Saturday, May 6, 2023

Of mice and men...

"But all Kevin's logic will be drown out by the caterwauling from the blue team. How do I know? I have seen this movie before. Over, and over, and over again." 

I have to hand it to the Democrats. Their plan has worked for decades now, and appears that it will work again. Kevin McCarthy is going to 1) get blamed when we default on the debt ceiling, or 2) get branded a wuss by his team when he caves into the pressure. And for the Democrats? They have proven themselves to be big time spenders of money we don't have (I know, I know - the Republicans do it also - just not as much as the Democrats do), and then bitch and holler when the Republicans stall on raising the debt ceiling. And the sleeping populous who vote blue year after year, always have sided with the donkeys on this issue. 

McCarthy's inner voice has to be saying, "Kick the can down the street Kevin, like we always do." But Kevin knows the Freedom Caucus will call for his scalp if he does that. So, where does that leave our new Speaker? In a box canyon. Who is going to help him out? Not the President. He has nothing to lose. He will not get blamed for the debt ceiling impasse. In the eyes of the sleepy minions, Biden will never get blamed for anything. Graft, gaffs, BS, debt - nothing. It is all the "extremist MAGA types" fault. That would be you and me, friends.

How is this going to end up? Don't know, and don't care. It simply does not matter. Why is that? Kevin wants the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act repealed. Why? First off, can't afford it. Second off, it does NOTHING to stem inflation. If anything, it will make it worse. Kevin also wants to claw back much of those Covid dollars which are not needed anymore. When Biden heard that, he gasped, stumbled a bit, and screamed out, "NEVER"! And why couldn't we claw back those dollars? Unknown. You would need to ask Brandon.

So here we sit, almost $32T in debt, and the gullible blue pill takers want even more of the same. What have I learned? It is not the corrupt politicians which are the problem. It is the voters. We have millions and millions of idiots who are so self absorbed, they don't give a rat's behind about the country. What if we go bankrupt as a nation? Their answer? Screw it - let our kids and grandkids worry about that one!

Kevin can get up in front of the mics and cameras as much as he wants, using logic to explain why the red team has the right answer on this most vexing issue. But all Kevin's logic will be drown out by the caterwauling from the blue team. How do I know? I have seen this movie before. Over, and over, and over again. 


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