Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A day in a life...

"If it is an empty suit who does nothing but babble and cackle the sheeple want, that is what they will get. To the foolish and Swifties who will vote for her - good luck. You were warned. But sometimes young ones don't listen that the stove is hot - they need to stick their finger in the flame to find out. But then it is too late. The damage is done."  

Waiting for the October surprise? No? Me neither. We might as well have the election today (we can to an extent, due to early voting). The big news for this week is Kamala might actually (gasp!) visit the southern border. Big flipping deal. And what is she going to say when she gets there? "I did this, and I am sorry", or more probably, "I was raised in a middle-class neighborhood". See what I mean? No news here. Nothing to see here. Move along, and let's vote this week.

Yesterday I penned an article about how uninformed and clueless many of America's voters are. They are trendy and gullible. They have seen the facts, heard the facts, and it does not matter. All that matters is they have an itch which can be scratched. Every day it seems, Donald Trump is answering questions from the press about his platform. By the same token, every day, Kamala and her "team" also do the same thing. Not the same thing Trump does - the same thing over and over and over again. Dodge, obfuscate, and gaslight. Tell nothing and say nothing. Keep it up, as that just might be the superhighway to the White House.

What bewilders me the most, is the lack of urgency from many of American voters. The lack of clarity by Harris leads to a giant "ho-hum" from the sheeple. Harris has not done anything. They don't care. Harris has flip-flopped on fracking. They don't care. Harris will raise everyone's taxes. They don't care. Harris will continue the same inflation generating policies that Biden had. They don't care. Harris might bring us into WW III, which could mean the end of all of us. They don't care.

As I reported yesterday, many of today's sheeple who are voting for this empty suit named Kamala, are doing it for one reason, and one reason only. She is not Trump. When asked what it is about Trump presidency they detested so much, all they could say was he "ruined" the economy and "he was mean". Of course, they have no facts to back up how Trump ruined the economy. Real economists gave Trump high marks. And how mean was Trump? Just ask the people he helped. He was anything but mean. 

One more thing. Biden and Harris have taken us to the edge of war. How much so? Putin almost daily threatens to nuke us. Have not seen that script since early in the Cold War. What did Trump bring us? The Abraham Accord. What was always a pipedream, turned into reality under Donald Trump. He should have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Instead, he received scorn from the other side of the aisle.

If it is an empty suit who does nothing but babble and cackle the sheeple want, that is what they will get. To the foolish and Swifties who will vote for her - good luck. You were warned. But sometimes young ones don't listen that the stove is hot - they need to stick their finger in the flame to find out. But then it is too late. The damage is done.  

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