the Constitution. Biden can stumble and yell all he wants, but he will need to stay in his lane. If the new Republican House can follow Article One, this might only be the beginning of the beginning. If they can't, their rule will be short.

Will Minnesota turn red? Probably not this year. However, it will go from deep blue to purple. Democrats will keep their jobs, will do so by the narrowest of margins. Truthfully, after the post Floyd riots coupled with the mega graft from Feeding our Future, I would expected most normal states to have a total turn over. But this is Minnesota. We are not like most normal states. We still have way too many morons who vote.     

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