Friday, May 5, 2023

The RICO solution?

"Anyhow, we will take our victories and gains where we can get them. Hopefully, this RICO strategy will scare some of these younger lawbreakers straight. But the cancer of crime has grown deep in many big, blue cities."

East is west. Up is down. Red is white. Victims are perps, perps are victims. In this topsy-turvy world we live in, this week we have seen a ray of sanity. And of all places - here. Whereas many cities are accepting this growing crime wave as the their "new normal", and as AOC has said, "Get used to it", our US Attorney has decided to take an old trick out of his closet. RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act). It is an excellent way to catch and prosecute a whole group of gang members all at once.

Will that help with the Twin Cities growing crime problem? I don't know. Have you heard about our crime statistic for the light rail and bus stations? Crime at our transit stations is up 66% over last year. Let that sink in, for all of you who yearn for yesteryear, when hoards of people worked downtown. Ain't gonna happen. So long as every time you take public transit, you are a "mark" as well as a rider, people are going to take a pass.

Speaking of crime, here is yet another example of our backwards society right now. In NYC, a mentally ill guy was harassing and threatening people on a subway. Keep in mind this man was not angel. He had been arrested 44 times, and then released. Thank you, DA Bragg! Anyhow, he really spun out of control on this subway, so much so, that a young Marine (not on active duty), restrained him by putting him in a choke hold. Why? His training kicked in. He was trying to keep other riders safe. All he wanted to do was subdue this guy, until the cops arrived. Unfortunately, the prep died.

BUT - here was the rub. The perp was black and the Marine was white. That is a toxic brew these days. Remember the Floyd incident? If George Floyd was white and Derrick Chauvin was black, this whole thing would have been a nothing burger. Half of south Minneapolis would not have burned down. Now the AOC crowd wants this Marine charged with murder. Why? He is white, and the prep was black. Welcome to our new world.

Anyhow, we will take our victories and gains where we can get them. Hopefully, this RICO strategy will scare some of these younger lawbreakers straight. But the cancer of crime has grown deep in many big, blue cities. Can we get back to the tranquility of yesteryear? Maybe. But I am not betting the house on it. 



1 comment:

  1. Wrapping up your head & holding a pistol sideways really makes you look cool--not.
