Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Why is HE still around??

"Yes, John Kerry is still here. Still causing damage to our great country. But don't worry - Kerry is doing just fine, thank you. As for the rest of you, go out in your backyard and find some bugs to have for supper."  

I guess there was a letter sent to Biden and Tom Vilsack (Ag Secretary) telling them to get John Kerry under control. John Kerry? Is that haughty guy still around? Yep. He is the climate czar. The man with a carbon footprint bigger than Paul Bunyan's footprint, is still around. And he is opening his yap about things he knows nothing about.

What is it this time? More energy we need to idle? Like the projected blackouts this summer are not going to be enough? Nope. Food. He thinks we should get rid of some of our food production, to cut carbon emissions. According to the haughty one, our food production causes 33% of our "global warming". Biden and Kerry's solution to cut our "global warming" footprint? Don't drive. Don't heat your home. Don't fart, and most importantly - don't eat.

John Kerry is a wacky job. Has been ever since he came back from Viet Nam, and threw his medals over the White House fence. Somehow, the people in MA have become so mind numbed, they kept voting this guy into the Senate. Then Obama got ahold of him and made his a part of his orbit. As did Biden. 

Kerry recently bought a large track of land on Martha's Vineyard. He paid almost $12M for almost 20 acres of land on the Vineyard. And of course, the house is huge and has multiple bedrooms. Wait - what? Two questions. First, where did a public servant get the jack to buy a house and property that expensive? Second (most important), why did a climate activist buy a place on sea level, when (according to the activists), our coastline will soon be under water? Go figure.

According to Snoops, in 2020 John Kerry and his wife owned six houses, two yachts, twelve cars, and a private jet. Of course, the tag line is that Kerry and his wife signed a pre-nuptial, which states most of the joint assets really belong to wifey. Right. The point is this - should they separate, she would get most of the goodies. However, if the 73 year old Kerry stays married to her until he dies, what a life! He will live like a king, while the rest of us peons will suffer and starve under his dictates.

Yes, John Kerry is still here. Still causing damage to our great country. But don't worry - Kerry is doing just fine, thank you. As for the rest of you, go out in your backyard and find some bugs to have for supper. 


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